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LENZ eBusiness GmbH

Order position comment

Rating: 5.0

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

(2 reviews)
Downloads: 117



  • Add comments directly to the line item (not like Custom Products from Shopware)
  • Add one ore more comment groups
  • Perfectly suited for the individualisation of products


  • Supported fields: "text" and "textarea"
  • Allocation to sales channel possible
  • Comment field can be assigned to all or selected products
  • Comment can be edited again in shopping cart and checkout
  • Comment field can be marked as required

About the Extension

Allow your customers to add one ore more comments to products when adding products to basket. So you can allow your customers to individualize products very easy.

Supported field types

  • Text: Shows a singleline text field.
  • Textarea: Shows a multiline text field.
  • Number


  • Up to Version 1.0.12: Comments can be added only once per product, that means, that the same product cannot be added to basket multiple times with different comments attached.
  • From Version 1.0.13: In the app configuration, the option can be activated that a product can be placed in the shopping cart muliple times with different comments attached.
  • Comments are directly added to the line item and not like Shopware's Custom Products app as product with childs. Therefore Products with comments can be imported by your ERP-System like a normal product.
  • The created comment field can be assigned to all items or only to selected products. As of version 5.0.1, assignment to products can be done via Dynamic Product Groups.
  • The comments can be edited again in the shopping cart and checkout if the option is enabled. 
  • Comments can be directly assigned to specific sales channels.
  • In the configuration, you can specify whether the order item comment is also output on the invoice, the delivery note and/or the cancellation invoice.
  • Optionally, the minimum and maximum length of the order comment as well as a pattern can be added. 
  • It is possible to add one or multiple comment groups. Every group contains the fields for commenting. Example for group with fields:
    Group: Engraving
    - Engraving text (Text)
    - Message for the production (Textarea)
  • Note: The app "Order position comment" is currently not compatible with Paypal Express on the item detail page.


  • Allow edit in cart: active / inactive
  • Alllow to add same product multiple times to cart wirh different comments: active / inactive
  • Show the comment on the invoice: active / inactive
  • Show the comment on the delivery note: active / inactive
  • Show the comment on the cancellation invoice: active / inactive

Further information

General information
Our apps are developed on the basis of the standard functionalities of the basic Shopware 6 system. This applies to the functionalities and designs of the basic system. Individual themes cannot be taken into account when developing the app. It may therefore be necessary to make individual adjustments to the theme in order to display all elements/functionalities correctly.

We develop our apps with compatibility in mind. If compatibility cannot be guaranteed, we will note this in the app description. We cannot guarantee the compatibility of our apps with apps from other manufacturers. Due to the large number of apps offered in the Shopware Community Store, a compatibility check is not possible. Likewise, we cannot guarantee compatibility with Shopware apps that are not included in the Community Edition.

We will check whether the specified error is caused by our apps or has another cause. Depending on the result of the investigation, we will inform you whether the rectification is chargeable or not. If independent changes have been made to our apps, the work involved will be invoiced. 

Test version
You can easily test all apps available in the Shopware Community Store from LENZ eBusiness. Choose the rental version of the app. The rental version always includes a trial month with which you can test our app free of charge for 30 days. Please take advantage of the trial month to make sure that the app meets your requirements.

Individual customizations
We make individual customizations to our apps. Send us an email to support@lenz-ebusiness.de with your contact details and your customization request. We will discuss your customization request with our team and then get back to you.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 2 July 2024
  • Publication date: 22 April 2021
  • Version: 6.0.3
  • Category: Detail Page


Reviews (2)

Average rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Based on 2 reviews
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Tim Pfeifer
7 August 2023 08:59
Wir nutzen dieses Plugin um unseren Kunden/Einkäufern im Warenkorb schon die Möglichkeit zu geben, Produkte für spezifische Mitarbeiter zuzuordnen. Da die Werte sogar über die API abrufbar sind importieren wir die Werte bei Bestellübertragung direkt mit in unser ERP und zeigen das Feld auf dem Lieferschein. Die Firma LENZ war bereit das Plugin um die Funktion Custom Product Groups zu erweitern, wofür wir sehr dankbar sind. Auch ein fehlender Textbaustein wurde schnell per Update übersetzbar gemacht.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Herausragender Support, optimale Funktionalität!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Jochen Heimüller
26 April 2021 16:03
Wir haben für das Projekt eines Kunden schon vor dem offiziellen Plugin-Release eine Anfrage zur Abdeckung der benötigten Funktionalität gestellt und hatten innerhalb weniger Stunden eine detaillierte, freundliche und fachgerechte Antwort. Auch auf eine weitere Frage die wir daraufhin gestellt haben wurde uns derselbe Support zuteil, noch bevor wir auch nur einen Cent für das Plugin ausgegeben hatten. Als wir am Tag des Releases einen kleinen Bug bemerkt hatten, wurde dieser innerhalb kürzester Zeit behoben und das Update releast. Vielen Dank für diesen außergewöhnlich guten Support!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by LENZ eBusiness GmbH 26 April 2021 16:13
Hallo Herr Heimüller, vielen Dank für die positive Bewertung! Es freut uns, dass Ihnen unser Service gefällt. Viele Grüße Sebastian Lenz

About the Extension Partner

LENZ eBusiness GmbH

LENZ eBusiness GmbH

See all extensions:

Partner Status

Shopware Bronze Partner
Bronze Partner
Shopware Premium Extension Partner
Premium Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.8

    Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 23 October 2014
  • Extensions: 90
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly