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BuI Hinsche GmbH

Display variant selection in listing

Rating: 0.5

Average rating of 0.5 out of 5 stars

(1 reviews)
Downloads: 103



  • Plugin-Features oder was kann es:
  • Darstellung eindimensionaler Varianten im Listing z. B. ausschließlich Farbauswahl (rot, gelb, blau, ...)
  • Darstellung mehrdimensionaler Varianten im Listing z. B. Farbauswahl (rot, gelb, blau, ...) in jeweils unterschiedlichen Größen (S, M, L, ...) - daraus ergeben sich die Farb- Größenkombinationen (L-rot, L-gelb, L-gelb, ...) nach kombinatorischen Regeln
  • Auswahl bereits im Listing
  • responsivefähig
  • keine Informationsflut für Deine Kunden
  • mandantenabhängig einsetzbar
  • Auswahl, ob Variantenpreise angezeigt werden oder nicht

About the Extension

Variant selection in the listing or also called product variants in the listing, enables you to display one- or multi-dimensional product variants in the listing. The big advantage of these plugins is the output of multidimensional variations. The display in the frontend is a dropdown. Thus a clear representation of multidimensional variants is guaranteed. Of course, this also includes mobile devices.

When selecting a variant, the user is forwarded to the product details in order either to select another variant or to be able to place a final order.
The big advantage compared to the variant selection provided by Shopware is that with our plugin you can see the variant options directly at the article and you already have to select them there. So your customer doesn't have to search first via the filter function.

Plugin features or what it can do:

  • representation of one-dimensional variants in the listing, e.g. only color selection (red, yellow, blue, ...)

  • representation of multidimensional variants in the listing, e.g. color selection (red, yellow, blue, ...) in different sizes (S, M, L, ...) - this results in the color-size combinations (L-red, L-yellow, L-yellow, ...) according to combinatorial rules

  • selection already in listing

  • responsive

  • no flood of information for your customers

  • can be used client-dependently

  • selection of whether variant prices are displayed or not

What can't:

  •     Display images in the listing (we can discuss individual customization options)

  •     display individual variants in the listing (all stored variants are always displayed)

** FAQ **

**** Basic ****

Our plugin are all designed to the standard functionalities of the basic system Shopware 5 (Community Edition). This concerns both the functionalities and the design. So if it does not fit once, may have to make adjustments to your own theme. Please understand that it is impossible for us to consider every single theme. 

**** compatibility to plugins ****

Basically, our plugins are compatible with each other. If there should be restrictions or malfunctions, we will gladly check them in a timely manner. In individual cases, it may happen that functionalities of individual plugins from our house are excluded. In this case, we will point this out to you. However, this compatibility can only be guaranteed for our plugin. The market of third party providers and their plugins makes it impossible to take into account all functionalities and modes of operation. This also applies to plugins from Shopware that are not included in the Community Edition. 

**** Support ****

Basically, we first look to see if it is an error from the plugin or the cause is otherwise. Depending on the result, we will inform you whether there will be any costs or not. However, if you have made changes to the plugin yourself, any claim to free support is forfeited. In this case, we charge the full cost. 

**** Are there trial versions for our plugin ****

All our plugin you can test with the free trial month to look at the functionalities in peace and try. In this trial month all functions are available to you, there are no limitations. We ask you to make use of this trial month to decide for sure if it is exactly the plugin you need or if it offers the functionalities you expected before buying or renting.

**** Can I have the plugin customized? ****

YES, if you are missing a functionality or you need a customization for your specific needs, we will be happy to find a solution together with you. The easiest way to do this is to send us an email with your ideas. Don't forget to give us your contact details, so we can get in touch with you. 

** What we do **

**** consulting ****

The digital world is changing hourly and getting more and more complex. Therefore, we have made it our mission to stay on the ball for you and to constantly expand and develop our knowledge and relieve you of this tedious work. We can advise you, for example, on questions such as:

  • How do I optimize my store system?
  • Which merchandise management fits me?
  • Can I optimize processes in relation to the store?
  • Can I optimize processes in the company with the store?

