- Fixed a bug with selection fields in the shopping cart when using content from the article. Field 2-10 had taken the content from selection field 1.
- After the update, the additional option "Use condition for selection field x from the article" is available in the articles under Condition. This means that there is no longer any misunderstanding with the other conditions. If the first condition is selected or empty, the configurations are pulled from the main plug-in. If you choose 7, the content of the selection field from the article is used.
- Update function switch cases shortened to the last 2.3 versions. From 2.3.6
event.preventDefault (); corrected.
check_required_inputs (); removed.
In cart_field6.tpl and cart_field9.tpl was
in line 74 the variable for "field 1" is output.
- requiredfields replaced by requiredfield
This meant that the mandatory field did not work in the checkout area
- SelectValuesSize-n replaced by SelectValuesSize-1
Copying errors resulted in an index being read higher and higher in the selection field and from fields 4 onwards, no more entries could be seen in the shopping cart
- Fixed recursive call of the function to prevent the checkout and order completion with empty mandatory fields.
- Fixed data load when calling up orders in the backend. This resulted in long loading times, as orphaned scripts from an old version were still being executed.
Text label above checkbox removed for checkboxes.
- Due to the fixed condition in the text modules, the text in front of the field could not change for selected fields.
To do this, empty the cache completely once so that the new
Text modules are transferred to the backend
- Conditions query shortened.
- Removed individual text in front of the field from the 1st condition in the item detail page.
- Check for mandatory date field was checked for integer instead of string.
- changed to: data_dateinputfield_clickable1 === '0' // '1'
- HTML validation does not work for write-protected fields, which is why the date fields are only outlined in red with an extra check.
- Removed 8 copied from all templates.
- Your own text in front of the field is displayed again
- Condition for labels enclosed outside of the text modules so that text modules no longer have any condition in their value, only the text.
The variable for date validation is evaluated as a string, but was compared as an integer.
The new mandatory field condition requiredfieldx still had the value 0 from the old mandatory field condition $ fieldx_requiredfield for active in some fields. As a result, the fields were always interpreted as active when the mandatory field was deactivated.
Wrong naming of field 1 datefieldexcludeddays and $ arrayField2SelectValuesSize-1 for selections in field 2 and 3 fixed.
Text modules
corrected in fields 2 and 3.
Fixed conflict in selection field
Fields were only displayed in the shopping cart and checkout if the checkmark was also activated in the articles.
- Separation of the selection field between global item setting setting. In the Chechkout it happened that this always became the global attitude.
- Deactivating the fields via the Deactivate plugin works again immediately. Contrary to what Shopware expected, the response after the template registration, which has the loss, was that the man is still new to the cache afterwards and will become a Smarty Security
Fatal Error: Uncaptured SmartyException: Directory not allowed by security setting. Or the fields remain displayed despite the deactivation if the condition belongs to the absence.
Corrected spacing of empty text fields on the finish page.
Text label and the empty space between other fields will be hidden in empty fields if the setting Value in shopping cart / order completion page is activated.
- Fixed bugs in fields 10 and 8.
- Copy errors corrected.
Corrected mandatory fields in condition for selected articles and global fields
- Required variable for detail template is centrally stored in the main file as in the checkout template.
- namespace for checkout changed from detail / buy to checkout / cart_item
- Fields have their own blocks to belong and belong to the fields for their own topics.
- Array issue error in orders (/ account / orders) fixed.
Items were previously pre-filtered using articleID instead of detailID. As a result, the additional fields replace the previous additional fields with the same articleID.
- Fixed error when hiding the input change button for selected article.
Bug in orders -> fixed positions.
Ein und Ausblenden der Zusammenfassung der Eingaben auf der Bestellabschlusseite (Finish)
Pfllichtfeld bei Selectboxen behoben. Der Benutzer muss einen Wert auswählen, damit er weiter zur Kasse gelangt. Vorher wurde der 1. Wert immer bei Pflichtangaben genommen. Das konnte zu Missverständnissen führen.
- Fields 5 - 12 are no longer displayed in the cash register and in the shopping cart, if they are deactivated. The error is only available.
- preventForward () bug fixed. When filling in the mandatory fields, there was the unexpected error that the hidden attributes were counted in addition to the required attribute and thus the cash register button could not be activated, even if the boxes were obviously filled.
- Fixed negative days for calendar feature. Operator was faulty, which still worked in SW 5.5.8.
- Views directories reduced. Views2 and Views2_1 are omitted. Views2_1 is now Views. If you want an error, please check the folder. It eliminates the cart_item.tpl under / checkout /
Mandatory field check over id attribute for all 12 fields
Code shortened to 142 lines.
Remaining submit statement to remove the entry from templates 9-12 removed. This is controlled centrally.
