Note for missing variant selection | KruseMedien
About the Extension
Prevent unnecessary purchase cancellations in your online store!
The "grayed out" shopping cart button for product variants causes confusion for your customers or, in the worst case, even complete purchase abandonment.
Avoid aborted purchases, increase sales!
The app "Note if variant selection is missing" enables you to quickly and effectively prevent an unnecessary conversion dropout and to sustainably increase the usability of your store.
Once installed, the "Note if variant selection is missing" app can be used immediately to ensure that the "Add to cart" button can be clicked at any time - even if a variant type, such as "Color" or "Size", has not been selected or configured. To indicate the lack of a selection for the variant, the app adds a clearly colored text hint below the corresponding selection box. The hint is automatically hidden after three seconds. If another click is made on the "Shopping Cart" button within the three seconds, the app clearly signals that the selection of a variant is still missing by briefly flashing the hint box. The app supports all three different Shopware selection configurators: "Selection", "Image" and "Standard".
Download and install free trial now.
KruseMedien GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Ring 32
48691 Vreden
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 29 September 2017
- Publication date: 9 October 2017
- Version: 1.0.0
- Category: Detail Page
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About the Extension Partner
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 5
- Partner since: 2014
- Extensions: 9
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly