Fix: Rounding up of prices has been removed
Fix: Improved tax handling (Prevents differences in costs between orders and generated documents)
Fix: Changed VAT to 0% to align with Galaxus changes
Fixed a tracking code error and added a new field in the plugin configuration for the logistics service provider.
Fixed a return notification error
Switching to openTRANS 2.0
- Allows extension of order import
- Bugfix for manual canceller in Shopware 5.7
- Bugfix for dispatch notification
IMPORTANT: When updating from a version from before 2.0.0
problems can occur during the update. Because of this we encourage the
use the following process to install the update in this case:
- Create database backup
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
When updating from 2.0.0 or newer we encourage the following process:
- Create database backup
- Install update
- Check if all cronjobs of the plugin are active and activate them if necessary.
Changelog since 2.0.5:
- Compatibility for Shopware 5.7
- Suppress duplicate send notifications
- Allow update of customer e-mail address from orders
IMPORTANT: When updating from a version from before 2.0.0
problems can occur during the update. Because of this we encourage the
use the following process to install the update in this case:
- Create database backup
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
When updating from 2.0.0 or newer we encourage the following process:
- Create database backup
- Install update
- Check if all cronjobs of the plugin are active and activate them if necessary.
Changelog since 2.0.4:
IMPORTANT: When updating from a version from before 2.0.0 problems can occur during the update. Because of this we encourage the use the following process to install the update in this case:
- Create database backup
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
When updating from 2.0.0 or newer we encourage the following process:
- Create database backup
- Install update
- Check if all cronjobs of the plugin are active and activate them if necessary.
Changelog since 2.0.3:
IMPORTANT: When updating from a version from before 2.0.0 problems can occur during the update. Because of this we encourage the use the following process to install the update in this case:
- Create database backup
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
When updating from 2.0.0 or newer we encourage the following process:
- Create database backup
- Install update
- Check if all cronjobs of the plugin are active and activate them if necessary.
Changelog since 2.0.2:
- Bugfix for order processing
IMPORTANT: When updating from a version from before 2.0.0 problems can occur during the update. Because of this we encourage the use the following process to install the update in this case:
- Create database backup
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
When updating from 2.0.0 or newer we encourage the following process:
- Create database backup
- Install update
- Check if all cronjobs of the plugin are active and activate them if necessary.
Changelog since 2.0.1:
- Tracking codes are processed the same way for manual and automatic send.
- An error in versions 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 lead to orders staying in the state kmudo_digitec_galaxus_order_remain . This update fixes this. All orders with a wrong state are moved to the correct state.
IMPORTANT: Currently, the installation of the update can lead to problems when updating from a version below 2.0.0 to this update. Because of this we encourage the use the following process to install the update until further notice:
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
We encourage you to create a database backup before upgrading.
After an update from version 2.0.0 you may need to activate the cronjobs.
Changelog since 2.0.0:
- Bugfix: Database error during automatic accept
IMPORTANT: Currently, the installation of the update can lead to problems. Because of this we encourage the use the following process to install the update until further notice:
- Backup plugin configuration
- Uninstall old version
- Install new version
- Re-Configure plugin
We encourage you to create a database backup before upgrading.
Changelog since 1.3.5:
- Migration to current plugin structure
- Overhaul of stock management
- Fix when parsing adresses
- Pre-fill default tracking URL
- Bugfix for problems in transfering GDELR and GCANR introduced in 1.3.4
- Bugfix for zoom in backend
for communication problems with Digitec Galaxus introduced in version 1.3.3
for misbehaviour on automatic send reply on low stock introduce in version
for problems with other plugins sending mails
the possibility to select the subshop for import
Bugfix: Cronjob KmudoGalaxusSend threw an error
- Reading first- and lastname
- Fix automatic approval
- Several code optimizations (PSR-1)
Bugfix: Library was not found
Debugging code was removed which led to a error.
Bug fix: Led to errors in other cronjobs
The cronjobs support the client line interface (CLI) of Shopware.
The plugin has to be reinstalled after the update. (Attention: Save the plugin configuration, so that you don't lose any data.)
Fixed some bugs related to auto accepting orders.
This update contains compatiblity patches for Shopware 5.5There was also a bug which got fixed.
Bugfixes:- Fixed some issues
- Multishop/subshop compatibility- New feature: Cancel positions before accepting order- Bugfixes
Bug fixes: Due to some issues with the ftp path, on some servers the plugin did not work
First release of the plugin