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isento eCommerce solutions

Loyalty Discount

Rating: 5.0

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

(3 reviews)
Downloads: 117



  • Storage of absolute or percentage discount
  • Configure individual product streams that can be ignored when discounting (helpful when e.g. a sale category is already discounted)
  • Calculate the level based on total revenue, last 365 days or current calendar year.

About the Extension

Loyalty Discount

Discount for loyal customers who regularly buy items in the online shop. Each customer automatically receives a certain discount as soon as they have reached a predefined total turnover. The discount type (absolute or percentage) and the total amount to be reached for the discount can be adjusted as needed.


There are countless web shops existing in the online world nowadays – with such a wide variety to choose from, customer loyalty is becoming more and more important. Our plugin enables you to reward loyal customers with a discount for subsequent orders and therefore motivate them to buy from your shop again.

The discount type (absolute or percentage) and the total amount to be reached to receive the discount can be adjusted as needed. These and other additional options offer you the flexibility you need in order to adapt your own discounts to the needs of your customers individually.


You have to set a few configuration options after the plugin installation. The discount levels need to be attached to the customers before any change is visible to the shop.

After plugin activation there is a new menu entry located under Marketing called Loyalty Discount. In the new window you have the ability to view/add/edit/delete all loyalty discounts. You only need a name for a level name for a level , the amount of discount each customer gets in that level and the sales that are necessary to reach that level.

By clicking the button each level gets attached to the customer. Warning: From now on the customers can buy with their new discount level!

You can check the customer levels in the customer menu in the backend. For that reason you can see a new column in the customer menu, that indicates the customers loyalty level.

Individual Settings

  • Discount Type - Absolute or percentage
  • Grant discount after X days - The customer receives the discount X days after the order has been placed. (useful to avoid fraud in the form of several orders one after the other)
  • Discount Articlenumber - The item number that is used for the discount position
  • Ignore surcharges - Surcharges such as the minimum order value will be ignored
  • Ignore customergroups - Customers in these customer groups are not assigned a level and do not receive a discount
  • Ignore Product Streams for discount - Products in this Product Stream will be ignored when discounted
  • Orders taken into account - Only orders within this period will be considered for the level calculation. The following options are available:
    • Total sales
    • The last 365 days
    • The current calendar year
  • Payment states - Only orders with this payment states will be considered for the level calculation
  • Minimum basket amount - The loyalty discount is only added when this shopping basket value is reached
  • Show level in account - Customer gets his level displayed in the Account menu
  • Account Button Link - Inserts a link in the account menu that could link to a CMS page with the loyalty discount statement

Additional configuration possibilities

The discount position can also be calculated with different VAT rates. In order to do so, the standard settings in the shop are used. You can find them under Configuration -> Basic settings -> Items -> Other VAT rates.

Under VAT discounts , all discounts with a fixed VAT sum are set.
If the option Set tax for discounts dynamically is activated, the highest VAT rate from the shopping cart is automatically used for the discount position.


  • For the calculation of the levels the delivery costs from the order are not considered
  • Purchase orders with the status Canceled / Rejected are also not included in the calculation.

Why be content with an out-of-the-box application?

We develop exactly the solution that you need in the shape of smart and highly performant applications. isento eCommerce stands for years of enthusiasm, comprehensive know-how and a deep understanding for the online order business. With a mixture of agile software development, individual solutions and cross-plattform apps, we create promotional and scalable solutions that help you to a higher turnover, growth and customer satisfaction.

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  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 2 August 2021
  • Publication date: 16 July 2018
  • Version: 1.7.0
  • Category: Loyality & Rewards


Reviews (3)

Average rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Based on 3 reviews
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

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wirklich genial

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Marina Scheubly
5 January 2019 12:51
Zwar erst gerade installiert und noch keine Langzeiterfahrung, aber Installation und look and feel im Shop selbst ist super. Bin sehr gespannt wie die Kunden das wahrnehmen...
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Treue Kunden? Diese Plugin ist das ein Schritt weiter

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Simon Kooij
6 September 2018 17:36
Loyale Kunden sind ein Muss, aber wie erreicht man das? Qualität in Produkt und Preis, aber wie man bindet am Shop? Gefunden denke ich in diesem Plugin.
Installiert, einige schwankende Installationen aufgrund meines eigenen Fehlers, etwas nicht richtig verstanden. Mit der Unterstützung von Isento funktioniert es Perfekt. Top Service, Top Plugin, hat gerade eine zusätzliche Funktion als Update bekommen und man ist offen für Vorschläge. Kann sich sicherlich zu einem interessanten Marketinginstrument entwickeln. Spannend, was noch kommen wird. Im Detail kennt man den Meister.

Simon Kooij
www.modelbus.nl / veldbaanshop.nl
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Support ist 1-klassig

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Mike Brunder
23 July 2018 14:41
Plugin macht, nach anfänglichen Bugs, jetzt genau das was es soll. Was ich allerdings hervorheben möchte ist der Support via E-Mail und Telefon. Support-Tickets werden innerhalb wenigen Minuten (auch zu unchristlichen Uhrzeiten) freundlich beantwortet. Wenn die Kommunikation etwas schwierig wird, suchen Sie selber auch den Kontakt via Telefon um das Problem zu lösen.

So kann man nur die volle Punktzahl vergeben!
Macht bitte genau so weiter!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

isento eCommerce solutions

isento eCommerce solutions

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.8

    Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2018
  • Extensions: 10


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly