Notification Bar

Notification Bar

by Naghashyan Solutions no ratings yet 54 Downloads
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This extension cannot be used in a Shopware Cloud shop.
This app is available for Shopware 6
  • ngs3664085134394m
  • Naghashyan Solutions
  • 1.0.1
  • 23 Nov 2018
  • de_DE en_GB
  • 5.0.0 – 5.0.4
    5.1.0 – 5.1.6
    5.2.0 – 5.2.27
    5.3.0 – 5.3.7
    5.4.0 – 5.4.6
    5.5.0 – 5.5.10
    5.6.0 – 5.6.10
    5.7.0 – 5.7.19
Establish communication between the user and the shop management by sharing important messages... more

Product information

Establish communication between the user and the shop management by sharing important messages within notification bar.

The "Notification Bar" extension allows to establish communication between the user and the shop management by sharing important messages within notification bar, that appears in the header or footer of the web site.  Using the "Notification Bar" shop manager can inform users about down times, sales, contests, etc.   The extension allows to configure the background, "close" (x) button styling, text color,  size of the notification bar. All these configurations will help you easily adapt the message box to your site look and feel. Every Subshop has its own tab in Configurations.  This makes possible to display specific notification per Subshop. Using the special "Cookie Lifetime" field, shop manager can even set time when the Notification should appear again after the user closes it.     


  • Shop manager can easily share any message adding it through the shop backend
  • Shop manager can easily adjust the Notification Bar design
  • Every subshop can have different texts and styles


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About Naghashyan Solutions

Tel: +374 77 77 79 42
Address: "Yeraz" Business Center 27/4 Azatutiuan Ave, 0014 Yerevan, Armenia
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Configuration manual

Installation of the extension takes only few seconds by one click, after which it will automatically set up its default configurations as soon as the installation is done. You will be able to change the configurations anytime you want. The extension supports Shopware 5 versions started from 5.2.
To configure the extension you need to open the extension from Configuration > Plugin Manager > Installed.


  1. Upload the extension
  2. Install
  3. Activate
  4. Open the extension configs
  5. Activate extension for particular subshop
  6. Change styles to match the extension with your shop design
  7. Clear shop cache

Configurations Description:

       • Notification Bar Active - There are 3 possible variants: inherited, yes, no. If you select inherited, it will mean that other subshops, will inherit the configuration (active or not) you made here.
       • Notification Bar z-index - The z-index property specifies the stack order of the Notification Bar.
       • Close Icon Color - This field allows defining color of the close (x) icon
       • Close Icon Size - This field allows defining size of the close (x) icon in pixels
       • Text - The Notification text field is wysiwyg, which means you can configure the text in different style, even using HTML
       • Text Alignment - There are 3 possible variants: left, center, right
       • Background Color - This field allows defining background color of the Notification Bar
       • Notification Bar Position - There are 2 possible variants: top, bottom
       • Notification Bar Min Height (px) - This field allows defining Notification Bar min height; max height depends the text length
       • Cookie Lifetime in Minutes - The period of time when the Notification Bar should appear again after user clicks on "x" button

NOTE: Any changes that are made may appear on frontend after the theme will be recompiled from the caches management panel.


Version 1.0.1

Hiding notification bar from the invoice page on printing order confirmation.

Version 1.0.0

First Production Release.

About the Extension Partner

Shopware 6 Signet Shopware 6 ready Naghashyan Solutions Naghashyan Solutions Shopware Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner 4 Certifications Developer SW5 0 Developer Advanced SW5 0 Template Designer SW5 0 Template Developer SW5 0 Developer SW6 1 Developer Advanced SW6 1 Solutions Specialist SW6 0 PaaS Specialist SW6 Template Designer SW6 1 Template Designer Advanced SW6 1 15 Extensions No ratings
Current version:


€ 1.99* /month
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This app starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

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