Discounts and product packages - DiscountPromotion

Discounts and product packages - DiscountPromotion

by Net Inventors GmbH (18) Ratings 961 Downloads
Recommended by Shopware

Free trial month

This app starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

Updates and support

€ 30.00* /month
Cancelable monthly
To use the wish list, you must accept the necessary cookies. Accept cookies
Can be used in:
Not available
This extension cannot be used in a Shopware Cloud shop.
Shopware 6 status
There will be no Shopware 6 successor for this app. The functionalities of this app are already included in Shopware 6
This Extension Partner responds very quickly to support requests
  • NETI01070m
  • Net Inventors GmbH
  • 7.4.4
  • 17 Jul 2023
  • de_DE en_GB
  • 5.4.0 – 5.4.6
    5.5.0 – 5.5.10
    5.6.0 – 5.6.10
    5.7.0 – 5.7.18
Features A number of discount options (3 for 2, percent discount, strike-through prices,... more

Product information

  • A number of discount options (3 for 2, percent discount, strike-through prices, bundles)
  • Percent discounts can be set so that they cannot be combined with other discounts or vouchers.
  • Scaling the “Buy 3, Pay 2” promotion (automatically to “Buy 6, Pay 4”)
  • Use strike-through prices with legal certainty
  • Create discountable product packages with items from different categories (in the form of a package price, on a percentage or fixed discount amount)
  • Finely adjust discount conditions. For example: If three items are in the shopping basket, the cheapest or most expensive is free.
  • Complete control over promotion periods and discount criteria.
  • Notification to shop operator via mail about when promotions begin and end
  • Promotions can be limited to individual product categories
  • Option to display which discount promotions are available for a specific product in the shop.
  • Products can be excluded for promotions or generally from discounts.
  • Compatible with the responsive template by Conexco
  • Shopware5 compatible
The plugin for systematic sales with a number of discounts & product packages

Customers love discounts. Besides monetary and percent discounts, “Buy 3, Pay 2” promotions and product packages are special reductions in prices that are used quite often and are also a popular way to accelerate purchases. Especially when the goal is to free-up stocks from seasonal products, you can encourage customers to place one more item in the shopping basket than they originally had planned to buy.

A number of settings for discount options

The “DiscountPromotion” plugin lets you use different discounts in your shop to boost sales:

“Buy 3, Pay 2” promotions

With the purchase of a minimum quantity of products from a category, you offer a freely definable percent or monetary discount on the cheapest or most expensive item in the shopping basket. You can flexibly configure the conditions for the promotion, e.g. in which product category the promotion is available as well as the number of items selected and paid for (e.g. “Buy 3, Pay 2” or “Buy 5, Pay 4”). Optimally, even for consumer products, such as with the purchase of two bottles of the same shampoo, the third bottle is free.

Percent discounts on all products in a category

Assign a percent discount to all products in the swimwear category quickly and easily to sell summer products.

Exclude products from discount promotions flexibly.

You can flexibly define whether you want to exclude products in your shop which are not discountable or only conditionally discountable, (e.g. books or specific brands) for certain or all promotions available.

Set the promotion period.

You can comfortably set how long a specific discount promotion in your shop runs.

Rule for promotions

The additional plugin “DiscountPromotionRules” also lets you use a number of rules for your promotion activities. For example, quickly and easily discount all the items from a manufacturer in a specific product category.

Highlight: Put together attractive product packages

The clever thing about this plugin: Offer your customer product packages comprised of items from different categories. For example, an online shoe retailer can offer shoes, socks and shoelaces at especially attractive package prices. Normally the three items would cost �100 separately, for example, but when ordered as a package, they only cost �80 together.

The package price is automatically generated once the customer has selected a product from categories for which bundles have been approved. The savings (in euros) are also clearly displayed for customer. To prevent assigning a double discount, products in a discount package are excluded from other promotions. If several packages are on offer, the larger package is discounted once the items from the relevant categories are in the shopping basket.

Strike-through prices: Attention-grabbing and legally sound

When using strike-through prices, shop operators need to observe legal regulations. With the “DiscountPromotion” all necessary consumer information is displayed on the category page above the product listing as well as the product description page according to legal regulations. To use strike-through prices, configure the relevant settings in the backend for the promotion period (start and end dates), the percent of the discount, the discounted categories (subcategories are also possible) and activate the display in the listing.

Planning and displaying the promotion period

If you want to prepare a discount promotion but do not yet wish to activate it, you can set it to run from a specific date. The price manipulation is then triggered by the plugin’s cronjob at night in addition to the reset for the prices at the end of the promotion. You can select which information should be displayed to the customer during the promotion period. For example, you can display the start and end date or only the start date or just the end date or the countdown until the end of the promotion.

Display in the front end

Once a product goes on promotion, it can be displayed above the product list and optionally on the product details page above or below the price or below the “Add to basket” button.