Schleifenfehler behoben:
Wenn mehrere Felder Pflichtfelder sind und Artkiel im Warenkorb liegen, war der Button „Zur Kasse“ inaktiv - der User kam nicht weiter, auch wenn die Felder korrekt befüllt sind.
- Ist die Einstellung Werte im Warenkorb/Kasse nur anzeigen auf Ja gestellt, wird die Eingabe-Änderung nur noch unter den jeweiligen Feldern angezeigt, die auch für die Artikel zugewiesen sind.
- Only unfilled required-fields are marked red in the shopping cart and in the cash register.
- Redirection is intercepted by is-disabled client since the class
is - disabled with interactive buttons does not really prevent the forwarding, but only cosmetically disabled.
- Wrong mandatory field nesting in select field removed.
- Incorrect variable _in_cart replaced by correct _in_confirm in the Confirm templates. As a result, the field remained selectable when "Show only the values".
- Unfilled mandatory fields are highlighted in red instead of displaying the text.
- Checkout and Pay Button is disabled for mandatory information about the is-disabeld class.
- Bugfixing To order with obligatory fields is only possible if mandatory information is filled in the cash register, if there are several articles with the same mandatory fields.
- Validation of the forwarding in the shopping cart to the cash register, if mandatory fields are not filled
- Note is not yet spent on the field alone, which is empty, but also in the, which is filled, as long as the other is not filled (with the same attribute name). This will be repaired and completed on occasion.
- compatible with 5.6 (tested)
- Order Paid Mandatory fields only active when fields are filled.
If customers from the listing items in the cart, it was possible to complete the purchase without filling the fields, since the mandatory field was previously bound only to the input change.
If no fields have been previously filled in the item details page, the payment button is deactivated in the till until all mandatory entries have been filled.
- Entries are automatically saved from the order repetition to the s_order_basket_attributes so that they are saved in the new order without having to re-enter the information beforehand.
- Entries are now properly assigned to multiple items within a single order.
- Bug fixes in Size 1 selection fields by removing source code snippets. The values are stored correctly, the user could not subsequently change his selection in the shopping cart.
A total of 12 new fields available.
- Additional fields are also visible in the customer account.
- Fixed entry for required fields. Fields can be switched to read-only via extra points.
- Improved template structure and revised programming logic
- Install / Update optimization. However, the update can take quite a bit longer than usual. The initial installation itself takes a little longer when you create many fields, just like the uninstall.
- The name of the plugin changes with respect to the fields, like the installation instructions, soon. Handling does not change much.
- execute-> parent () Method encapsulated; if it is not used as of SW 5.5, it will no longer be executed.
- Extended limit for minimum number of characters to be entered for selected articles
- Limitation also possible in the checkout
, Fixed mandatory field condition for selected items if condition is to be inherited from the Pugin configuration.Previously, the field was only recognized as a mandatory field, if it is set in the article details, even if the mandatory field is to be set via the plug-in configuration.
- Limit for minimum number of characters to be entered for all text fields implemented.
- Sign validation implements characters to be implemented, for example, for technical components that only allow numbers or exact names.
- 'Letters allow digits and special characters'- 'only allow letters'- 'only allow digits' - 'only digits with - and # allow'
- Maximum number of characters for field Condition in the article details 0 - Apply condition of field 1 from the plugin configuration fixed and implemented for text fields.
- Execute-> parent () Method encapsulated; if it is not used as of SW 5.5, it will no longer be executed.
- Plugin up to SW 5.4.6 is no longer officially supported.
The block frontend_checkout_cart_item_product is in the template file cart_item_product.tpl instead of cart_item.tpl as of SW 5.5. Up to SW 5.5 the cart_item.tpl for SW 5.0 - 5.4 remains. The input fields were no longer displayed in SW 5.2 and above in the shopping cart and the checkout page.
- if condition added for template versions, for SW <= 4.5.
Problem mit Pflichtfeldern behoben, wenn die Einstellung Werte auf Bestellabschlussseite nur anzeigen auf Ja gestellt ist.
Die Einstellung"Werte auf Bestellabschlussseite nur anzeigen funktionierte für die Felder 2-4 nur dann, wenn die Option "Werte im Warenkorb nur anzeigen" auf JA eingestellt war.
Zeichenbegrenzung für Textfelder hinzugefügt.
Column `name` replaced by` articleordernumber` in SQL Query. Thus, it is compared with the article order number and no longer with the product name.For imported products via CSV, the bug was that the entries in the additional fields were not stored in the database if the product name did not contain identical or different characters.
pass the value for selected select elements into the shopping cart. selected items with selected articles.
Fields to restrict to a customer group completed.
Anpassung des Codes für Shopware ab Version 5.3 .