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Individual newsletter registration in a modal box (over the footer, over a time delay, etc.)

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(4 reviews)
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  • ermöglicht eine individuelle Newsletteranmeldung in einer Modalbox, beispielsweise über den Footer, über eine Zeitverzögerung, beim Verlassen der Seite oder in einem Bereich oberhalb des Footers
  • das Platzieren der Newsletteranmeldung auch in einer Einkaufswelt
  • das automatische Versenden individueller Gutscheincodes an die E-Mail-Adressen der bestätigten Newsletteranmeldungen über den eigenen CronJob
  • ein eigenes Backend - Modul "versendete Gutscheincodes", dass die E-Mail-Adresse des Empfängers, den Gutscheincode, den Gutscheinwert, den Gutscheinabzug (Prozent oder Wert) und das Versanddatum der E-Mail enthält
  • eigene Shopware - Blöcke, um das Plugin updatesicher im eigenen Theme anpassen oder erweitern zu können

About the Extension

Contact & Support

If you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail shopware.support@digitalwert.de and we are happy to help you. A instructions for the plugin can be found at: https://shopwaredemo.digitalwert.de/media/pdf/22/37/f7/Guide_IndividualNewsletterregistration.pdf .

Description of the plugin

The plugin "Individual newsletter registration in a modal box (over the footer, over a time delay or when leaving the page)" provides an individual newsletter registration in a modal box, for example over the footer, over a time delay or when leaving the page. The newsletter registration can also be placed in a shopping world via the shopping world element "Newsletter-Registierung".

Within the plugin configuration it can also be determined whether a re-registration for the newsletter is to be prevented and the customer should get a corresponding error message in this regard (in shopware standard otherwise a sign-out and re-registration of the newsletter takes place in this case).

At the modal box the width and height can be set in pixels, the height can also be fixed, for example for iframes. Furthermore, a background color and / or a background image for the modal box can also be selected. The source of the content of the modal box can come either from its own content or from an external source. The own content may include a headline, a sub headline, a text above and below the button or an image. The input field and the button can either be displayed next to each other or below each other, the text and the icon of the button can also be hidden if necessary. A label in front of the input field can also be displayed. If required, the modal box for the newsletter registration via the time delay and when leaving the page can also be hidden in different views (smartphone and tablet).

Furthermore, a captcha in the form "Default (Numbers/Letters)" or "Honeypot (Invisible)" can be displayed, which can be set  under "Configuration" -> "Basic settings" -> "Additional settings" -> "Newsletter" -> "Use captcha for newsletter". Likewise, the plugin also supports the double opt-in process, so that the customer must first confirm the newsletter registration before he is included in the newsletter group. The double opt-in process is activated under "Configuration" -> "Basic settings" -> "Additional dettings" -> "Privacy" -> "Double opt In for newsletter subscriptions" and by selecting the value "Yes".

In addition, a checkbox field for the privacy policy can be displayed so that the newsletter registration is DSGVO compliant.

For the modal box for the newsletter registration with a time delay you can set the time delay in seconds (for example in which residence time the modal box automatically opens), the cookie lifetime in days and the restriction of the display to selected shopware controllers (so that the modal box does not appear for example in the checkout or on the article details page). This is a normal browser cookie (newsletterregistration), which is only valid as long as the defined cookie lifetime in the plugin configuration. The cookie is responsible for the fact when the customer closes the modal box, the modal box for the cookie lifetime does not appear anymore. Within the plugin configuration the name of the cookie for the cookie hint can be set, in the standard this is the shopware cookie allowCookie. On the part of the plugin, only cookies are set if the cookie policy has been approved ("Accept" button).

The newsletter registration via a modal box can also be displayed in the footer, so that the existing input field and button are replaced by a new button linked to the modal box.

Furthermore, the newsletter registration via a modal box can also be displayed when leaving the page. In this case, the cookie lifetime in days and the restriction of the display to selected shopware controllers can also be defined. This is a normal browser cookie (newsletterregistrationleavingpage), which is only valid as long as the defined cookie lifetime in the plugin configuration. The cookie is responsible for the fact when the customer closes the modal box, the modal box for the cookie lifetime does not appear anymore when leaving the page.

For example, to automatically send a voucher to the customer as a thank you after successfully subscribing to the newsletter, you can use the email template "sNEWSLETTERCONFIRMATION" under "Configuration" -> "Emaill templates" -> "System emails" and expand it with a general voucher code.

Furthermore, you can also use the cronjob (*7) "newsletter registration voucher codes" to automatically send individual voucher codes to the email addresses of the confirmed newsletter registrations. Therefore the cronjob must be activated under "Configuration" -> "Basic settings" -> "System" -> "Cronjobs" and in the plugin configuration under "consider newsletter registration from (cronjob - in format dd.mm.YYYY)" a date must be entered. The content of the email for sending the individual voucher codes can be maintained via the new email template "sNEWSLETTERREGISTRATIONVOUCHERCODES" with numerous variables available for personalizing the email (In the standard version the content of this email or the email template is again the thank-you message for the newsletter registration).

In advance a new voucher set with sufficient individual voucher codes ("Marketing" -> "Vouchers") must be created and the value from the field "Description" (we recommend to use a name or description without spaces) must be entered oder edited in the plugin configuration. The voucher code mode "Individual" should be selected and "number of vouchers" should be set to a sufficiently large number of vouchers (we recommend for performance reasons, not set more than 100000 at "number of vouchers", because every time a new voucher set can be created once all the coupon codes are used up), voucher codes should also be generated in the tab "Individual voucher codes" that can be used by the plugin.

Within the newly created backend module "sended voucher codes" under the menu item "Customers" you can view the voucher codes that have been sent via the cronjob "newsletter registration voucher codes". The listing will include the recipient's email address, the voucher code, the voucher value, the voucher discount (percentage or absolute) and the date the email was sent. In the listing there is both a search function and a deletion function, for example, to be able to search for an email or a voucher code achieve or a renewed e-mail delivery with a new voucher code to an email address.

In addition, you can also activate an email notification to receive an email if the current voucher set no longer contains sufficient voucher codes.

When sending emails with individual voucher codes via the own cronjob, the language is get from the customer account for email addresses that the shop can assign to a customer account (guest or customer account) and based on the received language the appropriate translation email template is used. For email addresses that the shop can not assign to a customer account (for example, if the customer signed up for the newsletter with only a email address, but never placed an order with this email address), thus no information on the language of the customer are available, you can adjust the default email template using the variable {$multilingualvoucher} (usually the german email template) that there are both, the standard text as well as a text in other languages, defined, as is the case in other big shops. More informations can be found in the instructions for the plugin ( https://shopwaredemo.digitalwert.de/media/pdf/22/37/f7/Guide_IndividualNewsletterregistration.pdf ) at point 5.

Informations about the plugin

(1). Developed according to the new plugin system from shopware 5.2.

(2). Compatible with PHP 7.

(3). Test for 30 days without obligation: with the trial version you can use the plugin for 30 days free of charge and in full directly in your shop.

(4). Compatible themes: this plugin is compatible with the Responsive theme from shopware and themes derived from it. When using a third party theme, which was purchased through the shopware store, the proper use of the plugin can not be guaranteed as with any other shopware plugin. 

(5). Unencrypted: the plugin is provided completely open source, so you do not need the license manager from shopware and it can therefore be used without problems without the iOnCube Loader.

(6). Own shopware blocks: the plugin provides its own shopware blocks so you be able to adapt or extend the plugin update safe in your own theme. The names of the corresponding own shopware blocks can be found in the instructions: https://shopwaredemo.digitalwert.de/media/pdf/22/37/f7/Guide_IndividualNewsletterregistration.pdf .

(7). When used the cronjob please note: it should be ensured that the hosting has enough memory limit, so that the CronJob and its actions can be executed accordingly (otherwise the CronJob will automatically deactivate and return "false" as result data). Rarely enough is the minimum memory limit of 256M required by Shopware.  Also we recommend for performance reasons, not set more than 100000 at "number of vouchers", because every time a new voucher set can be created once all the coupon codes are used up. If you do not have the option to increase the memory_limit accordingly, you can instead used a general voucher code in the email template "sNEWSLETTERCONFIRMATION".


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 21 December 2020
  • Publication date: 27 March 2019
  • Version: 2.0.15
  • Category: Special features


Reviews (4)

Average rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Based on 4 reviews
5.0 Functionality
4.8 Usability
4.8 Documentation
5.0 Support

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Top Support

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by KUPFERRAUSCH Werbeagentur
23 April 2020 11:46
... Feedback am Sonntag inkl. ausführlicher Hilfe zur Problemlösung! Besser geht es nicht.
5.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Klasse Plugin und super Support!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Marc Nellen
14 February 2020 09:15
Klasse Plugin mit sehr vielen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Dazu ein hervorragender Support, der sofort reagiert und umgehend Lösungen umsetzt. Sehr zu empfehlen!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Schneller und kompetenter Support

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Zhihui Ou
5 April 2019 13:39
Hier gibt es nichts zu meckern, so soll es sein!
Vielen Dank :)
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Das Plugin ist super und macht genau was es soll. Der Support überragend. Digitalwert hilft sofort wenn mal was klemmt.

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Hennes' Finest
5 April 2019 10:36
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2017
  • Extensions: 46


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English