ReviewForest Widget - Help the planet. Get more reviews.

ReviewForest Widget - Help the planet. Get more reviews.

by webpiloten no ratings yet 57 Downloads
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  • Spno199993932894m
  • webpiloten
  • 1.1.0
  • 25 Nov 2020
  • de_DE en_GB
  • 5.3.0 – 5.3.7
    5.4.0 – 5.4.6
    5.5.0 – 5.5.10
    5.6.0 – 5.6.10
    5.7.0 – 5.7.19
Help the planet and get more reviews. With ReviewForest your company can plant a tree in for... more

Product information


  • One tree planted for every review
  • Own review forest with Google review link
  • Project information incl. GPS data on your review forest
  • Personalized Marketing material
  • Shopping Worlds forest widget


  • Daily update of new reviews
  • Tree with name of the customer who left a review
  • Tree counter for your website
  • Email signature to remind customers to leave a review


Help the planet and get more reviews. With ReviewForest your company can plant a tree in for every Google review.

Customers can see the trees planted in your review forest. With the tree counter widget you can show your contribution to the environment directly on your website.

In addition, ReviewForest personalizes a lot of marketing material for your company so that your customers are reminded to write reviews. Among other things, you get an email signature, stickers, evaluation cards and social media posts.

The trees are planted by Plant-for-the-Planet, one of Germany’s largest tree planting NGOs. Do you want to plant a tree too? You can find all information at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why trees in Mexico? Can I also plant trees in my country? The tropical climate of the planting area in Mexico provides optimal growing conditions. The trees that are planted there grow considerably faster than, for example, in Europe and can therefore bind more CO2 and faster. Because of the lower CO2 fixation we currently do not offer tree plantations in other countries.
  • Can I limit the amount of trees? At any time, you can limit the maximum amount of reviews for which trees are planted. The limit will be shown in your ReviewForest.
  • Do I have to plant trees for already existing reviews? No, during registration you decide whether trees should be planted for all reviews or for future reviews only. Naturally, the ReviewForest looks better when it already contains a few trees. If you decide to plant trees for new reviews only, your ReviewForest will show the date on which reviews start being counted.
  • Do I have to plant trees for all reviews, even negative ones? Yes, trees will be planted for every review, regardless of it being positive or negative. ReviewForest should help to gather legitimate and honest reviews. Everything else would not only be unfair, but also against competition laws and guidelines of most review platforms.
  • How fast will the trees be planted? We send our partner the number of trees to be planted once a month. The planting is usually done during the rainy season, so it varies. During the rainy season, the trees are planted in a matter of weeks.
  • Can I change the maximum tree planting limit at a later point in time? Yes, you can change this at any time after signing up.
  • When are the reviews billed? The reviews are billed on a monthly basis, depending on the date of your registration. For example, if you register on the 15th of July, you will be billed on the 15th of each month.
  • How can I advertise my involvement with ReviewForest? Are there graphics? We provide you with graphics, an email signature, and a tree-counter widget for your website. The logo of our partner Plant-For-The-Planet can only be used on the ReviewForest page. The ReviewForest counter and other graphics will be supplied after you complete registration.
  • Show all questions and answers Show fewer questions and answers


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Customer reviews

Configuration manual

Download the plugin in the store or simply install it directly in Shopware 5 Administration using the plugin manager.


Version 1.1.0

  • Added forest widget to the shopping worlds
  • Improved config translation

Version 1.0.0

  • First release in store

About the Extension Partner

webpiloten webpiloten Shopware Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware Extension Partner Shopware Bronze Partner 1 Certifications Developer SW5 0 Developer Advanced SW5 0 Template Designer SW5 0 Template Developer SW5 0 Developer SW6 0 Developer Advanced SW6 1 Solutions Specialist SW6 0 PaaS Specialist SW6 Template Designer SW6 0 Template Designer Advanced SW6 0 30 Extensions 5 Ø Rating
Current version:


€ 1.00* /month
Cancelable monthly

Free trial month

This app starts with a free trial month. The rent can be canceled at any time on a monthly basis or will be automatically renewed at the indicated prices.

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