**** development ****

Our developers are always and constantly to develop new products, expand, develop or optimize. But we also look beyond the horizon and develop together with you suitable websites or interfaces to software connections. Completely individual solutions are also no problem. We just have to talk about it.

**** Design ****

You want a new design? We help you with the implementation.

**** support ****

Like a car or bike, your store also needs regular maintenance. We also have suitable solutions for this. Many of our customers already use this and let store and plugin updates through us. Just ask for our maintenance contract.

** Who are we? **

BuI-Hinsche GmbH has been in the e-commerce sector since 2006 and therefore has 15 years of experience to fall back on. Our employees are 100% behind the company and give their best every day. Creative, solution-oriented and customer-oriented - these are always statements that are made about us. 

** Contact **

phone: +49 3441 9799060
e-mail: info@bui-hinsche.com or support@bui-hinsche.com


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 15 February 2022
  • Publication date: 14 September 2016
  • Version: 5.07.03
  • Category: Conversion Optimization


Reviews (1)

Average rating

Average rating of 0.5 out of 5 stars

Based on 1 reviews
0.5 Functionality
0.5 Usability
0.5 Documentation
0.5 Support

0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
100 %

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Leider unbrauchbar! Schlechter Support!

Average rating of 0.5 out of 5 stars

by Abdul El-Chafei
3 December 2018 20:21
Wir haben das Modul mit viel Vorfreude gekauft weil es exakt das macht, was wir gesucht haben. Leider gibt es zwei gravierende Fehler die das Modul unbrauchbar machen.

1. Der Shop wird DEUTLICH langsamer. Sobald wir das Modul deaktivieren, werden die seiten (speziell die Startseite) deutlich schneller geladen.

2. Das Dropdown wird beim runter scrollen, bei den Artikeln die noch geladen werden, grafisch falsch dargestellt.

Zum Support: Wir haben dem Hersteller das Problem genau wie es hier beschrieben ist geschildert. Und zusätzlich Bilder von der falschen Darstellung per E-Mail geschickt. Der Hersteller hat sich recht schnell gemeldet aber Sie konnte beide Fehler komischerweise nicht nachvollziehen. Auf eine weitere E-Mail von uns gab es dann keine Antwort mehr. Schade eigentlich weil das Modul sonst sehr interessant wäre.
0.5 Functionality
0.5 Usability
0.5 Documentation
0.5 Support
by BuI Hinsche GmbH 3 December 2018 20:36
Wir widersprechen dieser unangebrachten Kritik. Wir haben Ihnen gerade heute morgen (siehe unten) mitgeteilt, dass wir Ihr Problem gerne noch einmal anschauen möchten und dass wir für den Geschwindigkeitsverlust einen Lösungsansatz haben. Da dieser sehr umfangreich ist, ist es nicht kurzfristig realisierbar. Es ist eine Unverschämtheit, so negativ zu bewerten, zumal wir auf Ihre E-Mail IMMER zeitnah reagiert haben! Es ist richtig, dass wir den Fehler im ersten Moment nicht nachvollziehen konnten, dies war aber aufgrund mangelhafter Angaben Ihrerseits verursacht.

Kopie der E-Mail von heute morgen:
Yvonne Hinsche posted 12/03/2018 10:09
Sehr geehrter Herr El-Chafei,

leider ist Ihr Shop aktuell nicht erreichbar. Ich würde mir gerne das Problem mit dem Scrollen noch einmal anschauen.

Bezüglich der Ladezeiten werden wir das Plugin diesbezüglich verbessern und ein Update veröffentlichen. Ich gehe jedoch davon aus, dass wir dies nicht mehr dieses Jahr schaffen werden, da es umfangreich angepasst werden muss.

About the Extension Partner

BuI Hinsche GmbH

BuI Hinsche GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware
    Premium Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.3

    Average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2014
  • Extensions: 79


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly