Articlepicker SET configurator
- TOGGLE Picker
- PARTS LISTS structured/grouped
- Alternate article picking in the selection (= select/deselect article = TOGGLE Picker).
- Dynamic display of the article data in the popup (= QUICKVIEW), which is optional
- The extent of the displayed article data in the QUICKVIEW and in the configuration is controllable with SETUP parameters
- The order quantity can be specified per article
- As soon as an article is set to SALE in the configuration, the maximum order quantities are based on the stock
- The selection of multiple selections (the multi-selection) can be limited (SELECT LIMITER)
- The selection can be dynamically limited according to the configuration conditions with BLACKOPTIONS
- The article selection is displayed structured/grouped and saved for the checkout (and order processing)
- The articles ordered with the configuration are automatically deducted in the stock
- The unstructured parts lists are stored separately in the order and can be transferred from connected ERP's.
About the Extension
This plugin is an addon (extension module) to our "Bogx Product Configurator". The basic plugin "Bogx Product Configurator" must therefore be installed before. This is a consistent further development of our modular "Product Configurator" concept, which has proven itself very well in hundreds of projects.
ARTICLEPICKER allows all kinds of product configurations that consist of real store items. These are individual SET, MIX, BUNDLE, BOX, PACKAGE, BASKET, LOOK or PARTS LIST configurations of articles or services, which are also sold individually in the store and are usually inventory-managed or subject to inventory.
By using ARTICLEPICKER the customer will be able to "pick" his own article parts lists, SETS or SETUP configurations in many and also very different application areas - also in combined applications e.g. panel cutting + assembly accessories, fence configuration + assembly accessories, carport configuration + assembly accessories - here are some examples:
- SERVER/PC/LAPTOP CONFIGURATORS from several components/services,
- DEVICE CONFIGURATORS from several components/modules/attachments,
- FURNITURE CONFIGURATORS from additional attachments/modules.
- FOOD MIXES, BOXES, PLATES, BOXES from several components (e.g. tea, herbs, cereals, fruits, vegetables, chocolates, etc.)
- GIFT BASKETS from several even very different products
- BUNDLES from several products and/or benefits/services
- GAME, SPORT or LEISURE BUNDLES from several products for different applications and/or competence levels
- FASHION LOOKS or BOXES from several garments, colors, sizes
- PICK LISTS of all kinds, which can be picked together by customers or automatically generated depending on configuration conditions. Extendable by own formula logic and therefore very powerful.
Also possible are scenarios in which the ARTICLE PICKER only plays a "secondary role" in configurations and "only" enables the selection of accessory items (which are important for an assembly, for example) - which the customer can pick together and conveniently order along with the configured product.
Demo configuration
Since we place a high value on "learning by doing", the ARTICLEPICKER settings can be easily understood using the demo "DEMO20 Articlepicker Muesli". This demo configuration (including all other available demos) can be imported in the "Product Configurator Manager" with the function "Import DEMO Configurations" with one click.
NOTE: Please import the DEMO configurations only in TEST or STAGING stores if you have already created your own configurations in the LIVE store. Importing the DEMO configurations into the LIVE store could overwrite the configurations you already have.
For better understanding of the setup and operation you can find more detailed information in our manual.
If you still have questions that can't be sufficiently explained with the help of the manual, don't hesitate to contact us via Shopware ticket or directly by email.
Your Bogx Team
This plugin is an addon (extension module) to our "Bogx Product Configurator". The basic plugin "Bogx Product Configurator" must therefore be installed before. This is a consistent further development of our modular "Product Configurator" concept, which has proven itself very well in hundreds of projects.
ARTICLEPICKER allows all kinds of product configurations that consist of real store items. These are individual SET, MIX, BUNDLE, BOX, PACKAGE, BASKET, LOOK or PARTS LIST configurations of articles or services, which are also sold individually in the store and are usually inventory-managed or subject to inventory.
By using ARTICLEPICKER the customer will be able to "pick" his own article parts lists, SETS or SETUP configurations in many and also very different application areas - also in combined applications e.g. panel cutting + assembly accessories, fence configuration + assembly accessories, carport configuration + assembly accessories - here are some examples:
- SERVER/PC/LAPTOP CONFIGURATORS from several components/services,
- DEVICE CONFIGURATORS from several components/modules/attachments,
- FURNITURE CONFIGURATORS from additional attachments/modules.
- FOOD MIXES, BOXES, PLATES, BOXES from several components (e.g. tea, herbs, cereals, fruits, vegetables, chocolates, etc.)
- GIFT BASKETS from several even very different products
- BUNDLES from several products and/or benefits/services
- GAME, SPORT or LEISURE BUNDLES from several products for different applications and/or competence levels
- FASHION LOOKS or BOXES from several garments, colors, sizes
- PICK LISTS of all kinds, which can be picked together by customers or automatically generated depending on configuration conditions. Extendable by own formula logic and therefore very powerful.
Also possible are scenarios in which the ARTICLE PICKER only plays a "secondary role" in configurations and "only" enables the selection of accessory items (which are important for an assembly, for example) - which the customer can pick together and conveniently order along with the configured product.
Demo configuration
Since we place a high value on "learning by doing", the ARTICLEPICKER settings can be easily understood using the demo "DEMO20 Articlepicker Muesli". This demo configuration (including all other available demos) can be imported in the "Product Configurator Manager" with the function "Import DEMO Configurations" with one click.
NOTE: Please import the DEMO configurations only in TEST or STAGING stores if you have already created your own configurations in the LIVE store. Importing the DEMO configurations into the LIVE store could overwrite the configurations you already have.
For better understanding of the setup and operation you can find more detailed information in our manual.
If you still have questions that can't be sufficiently explained with the help of the manual, don't hesitate to contact us via Shopware ticket or directly by email.
Your Bogx Team
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 27 July 2023
- Publication date: 12 November 2021
- Version: 3.3.0
- Category: Detail Page
Reviews (0)
About the Extension Partner

Borucinski Grafix Software
Partner Status
Extension Partner
Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars
- Partner since: 2015
- Extensions: 13
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly
- Frontend:
- Go to demo
Installation, first steps, user manual, ROAD MAP and other information can be found in our (German) new plugin manual.
New data type "article_kit" for the implementation of so-called "kits".
An article kit (or also called a package) represents a static (fixed) predefined parts list of real articles, which the customer can see in the configuration and in the price calculation, but cannot change. Typical application are so called assembly kits, which are composed of unchangeable assembly components, e.g. of certain type and number of fastening parts and tools.
Also, "kits" can be used to detect the differences in the configured devices. The differences in device performance may only be represented with appropriate kits. The more performance a device should offer, the more valuable and extensive the components in a kit can become. What merely hides a rather abstract device designation, e.g. "Special", can be defined (listed) in detail in a "Special Kit", so that the customer can also better recognize the difference to the normal device with a "Standard Kit".
1. New global parameter in plugin settings: "Show item number in checkout?".
Allows optional use/display of item number in checkout (shopping cart, sOrder, Documents, order history).
2. New global parameter in plugin settings: "Show item unit price in checkout?"
Optional display of unit prices in checkout (shopping cart, sOrder, Documents, order history).
1. Variants sorting bug fixed.
2. Variants "Order WITHOUT configuration" bug fixed.
1. Extension of the new data types for VARIANTS:
- variant_single_select
- variant_multi_select
by two new default parameters:
A. "variant_group_sort_active":true/false replaces the previous "variant_group_listing_sort_sizes":true/false parameter from now on,
activates the desired sort order.
B. "variant_group_sort_json"
defines the desired sort order in JSON format, for example:
- "size sorting" example
"variant_group_sort_json":{"1":"XXXS","2":"XXS","3":"XS","4":"S","5":"M","6":"L","7":"XL","8":"XXL","9": "XXXL","10":"XXXXL","11":"XXXXXL","12":"XXXXXXL","13":"2XL","14":"3XL","15":"4XL","16":"5XL","17":"6XL"}
- "gloves sizes sorting" example
2. Consideration of 1-dimensional variants, e.g. only size variants (WITHOUT colors) or only color variants (WITHOUT sizes)
DEMO example for 1-dimensional variants:
Extension of the new data types for VARIANTS:
- variant_single_select
- variant_multi_select
by two new default parameters:
1. "variant_group_listing_sort_sizes":true/false,
Sort by sizes (true) if textile sizes (as seen below) are used in the variants:
1 => "XXXS",
2 => "XXS",
3 => "XS",
4 => "S",
5 => "M",
6 => "L",
7 => "XL",
8 => "XXL",
9 => "XXXL",
10 => "XXXXL",
11 => "XXXXXL",
12 => "XXXXXXL",
13 => "2XL",
14 => "3XL",
15 => "4XL",
16 => "5XL",
17 => "6XL"
2. "variant_blockprices_active":true/false,
For activation/consideration of scale prices (true), if scale prices are defined in the variants.
