BugFix: topseller sorting without manual sorting
BugFix: link in breadcrumb - back to category - without category id
BugFix: Loading the sorting in backend of product streams if no manual articles are sorted
Adding an if-statement for catching errors
BugFix: sorting topseller
Sorting product streams on home page;
cross selling: compatibility for PHP 8;
BugFix: error in topseller sorting
BugFix: Add compatibility for topseller sorting
Add compatibility with random and instock sorting
changed article amount in preview window for product streams
add a try catch query for avoiding a data error
BugFix: using default categorie sort
BugFix: save new product streams
Add reset buttons in product streams
Add compatibility with attribute sorting
Add compatibility for the plugin "Article configurator for selectable sets and bundles"
limit the amount of topseller articles
BugFix: register/collecting the topseller sorting
add index in topseller sorting db table
BugFix: product stream sorting for Shopware versions smaller than 5.7
Add manual topseller sorting in catgeories; add product stream sorting in article sliders of emotion worlds
Add compatibility for Shopware 5.7; BugFix: possible double crossselling articles removed
BugFix: showing/adding new crossselling articles
showing/adding new crossselling articles
catch an error with joining the db table mbdus_articles_categories more than once
solved problem with infinite scrolling on supplier sites
solved problem with the plugin pseudo variants
removed limitation of 25 articles in preview of selected product streams
Check Shopware Plugin Bonussystem
Add compatibility for the Shopware plugin Bonussystem
removed pagingbar in selected product streams
add a request in QueryBuilderFactory for frontend
edited compatibility between Shopware 5.6 and 5.5
add compatibility for Shopware 5.6
inactive articles with background colour
Add manual sorting in selection streams
Add compatibility in querybuilderfactory for another plugins
Add product stream sort in categories
Add compatibility for the plugin pseudovariants
Changes for the preview of the Shopware plugin Intelligent Search in the backend
add compatibility for Shopware 5.5
removed version check for Shopware 5.3 in subscriber for catching errors
catch a fatal error on requests in the console
catch a fatal error on requests in the console
catch a null error on requests in the console
corrected error in the update function
changed to new plugin system
Changed checking shopware version;
Add a plugin setting for turn of colored articles in the backend
BugFix for Infinite Scrolling
BugFix: article order for sorting of relevance in the backend
BugFix: article order on search page
manual sorting of relevanz;
BugFix: Saving similar and related articles
Sorted Articles get a colored background in the backend without reload; edited search for more performance
Saving similar and related articles
Sorted Articles get a colored background in the backend
BugFix for Shopware 5.4: price sorting with new interface
BugFix: Sorting ManualArticleSorting not supported
BugFix: add new articles at the end of the category
no manual sorting for suppliers and streams
SW5.3: Add default sort if all sortings are deleted
Support of sorting attributes
Sorting similar and related articles before the article was saved
Bugfix: Backend - sort of related articles
catch an error during installation of snippets
catch an error during installation of snippets
Add compatibility to Shopware 5.3
Add compatibility for the plugin "Shopping Advisor"
minimize extjs code for compatibility with other plugins
Comparing articleIds for loading articles in backend regarding similar and reladets articles.
Bugfix: not opening the article detail site in backend
add compatibility with search criterium from plugin "sorting by ordernumber"
Throw an exception for reinstall the plugin. Your sortings are safe in the database.
Feature: Now you can deactivate sorting of similar and related articles in th eplugin settings
-> Please reinstall your plugin. Your sort results are safe. The new registrations will not work via update!
Bugfix: namespace of the article model
Feature: hide sort-selectbox in frontend -> setting in the plugin configuration -> Please compile your theme cache new after change settings.
Check, if db tables exist for sorting related articles and similar articles
Bugfix: select a price value in filter area during sorting for the price
Add compatibility with plugin "accessoires groups" (http://store.shopware.com/en/cbax717232548589/accessories-groups-shopware-5.html)
Bugfix: load category attributes in backend category
Bugfix: sort of related and similar articles in backend after saveing an article
add compatibility for PHP 7
Bugfix: "... already related article..." was always shown
Bugfix: Search for articles in the category section is on the left side like the shopware standard
Please delete your cache and reload your backend.
Bugfix: Version check for sorting related articles since shopware version 5.1.0
Feature: Search for articles in category of backend is not a filter anymore. Now results will be highlighted.
Bugfix: amount of similar articles
Bugfix: show relating articles, which already exist
Feature SW5: sorting similar and related articles under "crossselling" tab in the article details
Bugfix: unsorted articles in parent categories
Bugfix: unsorted articles in parent categories
Listing inactive articles in backend of mapped articles view
Bugfix SW4: Show main article image in category
Bugfix: delete articles to categories mapping
Bugfix: duplicate categories
Bugfix: different article amount in frontend and backend because of too slow sql-statements
Bugfix SW5: Preclude sortierung from search and preview of search
Bugfix < SW 5.1: class SalesConditionHandler not exists -> reinstallation necessary
Bugfix: no categoryId
Bugfix: last article couldn't be removed from the right assigned articles side in the backend
Bugfix SW5: Categories without sorted articles and categories with only one article
Bugfix: listing of manufacturers
SW5: Add SearchBundle-Extension for compatibilty with third-party plugins
-> Reinstallation required