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Impulsive Projects

IP Watermark for Article Images

Rating: 3.5

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

(1 reviews)
Downloads: 154


About the Extension

Product information

This Plugin wartermarkes your article pictures with a custom watermark.

An image is used as watermark (a transpartent PNG image would be ideal) which will be uploaded and included trough the Media Manager. Only Images uploaded in the album „article images“ will be watermarked. The plugin also saves the original images in a new album applied in the media manager.


  1. You should use a transparent PNG-image as watermark, which will be uploaded to your server via FTP. In the setting „Watermark Image“ you quote The path of this image relative to the root directory of your shop. It is advised to use a high resolution (e.g. 1024 x 600) image, since the plugin scales the watermark percentual to the size of the uploaded article image.
  2. In the setting „Watermark Size in %“ you can set the size of the watermark in relation to the uploaded article image.
  3. In the setting „Horizontal Watermark Position“ you decide where the watermark will be placed horizontally. You have the options to place it in the center, left or right.
  4. In the setting „Vertical Watermark Position“ you decide where the watermark will be placed vertically. You have the options to place it in the center, top or bottom.
  5. In the setting „Keep Original Image“ you can decide if the original images should be saved.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 21 October 2021
  • Publication date: 27 February 2017
  • Version: 1.0.14
  • Category: Detail Page


Reviews (1)

Average rating

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

Based on 1 reviews
4.0 Functionality
3.5 Usability
0.5 Documentation
5.0 Support

0 %
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Probleme behoben

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

by Harald Rothermel
22 January 2018 20:12
Wir hatten Probleme mit dem Product-Feed, die vom Plugin verursacht wurden.
Nach Rücksprache konnten die Probleme behoben werden.
4.0 Functionality
3.5 Usability
0.5 Documentation
5.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

Impulsive Projects

Impulsive Projects

Partner Status

  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.8

    Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2017
  • Extensions: 6


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Quickly