- Add support for Shopware
- BP-1508 Update README file
- BP-1763 Articles stock adjusted on order creation.
- BP-1868 Rebranding Afterpay to Riverty
- BP-1877 Add contribution guidelines
- BP-1896 Change gender selection for BNPL methods
- BP-1999 Fix PHP 8 issues/errors
- BP-2112 Fix Klarna Gender Values
Support for 5.7.13 + 5.6.10
BP-1457 Fixed bug specific for 5.7.8
BP-1491 Support for Klarna KP
Fix Code review failed
BP-1088 Billink logo update
BP-1128 Shopware 5 - afterpay's capture popup is empty in admin area
BP-1129 Shopware 5 - support and test PHP 8 | PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: count()
BP-1132 refund pushes cause http 500 error
BP-1130 Shopware 5 - Billink - there is no way to capture aurhorized orders
BP-1131 Shopware 5 - CreditCards - encypt mode doesn't work
BP-1189 New Sofort logo added
BP-1192 Shopware 5 CSE tooltip (
BP-1130 Shopware 5 - remove mode selector for Billink
BP-1313 Cannot save creditcard info
BP-1316 Klarna empy cart if cancel order
BP-1312 Cannot save selected payment method, when other methods have invalid fields
BP-1315 Payconiq empty checkout after cancel modal
BP-1343 No validation message on payment faild
BP-1344 Klarna invoice select has duplicate option (#11)
- Unterstützung für Shopware 5.7.3
- Apple Pay funktioniert nicht
- Billink-Testaufträge, die nicht in der Buckaroo-Transaktion eingehen
- Alle Plugins - PayPal (V2) Stornierung kehrt zur Homepage zurück
- Ermöglicht Billink die Aktivierung von
- Kreditkartenmarke hinzufügen PostePay
- Billink Hausnummer mit Suffix wird angezeigt
- BP-727: Zahlungsmethode hinzufügen Billink
- 5.7 support
- BP-583 Neue iDEAL Bank Revolut hinzugefügt.
- BP-281Zusätzliche Protokollierung zum Sofort-Bestellvorgang hinzugefügt.
- BP-540 Fehler mit dem Geburtsdatum des Kunden bei Verwendung von Afterpay behoben
- BP-595 Die Transaktion wird bezahlt, aber im Shopware-Backend nicht als bezahlt markiert.
- Kompatibilität mit Version 5.6.8 / 5.6.9
BP-281 Sofort orders not being delivered
BP-349 Shopware 5 - Apple Pay nur bei Verwendung von Safari anzeigen
BP-351 Shopware 5 - Beim Umschalten von "Größe" oder "Farbe" verschwindet die Apple Pay-Schaltfläche
BP-359 Shopware 5 - Fehlgeschlagene Pushs (einschließlich Pluszeichen)
BP-329 Shopware 5 - Apple Pay subshops issues
BP-298 Shopware 5 - Apple Pay multiple issues
BP-289 Shopware 5 - Parameter "issuer" is empty when returning back to checkout
BP-291 Shopware 5 - Multistore refunds to incorrect store
Checkout-Unterstützung für Apple Pay hinzufügen
Einige Korrekturen für den Apple Pay-Workflow hinzufügen
- compatibility with Shopware 5.6.6
- Merged pull requests from GitHub public repo
- Fixed issue with free shipping above a specified amount in combination with ApplePay.
- Translated Ideal error message to Dutch.
- Modify the error messages so that they are understood by the user.
- Add a restriction on the payment method so that it is allowed depending on the minimum and maximum limit of the order amount.
- Fix wrong error message when no bank is selected with iDeal.
- Add "CustomerCardName" parameter to API call based on SDK response.
- ApplePay don't calculate shipping costs for downloadable products.
- Klarna, add shipping phonenumber to validation.
- Shopware 5.6 compatibility.
- afterpay(new) Fix target checkout url based on environment(test/live).
- Fixed issue where in some scenarios / specific installations the order is stored in the wrong store.
- Fixed issue on new installations with adding Ideal database columns.
- Implementation of inline credit card payments
- Implementation of Apple Pay
- Implemented Klarna auto capture push url based on module settings in instead of the push url settings in the Buckaroo plaza.
- Implemented change so empty housenumber extensions are not send to AfterPay for Belgium adresses.
- Improved Belgium phonenumber formatting and validation
- Improving Shopware 5.5.8 compatibility.- Solved issue with Payconiq push message.
V 1.8.0
- New payment method: Afterpay (new version) added.
- Structural changes in the plugin due to Shopware 5.5.7 version update.- Billing and shipping extra fields validation is done while selecting payment method.- Stock gets reserved when customer initiates payment process.- Klarna auto capture is supported if enabled in Merchant Buckaroo account.- API messages made translatable via backend snippet manager.- All build in extra field validation messages made translatable via backend snippet manager.
- Shopware 5.5.6 compatibility.- Removed BIC, IBAN and Chamber of commerce fields from register form.
- Added 5 new payment methods: - Nexi - Maestro - Visa Electron - VPay - Dankort - Fixed Paypal issue with Italian billing address.
Version 1.4.1
Bug fixes:
- refund push messages
- Order push messages
- Confirmation email after the payment is completed
- Several small fixes
Version 1.4.0
Improved Shopware compatibility with the Community-Store.
Version 1.3.1
Fixed issue with model name.
Version 1.3.0
Implemented partial capture for:
- Klarna
- Afterpay
- Achteraf betalen
Implemented new Payment methods:
- Payconiq
- Giftcard
Version 1.2.0
Implemented new Payment methods:
- Carte Bleue
- Carte Bancaire
- Implemented partial refund functionality for all applicable payment methods
- Code optimizations, Refatoring, Renaming
- Implemented new configuration options
- addition of Payconiq, Carte Bleue & Bancaire, Focum AchterafBetalen.