The wide range of options for settings and extensions makes “DiscountPromotion” your tool for systematically managing sails, winning satisfied customers in the long term while simultaneously increasing your sales in a clever way.

To use the plugin, you need our free plugin NetiFoundation.Extensions for DiscountPromotion

Extend the “DiscountPromotion" with these plugins for additional features. This includes:

Further information, tips & tricks:DiscountPromotionShop InventorsFacebookDiscount, discounts, promotion, purchases, 3 for 2, packages, bundles, strike-through price, strike-through pricesTailored exactly to your needs:

Did you know that Net Inventors also offers individual solutions upon request? Whether you inquiry involves a customized plugin, designing your online shop or specific templates, we’re here to help. Just get in touch with us. We will be more than happy to advise you about the different options available.

Suggestions, help & support:

For questions about our plugin, please contact us at:
Telephone: +49 (0)40 429 347 14-0 :: Email: :: Internet:


Reviews 18
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Customer reviews

Average customer rating from 18 reviews:


in dieser Form für einen Shop mit vielen Artikeln und Kategorien unbrauchbar

5 Sep 2020

wir haben mit diesem Plugin eine Rabatt-Aktion mit einem Rabatt über alle Kategorien fahren wollen - leider ein kompletter Reinfall!

Die Promotioninformation wurden 10 Stunden(!) nach Promotionbeginn immer nur noch bei einigen wenigen Kategorien angezeigt und in diesem Kategorien ebenfalls nur bei einigen Artikel. Dieses Verhalten war im Haupt- und im Sprachshop zu verzeichnen.

Zusätzlich wurde unser Shop extrem langsam - nach Löschen des Plugins lief der Shop wieder gewohnt schnell.

Aus meiner Sicht kann ich nur abraten.

Net Inventors GmbH
7 Sep 2020

Ahoi Herr Mißfeld,
vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung - auch wenn diese nicht das erhoffte Ergebnis hat. Gern nöchte ich dennoch auf ein paar Punkte eingehen:
* Sie haben 30 Tage Zeit das Plugin unverbindlich und kostenlos zu testen - aktuell benutzen Sie sogar noch eine Testversion
* Sie haben am Wochende uns Supportanfragen gesendet, die wir gerne beantwortet hätten
Das Plugin wurde in mehreren Integrationen auf Geschwindigkeit getrimmt - hier scheint noch etwas anderes im Zusammenspiel mit dem Plugin die Geschwindigkeit zu beinträchtigen.
Hier würden wir sie gerne unterstützen, um das Verhalten ein mal nachzustellen - leider haben Sie uns keine Gelegenheit dafür geboten
* Sie definieren niergendwo, was für Sie extrem langsam bedeutet, ggf. muss, bei einer höhren Last auf dem Server, ein leistungsfähigerer Server bereitgestellt werden.
* Falls wir Sie unterstützen können, melden Sie sich doch bitte unter :

Ein geniales Plugin!

29 Mar 2018

Wir haben lange gestestet und mit dem Plugin "Advanced Promotion Suite" von Shopware verglichen. Unser Fazit: "Discount Promotion" von Net Inventors ist die bessere Wahl. Wir sind begeistert von den vielen Möglichkeiten, der leichten Bedienbarkeit und der absolut zuverlässigen Arbeitsweise. Besonders toll finden wir die neue Funktion: Dem Kunden wird angezeigt, wieviel er spart.

Nachtrag vom 23.4.2018:
Wir möchten unser positives Feedback nochmals bekräftigen: Sehr gut und wirklich zuverlässig funktioniert die Kombination von Rabatten und zahlreichen Einschränkungen der Rabatte, die ganz einfach durch Bedingungen verwaltet werden.
P.S.: Ein Performance-Problem konnten wir nicht feststellen. Für uns gehört dieses Plugin zu den TOP10!


Eigentlich gut, bremst aber den Shop komplett aus!

19 Dec 2017

Eigentlich ein Super Plugin mit riesen Funktionsumfang, deshalb haben wir den Stolzen Preis gerne gezahlt. Leider belastet dieses Plugin selbst wenn gerade keine Aktion, Banner oder dergleichen läuft unseren Shop mit einer 3 Sekunden längeren Reaktionszeit. Der Support ist der festen Überzeugung, es läge nicht am Plugin. Man würde auch gerne für 115 Euro die Stunde mal nachschauen. Eine halbe Stunde wäre umsonst. Zwei mal ist der Supportthreat einfach abgebrochen und wir mussten an die Antwort erinnern. Meine letzte Bitte, dann doch mal die halbe Stunde nachzuschauen und dann erst mal sehen, was dabei herauskommt, wurde bis heute nicht beantwortet. Es war auch eilig, weil wir einen Newslettertag mit 10% Rabatt hatten, was ich auch in die Mail geschrieben hatte. Selbst wenn alle anderen Plugins abgeschaltet sind, verlangsamt dieses hier den Shop. Und unser Server ist superschnell. Inzwischen teilte mir ein anderer SW-Partner mit, dass er drei Kunden mit demselben Problem hat und dass alle drei das Plugin nicht mehr einsetzen.

Net Inventors GmbH
10 Jan 2018

Vielen Dank für die Bewertung.
Diese spiegelt unserer Meinung nach in keinsterweise Funktion, Bedienung etc. des Plugins wieder. Wie in unserem Supportticket ausführlich geschrieben, arbeiten wir an der Performanceoptimierung und stellen in Kürze eine neue Version bereit, die die Performance des Plugins deutlich verbessern wird.

Viele Grüße aus Hamburg
Tobias Pierschel

Edit: 10. Januar 2018
Leider haben Sie sich unkooperativ gezeigt in Bezug auf Tests entwaiger Optimierungen. Wir haben Ihnen vorab Entwicklungsversionen zur Verfügung gestellt, die bis dato (gestern wurde die optimierte Version veröffentlicht) nicht durch Sie getestet wurden. - Jan Matthiesen

Klasse Plugin

8 Dec 2016

Das Plugin erleichtert den Alltag ungemein.
Rabatte sind schnell eingerichtet und gut dargestellt.

Net Inventors GmbH
12 Dec 2016

im Namen des gesamten Net Inventors Team möchten ich mich herzlich für die tolle Bewertung bei Ihnen bedanken.

Viele Grüße
Jan von den Net Inventors

Ergänzt Shopware um nicht vorhandene Grundfunktionen

17 Nov 2015

Bei Fragen schneller und kompetenter Service - das Tool an sich ist unersetzbar, wenn man Streichpreise für Saisonware benötigt.


Rabattaktionen made easy

6 Nov 2015

Für einzelne Kategorien oder auch im gesamten Shop Streichpreise, 3 für 2 oder Bundle Aktionen anzulegen ist mit diesem Plugin kinderleicht und schnell umzusetzen.
Das Plugin bietet für einen spitzen Preis so viele Möglichkeiten und Einstellungsvarianten. Das ist absolut jedem zu empfehlen.


Super Promotion Plugin

12 Oct 2015

Klasse Plugin - bequemes erstellen von Akionen. Kleinere Probleme die im Zusammenspiel mit unserer WaWi auftauchten wurden umgehend behoben und Anpassungen an dem Plugin ebenfalls zufriedenstellend und sehr schnell umgesetzt. Absolut empfehlenswert.


Produkt und Support sind top

28 Sep 2015

Auch hier gibt Netinventors dem gewillten Shopwareler ein Tool in die Hand, das ihn wesentlich ausgefeiltere Promotionaktion realisieren lässt. Dazu ein kompetenter und schneller Support. Was will man mehr.


Sehr nützliches Plugin

22 Jul 2015

Sehr nützliches Plugin, um bequem regelmäßige Rabattaktionen im Shop durchzuführen. Schneller, freundlicher Support. Anpassungswünsche werden schnell umgesetzt.


Sehr nützliches Plugin und sehr guter Support

9 Jul 2015

Mit diesem Plugin lassen sich unsere Anforderungen erfüllen. Der Support ist beispielhaft !


Super Plugin, super Support.

10 Apr 2015

Ein super Plugin welches wir zuküftig sicher oft nutzen werden. Zwei Änderungswünsche wurde sehr schnell umgesetzt. Ein großes Lob an die Entwickler und den Support.


sehr empfehlenswert

5 Mar 2015

Perfekt umgesetztes, schlankes Marketing-Tool für Shopbetreiber zum Darstellen von Werbeaktionen fast aller Art. Sehr empfehlenswert!

Auch der schnelle Support von Net Inventors muß hier hervorgehoben werden.


Genau, was wir brauchen - 11 Sterne!

30 Jan 2015

Die wichtigsten Rabatt-Funktionen, einfachste Bedienbarkeit, günstiger Preis - was will man mehr.

Großes Lob!



17 Oct 2014

Sehr flexibel, absolut zuverlässig und das alles für nur 59,00€. Ein tolles Plugin.


Super Plugin

26 Sep 2014

Geniales Plugin, funktioniert einwandfrei. Würde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen.

Einziger Minuspunkt, dass man nicht einstellen kann, dass der Rabatt z.B. erst ab x Euro/Franken gilt statt wie möglich ab x Produkten.


Absolut Spitze!

23 Sep 2014

Ein ideales Plugin, das Shopware mit automatischen Rabatt-Aktionen erweitert. Die Administration ist sehr übersichtlich mit vielen Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten und der Abzug im Warenkorb wird im Frontend prima umgesetzt. Auch ein großes Lob an den schnellen und freundlichen Support! Fazit: Absolut empfehlenswert!



4 Sep 2014

einfaches, aber perfekt umgesetztes und sehr wirksames Marketing-Tool - weiter so


Sehr gutes Plugin!

18 Mar 2014

Klasse Plugin um Aktionen umzusetzen. Support war mehr als hilfreich und hat sogar noch Ideen gemeinsam entwickelt und diese wirklich zuverlässigst innerhalb von 4 Werktagen (!) abgewickelt. Ein großes Lob und weiter so!


Configuration manual

Please install the Plugin Net Inventors Foundation first.


Version 7.4.4

[#42940] Fixed compatibility issue with "NetiBundles"

[#41953] Fixed possible non-calculations & erroneous messages when excluding other discounts

Version 6.1.11

[#41953] Fixed possible non-calculations & erroneous messages when excluding other discounts

Version 5.1.31

[#41953] Fixed possible non-calculations & erroneous messages when excluding other discounts

Version 7.4.3

[#41743] Fixed possible issue when called within cronjobs

Version 6.1.10

[#41743] Fixed possible issue when called within cronjobs

Version 5.1.30

[#41743] Fixed possible issue when called within cronjobs

Version 7.4.2

[#41672] Some discounts did not work anymore when running together with EasyCoupon

Version 6.1.9

[#41672] Some discounts did not work anymore when running together with EasyCoupon

Version 5.1.29

[#41672] Some discounts did not work anymore when running together with EasyCoupon

Version 7.4.1

[#41634] Prevention of multiple discounts when the EasyCoupon plugin is active

Version 6.1.8

[#41634] Prevention of multiple discounts when the EasyCoupon plugin is active

Version 5.1.28

[#41634] Prevention of multiple discounts when the EasyCoupon plugin is active

Version 7.4.0

[#39664] Shopping cart information in the event of a potential discount due to a change of payment method

Version 7.3.0

[#40929] New plugin setting: Disable automatic cache clearing

Version 7.2.2

[#40980] Optimization of bundle information texts on category pages

Version 6.1.7

[#40980] Optimization of bundle information texts on category pages

Version 5.1.27

[#40980] Optimization of bundle information texts on category pages

Version 7.2.1

[#40628] Fixed displaying translations of promotion information in the frontend

Version 6.1.6

[#40628] Fixed displaying translations of promotion information in the frontend

Version 5.1.26

[#40628] Fixed displaying translations of promotion information in the frontend

Version 7.2.0

[#40163] Compatibility adjustment for the plugin "Power Ajax Filter"

Version 7.1.1

[#39525] Rules: Bugfix in the detection of the currently selected payment method

Version 7.1.0

[#39331] Rules: Extension of the conditions by "payment method" and "discountable (article attribute field)"

Version 7.0.3

[#39033] Rules: Optimization of the partner condition on browser session timeout

Version 6.1.5

[#39033] Rules: Optimization of the partner condition on browser session timeout

Version 5.1.25

[#39033] Rules: Optimization of the partner condition on browser session timeout

Version 7.0.2

[#38615] Rules: Display of the promotion information in the front end if the basket total condition is not met

Version 6.1.4

[#38615] Rules: Display of the promotion information in the front end if the basket total condition is not met

Version 5.1.24

[#38615] Rules: Display of the promotion information in the front end if the basket total condition is not met

Version 7.0.1

[#38431] Activation per sub shop enabled

Version 6.1.3

[#38431] Activation per sub shop enabled

Version 5.1.23

[#38431] Activation per sub shop enabled

Version 7.0.0

[#37592] Compatibility with Shopware 5.7

Version 6.1.2

[#36715] Badges on the detail page can now be disabled in the plugin configuration

Version 6.1.1

[#36565] Fix incompatibility problem to SwagBundles

Version 5.1.22

[#36564] Fix incompatibility problem to SwagBundles

Version 4.5.22

[#36545] Fix incompatibility problem to SwagBundles

Version 6.1.0

[#35866] Badges on the home page can now be disabled in the plugin configuration

Version 6.0.19

[#36362] Allows articles in multiples packages

Version 5.1.21

[#36361] Allows articles in multiples packages

Version 4.5.21

[#36189] Allows articles in multiples packages

Version 6.0.18

[#36280] Raise article restriction

Version 5.1.20

[#36279] Raise article restriction

Version 4.5.20

[#36237] Raise article restriction

Version 6.0.17

[#36092] Compatibility adjustments by the usage of an interface

Version 5.1.19

[#36091] Compatibility adjustments by the usage of an interface

Version 4.5.19

[#36089] Compatibility adjustments by the usage of an interface

Version 6.0.16

[#34694] Consider vouchers

Version 5.1.18

[#34693] Consider vouchers

Version 4.5.18

[#34692] Consider vouchers

Version 4.5.17

[#34716] Add compatibility to NetiBundles and PHP 7

Version 5.1.17

[#34672] Fix problem with missing BundleService

Version 6.0.15

[#34672] Fix problem with missing BundleService

Version 6.0.14

[#34650] Add compatibility to NetiBundles

[#34652] Load discount badges at infinite scrolling

Version 5.1.16

[#34649] Add compatibility to NetiBundles

[#34651] Load discount badges at infinite scrolling

Version 4.5.16

[#33237] Add compatibility to NetiBundles

[#34450] Load discount badges at infinite scrolling

Version 6.0.13

[#34610] Fixed an issue where promotions on main categories didn't work

Version 5.1.15

[#34609] Fixed an issue where promotions on main categories didn't work

Version 4.5.15

[#34543] Fixed an issue where promotions on main categories didn't work

Version 6.0.12

[#34376] Fixed translation error on singular months

[#34378] Consideration of product variants in ProductStreams

[#34380] Show countdown after variant change

Version 5.1.14

[#34375] Fixed translation error on singular months
[#34377] Consideration of product variants in ProductStreams

[#34379] Show countdown after variant change

Version 4.5.14

[#34305] Fixed translation error on singular months

[#34252] Consideration of product variants in ProductStreams

[#34200] Show countdown after variant change

Version 6.0.11

[#34128] Adjust notice message for package promotion

[#34127] Improve product stream filter

Version 5.1.13

[#34125] Adjust notice message for package promotion

[#34126] Improve product stream filter

Version 4.5.13

[#34107] Adjust notice message for package promotion

[#33868] Improve product stream filter

Version 6.0.10

[#34098] Add notice message for package promotion

Version 5.1.12

[#34097] Add notice message for package promotion

Version 4.5.12

[#34050] Add notice message for package promotion

Version 6.0.9

[#33832] Add missing promotion informations on article detail page

Version 5.1.11

[#33831] Add missing promotion informations on article detail page

Version 4.5.11

[#33745] Add missing promotion informations on article detail page

Version 6.0.8

[#33676] Fixed error in the summary of discounts as a comment

[#33678] Changed the actions for badges in listing from module frontend to module widgets.

Version 5.1.10

[#30381] Fixed error in the summary of discounts as a comment

[#33677] Changed the actions for badges in listing from module frontend to module widgets.

Version 4.5.10

[#29728] Fixed error in the summary of discounts as a comment

[#22819] Changed the actions for badges in listing from module frontend to module widgets.

Version 6.0.7

[#33545] Add translations to DiscountPromtion detail view for short and long description

Version 5.1.9

[#33496] Add translations to DiscountPromtion detail view for short and long description

Version 4.5.9

[#33360] Add translations to DiscountPromtion detail view for short and long description

Version 6.0.6

[#33495] Fixed issue with promotion selection

Version 5.1.8

[#33494] Fixed issue with promotion selection

Version 4.5.8

[#33412] Fixed issue with promotion selection

Version 6.0.5

[#33151] Compatibility with PrePaid

Version 5.1.7

[#33151] Compatibility with PrePaid

Version 4.5.7

[#33037] Compatibility with PrePaid

Version 6.0.4

[#33094] Wrong calculation of VAT fixed

Version 5.1.6

[#33093] Wrong calculation of VAT fixed

Version 4.5.6

[#32994] Wrong calculation of VAT fixed

Version 6.0.3

[#32972] Exclusion of pseudo prices only if different from the actual price

Version 5.1.5

[#32971] Exclusion of pseudo prices only if different from the actual price

Version 4.5.5

[#32708] Exclusion of pseudo prices only if different from the actual price

Version 6.0.2

[#32666] Fixed a calculation issue with "3-for-2" promotions

Version 5.1.4

[#32665] Fixed a calculation issue with "3-for-2" promotions

Version 4.5.4

[#32634] Fixed a calculation issue with "3-for-2" promotions

Version 6.0.1

[#32616] Display of 0.00 discounts removed

Version 5.1.3

[#32615] Display of 0.00 discounts removed

Version 4.5.3

[#32572] Display of 0.00 discounts removed

Version 6.0.0

[#32115] Adjustments for Shopware 5.6

Version 5.1.2

[#31763] Fix problem at export of products

Version 4.5.2

[#31599] Fix problem at export of products

Version 5.1.1

[#31353] Promotions now also affect product streams

Version 4.5.1

[#30818] Promotions now also affect product streams

Version 5.1.0

[#31420] Restrict promotion to articles and streams 

Version 4.5.0

[#31236] Restrict promotion to articles and streams 

Version 5.0.4

[#30609] Sorting of the package-promotions 

Version 4.4.14

[#30439] Sorting of the package-promotions 

Version 5.0.3

[#30378] Improve compatibilty with other plugins, that are using action widgets on the listing page 

Version 4.4.13

[#30370] Improve compatibilty with other plugins, that are using action widgets on the listing page 

Version 5.0.2

[#30282] Fix net calculation in DiscountOnAnything promotions[#30282] Fix for the problem with parallel stagger promotions 

Version 4.4.12

[#30282] Fix net calculation in DiscountOnAnything promotions[#30282] Fix for the problem with parallel stagger promotions 

Version 5.0.1

[#30251] Reimplemeted translation support for promotion titles 

Version 4.4.11

[#29506] Reimplemeted translation support for promotion titles 

Version 5.0.0

[#29507] Improved display of promotion end time

Version 4.4.10

[#29507] Improved display of promotion end time 

Version 4.4.9

[#29427] Fix error at promotions and net prices[#29468] Performance optimization of the product export

Version 4.4.8

[#29289] Improve tax calculation for graduated pricing

Version 4.4.7

[#28048] Adjusted Smarty-blocks for templates and fix wrong closing tag

Version 4.4.6

[#28875] Wrong calculation of the tax in the shopping cart

Version 4.4.5

[#28971] Implement "Unified Session Service" from Foundation

Version 4.4.4

[#28912] Fix: Error at export constructor

Version 4.4.3

[#28245] Fixed an issue with product feeds when cancel prices are displayed in the subshop.[#28775] Add a plugin configuration if a promotion should be consider at product export

Version 4.4.2

[#28741] Hide informationwidget if discount amount <= 0.00€[#26173] Exclude variants from promotions

Version 4.4.1

[#28737] Fix: Error with variants from #28457

Version 4.4.0

[#28457] Additional info about the strikethrough price in the shopping cart[#27217] Add date time object for date[#28720] Performance optimization

Version 4.3.2

[#27952] Fixed an issue with product feeds when net prices are displayed in the storefront.

Version 4.3.1

[#28044] Problem solved, that occurred in the listing when using DiscountPromotionRules

Version 4.3.0

[#27440] Massive performace optimisations[#28007] Fixed a bug that caused wrong display of potential encoded currency symbols in offcanvas basket

Version 4.2.3

[#27668] Problems caused for session access in the backend
[#27846] Flushs are only executed with provided entities[#27875] Prevention of an issue with old article data (ohne Attribute)

Version 4.2.2

[#27485] Fixed a bug that caused "3 for 2" promotions to always reduce the price of the most expensive article, regardless of configuration

Version 4.2.1

[#27589] Implement new filter for product exports (available since Shopware 5.2.25 - Additional plugin NetiDiscountPromotionExport is not required anymore)[#27531] Apply the promotion prices in the "intelligent newsletter" from Shopware[#27571] Fix: Modal containing long description on the detail page does now also work for variant changes by ajax

Version 4.2.0

[#27077][#27420] Optimization of the promotion information in the listing[#27376] Fix of an update routine (version 3.3.4)[#27427] Display the promotion information on infinite scrolling (listing)[#27214] In the plugin config, you can enable a badge for the article listing

Version 4.1.9

[#27317] Fix of the promotion information on the detail page[#27274] Catches a potential issue in the basket for "virtual" items

Version 4.1.8

[#27227] 3for2: Fix in the detection of the cheapest/most expensive basket items

Version 4.1.7

[#26988] Rules: Subshop restriction has been added for strikethrough promotions

Version 4.1.6

[#26972] Issue solved on multiple active promotions per category

Version 4.1.5

[#26837] Workaround added for SW ZendDate problem
[#26749] Speed optimizations

Version 4.1.4

[#26242] Remove unused Cron job[#26675] Performance improvements

Version 3.3.7

[#26518][#25856] Hide promotion information for excluded strikethrough prices

Version 4.1.3

[#26376] Rules: Alphabetical order for suppliers[#26441] Customer groups restriction for strike rates[#26440] Fixed an error in the calculation of the quantity rate[#26475] Add SkipArticle event

Version 4.1.2

[#26341] Save promotion information for strikethrough prices in order attribute[#26325] Rules: If no active subshop can be determined, the result is always negative[#26331] Rules: Optimization of the customer group determination[#26333] Consider inactive categories for category linking[#26340] Rules: The category condition now considers the whole cart, not only the potentially discounted items

Version 4.1.1

[#SWSD-74] Issue solved on saving a promotion

Version 4.1.0

[#25830] Export discounted prices

Version 4.0.7

[#26065] Fix use of cheapest price[#25948] Otimization of the template extensions (Replacement of append & prepend commands by inclusion of the parent blocks)

Version 4.0.6

[#25948] Article exclusion for variants fixed[#26018] Correction of the unit price for articles affected by strikethrough promotions[#25796] Fix for DiscountPromotionRules[#25973] Generation of attribute models on correction of columns names

Version 4.0.5

Reactivation and optimization of strikethrough promotions

Version 4.0.4

Hotfix: Fixes wrong variant prices in the cart

Version 4.0.3

[#25782] Consideration of categories in the frontend optimized[#25773] Remove disable conditions checks on testConditionsOnArticle[#25781] Optimizations in the template

Version 4.0.2

Issues solved concerning plugin update and backend menu[#25732] Snippets have been reorganized (Attention: The namespaces have changed!)