Depending on the total quantity of the variants, the scale price is dynamically determined and automatically assigned to each variant.
Simple DEMO example:
New data types:
- variant_single_select
- variant_multi_select
For special configurations with 2-dimensional Shopware variants, e.g. for variants generated from colors and sizes.
The configuration can be assigned to an article with such variants. In the Konfiguratiopn can e.g. individual Verdelung
can be selected and then for certain colors various sizes can be ordered in different quantities in a single SET configuration.
The total order quantity is automatically calculated from the individual quantities specified per size.
This is a frequently requested application in B2B online stores in the textile or advertising industry, which essentially simplifies the ordering of personalized
article variants essentially simplify.
Two new default parameters are possible in the Limitations section for the new data types:
- variant_group_listing (specify the name of the variant group to be listed in the configuration).
- variant_group_mode ("standard"/"compact", if not specified then "standard")
Example of the new defaults in limits:
{"o_variant":{"variant_group_listing": "size", "variant_group_mode": "compact"}}
"variant_group_mode": "compact" means that no Quickviews are used.
Simple DEMO example:
1. The "Quickview" is called without errors even if no long description is found in the article.
2. New global plugin setting in plugin manager:
"Cover article images?"
- if "yes", article images in the option groups will always be covered in the same size (width=height so square).
- if "no", the original size is used or scaled proportionally in the GRID used.
- affects ONLY image display in GRID layout.
Please note, if "no", the item images keep their own aspect ratio. This setting is only recommended if all article images in the option group really have identical RATIO.
3. New parameter in "Articlepicker" Preferences > Article Picker Setup > Limitations
- "images_covered":0, no, do not cover
- "images_covered":1, yes, cover
This parameter overwrites the effect of the global plugin setting in point 2. Thus it is possible to activate or deactivate the covering per option group/SET in deviation from the global setting.
1. New plugin setting "Show discount prices?"
- If "yes", own prices and next to them item prices are displayed crossed out (the reduction is visible).
- If "no", only the current item prices are always displayed - without crossed-out prices next to them (the reduction is not visible).
2. Optimization of the logic for product images of the article accessories (data type "acc_single_select", "acc_multi_select").
- only cover images (the first assigned preview images) are used, no more secondary images in Quickviews
- thus less data load and better loading times
Optimization of the logic for product images in article SETs
- only cover images (the first assigned preview images) are used, no more secondary images in Quickviews
- thus less data load and better loading times
1. Display of discounted prices
- only in case that in the CSV data record a separate reduced price is specified, which is smaller than the article price
- adoption of the discounted price display in the "Quickview" as well
2. Fixing of the output of article descriptions in the Quickview
- if specified in the article data, short descriptions and normal article descriptions will be displayed
3. Individual article prices for different customer groups are taken into account as follows
- from customer group discounts
- from the article price table per customer group
Applies only in conjunction with "Product Configurator" as of version 5.9.67
New plugin setting in the "Plugin Manager":
"SET/Bill of materials mode" = Add/Standard.
Add = Add Accessories/SET items in order as separate positions.
Standard = Do NOT add Accessories/SET items - as before - as separate positions in order.
Applies only in conjunction with "Product Configurator" as of version 5.9.66
1. Interaction of "Articlepicker" SET's with "Product Configurator" data types/options (the internal API) has been improved and problems have been fixed.
2. Deactivated shop articles if used in "Articlepicker" SET's are not displayed in configuration.
3. Optics of "out of stock" shop items if used in "Articlepicker" SET's, improved for layouts: "list" and "select".
4. New default parameter "active_linkdetail" in "Limitations":
- enable (= true) or disable (= false) the linking of the product image with the corresponding detail page in QUICKVIEW
- "Linking=false" is preset, which prevents the parts/components from being linked by default and thus being found better in the store (which is often not desired)
Correction for article names that do not come from the master data but were specified in the CSV records.
The article names in the CSV records have higher priority and should replace/overwrite the article names from the master data in configuration - but unfortunately this was not the case - and has been corrected.
1. ADVANCED plugin settings - optionally activatable.
- especially for dynamic price calculation of articles/components depending on dimensions or other values to be entered.
- evaluation/resolution of price formulas using math.js (a very powerful mathematical javascript library, optionally activatable via CDN)
- access to price formulas via a predefined item attribute
- please ONLY ACTIVATE if these settings (especially the math.js library) are really used
2. Improvements and optimizations for article sets with the "SELECT" layout
- optimized handling for chained dependencies
- insertion of info icons for tooltips in the "SELECT" headers
- color highlighting of the selection counter in the "SELECT" headers
3. Extension of the templates for the exclusion controller logic
4. Powerful "Exclusion/Conflict CONTROLLER" with AND and XOR logic - will be implemented individually on request
- can be used alternatively to BLACKOPTIONS - the BLACKOPTIONS hide the conflicting articles,
- the CONTROLLER on the other hand informs about conflicts and leaves the conflicting articles still selectable
1. New layout default parameter "data" for pure in configuration invisible article data (e.g. price and delivery time) which can be used in formulas, see description in manual, see description in manual:
2. Implementation of translated product data (item name, item description, shipping time) in configuration display and quickview - important for language stores.
Translations of item units in "language" stores (e.g.: translation "piece" for "Stück" in English store) are output correctly now.
Price display and calculation for items with their own prices or surcharges defined in CSV records have been corrected.
Price display and calculation for NETTO store (e.g. after merchant login) fixed.
Extension of ARTICLEPICKER to use Shopwares Crossseling "ACCESSORIES".
1. New data types "acc_multi_select" and "acc_single_select".
2. These datatypes automatically detect the crossselling "ACCESSORIES" item defined in the article.
3. New setting in Plugin Manager > Plugin Settings > "Show ACCESSORIES tab = yes/no".
4. With the new setting "ACCESSORIES Tab" can be disabled (= recommended default) if "ACCESSORIES" is used in SET configuration.
5. The ACCESSORIES articles are handled in the SET configuration in the same way as the data types "article_multi_select" and "article_single_select":
- order quantities can also be entered
- the available "layouts" can be assigned
- other default/limit parameters can also be applied to the ACCESSORIES articles
1. A booster for the sale of ACCESSORIES items.
2. The ACCESSORIES articles can be ordered more easily/comfortably
3. A single configuration can be linked to all the articles with ACCESSORIES and offer them much more present to the customer.
For this ARTICLEPICKER release 1.3.0 also PRODUCT CONFIGURATOR (the base plugin) must be updated to version 5.9.29 - see also the plugin changelog in "Product Configurator".
If you update from plugin version 1.0.0, please click the plugin button "Reinstall" 1x in the plugin manager, your data will NOT be lost.
1. New parameter values in the "layouts" defaults and their implementation.
- "layout": "select", for a very compact SET item layout in a pull-down list.
- layout": "hidden", for all kind of predefined parts lists, which are hidden in the configuration (not selectable) but shown in the price calculation and in the checkout
- detailed description can be found in the german manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-6zv4tbsNhUDp2Ebg6P4opghxG6smPC9cGo9Z0WX71c/edit#heading=h.az8ozqkqrfza
2. Optimizations in template and jQuery logic
- wrong order quantities (empty entries or values below the minimum quantity) in the SET articles are blocked
- improved display for mobile devices
If you update from plugin version 1.0.0, please click the plugin button "Reinstall" 1x in the plugin manager, your data will NOT be lost.
1. Extension of the defaults by "layouts" - by definable layout of the article SETS.
- extension of the Articlepicker templates for the "Layouts".
- extension of the jQuery and LESS logic for the "Layouts".
- description can be found in the manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-6zv4tbsNhUDp2Ebg6P4opghxG6smPC9cGo9Z0WX71c/edit#heading=h.az8ozqkqrfza
2. Small corrections in template and jQuery logic.
- no "placeholder" for order quantity fields in the SET articles
- order quantity in the SET articles can't be made empty anymore - the order quantity is set to the minimum order quantity in this case
First release of the addon in the Shopware Community Store