Version 4.0.1

Interface for the plugin extension "DiscountPromotionRules" optimized

Version 4.0.0

[#25327] Refactoring for the new plugin system (compatible since Shopware 5.2.6)

Version 3.3.6

[#25448] Correct the promotion summary in the order comment field

Version 3.3.5

[#25364] Correction in the article exclusion

Version 3.3.4

[#24959] Compatibility adjustment for Shopware < 4.2.0

Version 3.3.3

[#24883] Implementation of a caching mechanism for DiscountPromotionRules

[#24902] Adjustment of the selectable conditions for strikethrough promotions

[#24910] Performance optimization by creating database indexes

Version 3.3.2

[#24819] Performance optimizations

Version 3.3.1

[#24565] Prevention of potential multiple discounts in strikethrough promotions

[#24566] Prevention of a belated discount type change

Version 3.3.0

[#24436] New notifyUntil event to skip certain article in certain (or all) promotions:

if (Enlight()->Events()->notifyUntil('NetInventors_DiscountPromotion_SkipArticle', array( 'subject' => $this, 'id' => (int) $artId, 'article' => $articleData, 'promotion' => $promotion ))) { continue; }

Version 3.2.8

[#24222] Fix for cURL requests

Version 3.2.7

[#23508] Fixed an issue that prevented error messages being displayed in the backend.

Version 3.2.6

[#23268] Fixed an error that, under certain circumstances, caused strikethrough promotions to not be started correctly.

Version 3.2.5

[#23258] Adjustments in Strikethrough promotions under SW 5

Version 3.2.4

[#22786] Translations in "3for2" promotions

[#22964] Adjustments for tax free countries

[#22965] Renaming of a smarty variable

Version 3.2.3

[#22623] Performance optimization

Version 3.2.2

[#22450] Bugfix in the cronjob

[#22451] cURL optimizations for strikethrough promotions

Version 3.2.1

[#22261] Compatibility issue with Shopware 4 solved

Version 3.2.0

[#22212] [#21632] Bugfix when using strikethrough prices for customer groups

[#22080] Translation of the promotion title

Version 3.1.1

[#21991] Fix in "3for2" promotion

Version 3.1.0

[#21624] Optimizations in the promotion type "bundle"

[#21069] Extensions in the promotion type "bundle"

Version 3.0.2

[#21529] Bugfix: Excluding Strikethroughs when category change is activated

[#21530] Support of htaccess protection

Version 3.0.1

[#21316] Template variable added

[#21519] Compatibility with Shopware < 4.2

Version 3.0.0

[#21482] [#21479] fixes the option "String Prices exclude"

[#21446] problem with the same SKU of Use and articles fixed

[#21355] problem in promotional type "package" fixed

[#21340] display of the grid "Items excluded" optimized

[#21245] [#20876] display corrections in the frontend

[#21070] allows Absolute discount on all products

[#21055] allows Prozentueler discount with decimals

[#20958] New Feature: Category Change during the Promotion

[#20875] removal of unused database field

[#20242] performance optimization for large amounts of coating rates

Version 2.6.1

[# 20653] Consideration of different tax rates in the shopping cart
[# 20683] Correction in volume discount calculation
[# 20854] Hiding Promotions at strikethrough priced articles (detail page and listing)
[# 20865] Optimized order of promotion execution

Version 2.6.0

[#20659] [#20566] Refactoring of the discount calculation

Version 2.5.12

[#20521] Wording issue in the backend menu

[#20550] Optimization in a Doctrine model

[#20558] Log improvement for strikethrough promotions

Version 2.5.11

[#20242] & [#18472] Improved selection of articles for strikethrough-prices

Version 2.5.10

[#20203] Discounts with a value bigger than the prices don't result in an empty basket

[#20018] Improvement of the calculation of the discount

Version 2.5.9

[#20040] Discountpromotions are not advertised on excluded articles

[#19910] Strikethroughprices are not advertised on excluded articles

[#18452] Promotions can be activated or deactivated

[#20102] Reworked add Cronjob

[#20018] In some instances the discount remains after the order was finished. This was fixed.

[#19246]In some instances the 3for2 discount remains after changing the amount below the trigger. This was fixed.

[#20150] Fixed a problem with easycoupon actioncodes.

Version 2.5.8

[#19826] Bugfix: already created strikethrough prices are not reduced again

Version 2.5.7

[#19105] Strikethrough-prices are now resetted, if the promotion is changed from "Strikethrough" to for example "discount on anything"

[#18896] Individual-addition now only saves the name of the promotion

Version 2.5.6

[#18400] If the price equals the pseudoprice the article now becomes a strikethroughprice

[#18613] In the database there may be a slight diffrence between the shown value and the actual value in the database (less then 0.001) This is now recognized as equal

[#17962] The rules, which cannot be applied to the strikethroughprices are now removed when selecting the promotiontype.

[#18896] Fix in Marking of strikethroughprices in s_order_details_attributes. The reason was a change in a variablename between SW4 and SW5.

Version 2.5.5

[#18729] New snippets: split the texts for productlisting and details. The neww snippets are named with the addition "listing"

Version 2.5.4

[#18469] Fix in discount-calculation, when more than one pricegroup is set

Version 2.5.3

[#18450] Fix creation of strikethrough-prices

[#18451] Fix calculation of taxes

Version 2.5.2

[#18203] New Field for the Tables "s_order_details_attributes" and "s_order_basket_attributes" named "neti_discount". Here are the informations of the applying discounts for the product.

[#18316] Fix in saving the above mention data for a customer.

[#18342] Fix in a calculation from DiscountPromotionRules.

[#17695] Improvements in querying for "exclude other promotions".

[#18363] Fixed a bug with dealers, whos VAT is valued with 0% while getting a discount

Version 2.5.1

Bugfix for customerfeature

Version 2.5.0

[#17696] New Condition: Discount on affiliate program

[#17695] Percentual discount can be configured to not be used on other discounts. A message will show what happend to any missing discount.

[#16307] Packagediscount now has an option with the value to discount.

Version 2.4.1

[#17620] Bugfix

Version 2.4.0

[#17022] Optional: Summary of the discount details in the order details

Version 2.3.1

Added messages for NetiFoundation, if it is not installed

Correction of rule "Customergroup"

Version 2.3.0

[#16836] Added configuration to exclude articles with  strikeprices from the selcted promotion

[#16762] Configuration more readable in 3for2-Promotion. Calculated per article, or all articles in the categories.

Version 2.2.1

[#16393] Issue resolved, that occured by the parallel usage of another third party plugin

Version 2.2.0

[#16339] Updated 3for2-Discount:

- selection to apply discount to cheapest / most expensive article

- Configuration added to select discountvalue either percentual or with an absolute value (if the value is lower than the price of the artcle).

[#12094] Exclusionmenu in the backend. Articles can be excluded for one promotion or globally.

Version 2.1.2

[#16358] Fixes problem with  v4.3.6

Extended positioning to "don't show" on detail page

Version 2.1.1

[#16257] Compatibility bug with our base plugin NetiFoundation solved

[#16253] Optimizations of the snippets: missing translations added, snippets moved to a central namespace

[#16084] Installation issue resolved (new attributes)

Version 2.1.0

[#16033] Strikethrough-prices supporting rules

Attributes in installation

Version 2.0.5

Fix in Rule: Supplier

Promotions visible in "SearchResults"

Version 2.0.4

[#15885] Promotion in Listing at "infinite scrolling"

Fix in creating "strikethrough prices"

Version 2.0.3

[#15862] Fixes in tax calculation and update method

Version 2.0.2

[#15784] Fix in saving of Promotion

[#15789] Space on Promotion below the "add to basket"-Button

Requires Neti Foundation 1.2.0

Version 2.0.1

Added new Tab

Minor fix in saving

Version 2.0.0

[#15360] Refactoring: Multilanguage, Reconstruction, Rights-management

ATTENTION! Our plugin NetiFoundation is required to run this plugin

[#8584] Promotions can be defined with filter  (eg. on supplier, customergroups, price)

[#7978] Scaled discounts available (z.B. starting from 50 Euro 5% discount, starting from 100 Euro 10% discount)

[#15269] Positioning of the Teaser can be configured via Plugin-Manager

Version 1.4.2

[#15303] Javascript issue in Firefox and Internet Explorer has been fixed

Version 1.4.1

[#15235] some tiny bugs fixed

Version 1.4.0

[#14882]  extension of the frontend outputs and functional improvements

Version 1.3.1

Edited layout promotion on checkout

[#13864] checked 3for2 promotion on variants

Version 1.3.0

[#14676] Optimization of the frontend snippets

[#14669] New Discount Type "Strikethrough prices in Categories" - Percental Discounts using strikethrough prices can now be set for whole categories (optionally with or without subcategories)

Version 1.2.3

Removed debug information

Version 1.2.2

Correction of calculation 3for2

Version 1.2.1

Bundles are not generated, if the price of the product is lower than the price of the bundle

Version 1.2.0

[#11163] Shows the active promotions on detailpage

[#13542] new promotion type packeges:

One product from each selected categorie commulates to a discount package

[#12565] Conexco-Responsive-template compatiblity

Version 1.1.7

Version 1.1.6

About the Extension Partner

Net Inventors GmbH Net Inventors GmbH Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner 106 Extensions 4.5 Ø Rating
Current version:


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