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BuI Hinsche GmbH

price on request

Rating: 3.5

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

(1 reviews)
Downloads: 392



  • Price on request (no price display in the listing and on the article detail page)
  • individual price on request (price indication and possibility of inquiry)
  • Depends on customer group
  • individual form creation is possible
  • Variant dependency exists

About the Extension

Price on request

Price on request was developed to hide the price for certain products. The customer, who is interested in this product, can contact you via a form. Alternatively, there is the possibility to display the price and still give the customer the opportunity to request an individual price.

The plugin has already thought about data protection, so that the customer must agree that his data will be stored. Without this agreement the sending of the form is not possible.

As Shopware uses the form function, you can freely compile it with the data provided by Shopware. When the plugin is installed, a form is created as an example.

Pluginfeatures or what can it?

  • Price on request (no price display in the listing and on the article detail page)
  • individual price on request (price indication and possibility of inquiry)
  • Depends on customer group
  • individual form creation is possible
  • Variant dependency exists


The plugin design and functionality is adapted to the shop standard template. If there should be deviations in own or third manufacturer templates, appropriate adjustments must be made if necessary for the Plugin use. In general, individual adjustments to the plugin are necessary.


To which shop versions and plugins is the plugin compatible?

  • We do our best to ensure that all our plugins are compatible with the latest Shopware version as soon as possible. Decisive for us is the Shopware Community Edition with Standard Template. We can only guarantee compatibility with our own plugins if the functionalities are not mutually exclusive. We cannot guarantee compatibility with 3rd party plugins, including Shopware Premium plugins. If you have any problems, please contact our support, we will be happy to help you. Please note, however, that any compatibility adaptation to other plugins is subject to a charge and will be billed according to the real costs incurred! We would be happy to make you an offer.

Support for open source plugins?

  • We offer support for all our plugins and are happy to help you with any problems. Please understand that we can only offer free support for unmodified plugins! This means for you that as soon as changes have been made to the plugin, which have not been authorized or made by us as manufacturer, any claim to free support and warranty expires. All resulting expenses will be billed by us according to the actual expenses incurred!

Can I customize plugins?

  • If a plugin doesn't fulfill your wishes or doesn't completely fulfill them, we can also extend it according to your ideas. You are welcome to call us or send us a short mail with your wishes.

Our Plugin instructions how to configure what, where to find here.



  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 May 2022
  • Publication date: 14 December 2015
  • Version: 5.07.03
  • Category: Detail Page


Reviews (1)

Average rating

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

Based on 1 reviews
2.5 Functionality
3.5 Usability
4.5 Documentation
2.5 Support

0 %
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Write a review
Bug bei gleichzeitiger Verwendung mit dem SW Liveshopping Plugin

Average rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars

by Steffen Siefert
14 April 2018 10:41
Genau das Plugin welches wir gesucht haben - hier besteht die Möglichkeit einen zusätzlichen Button Preisanfrage/Preisvorschlag zu integrieren. Leider nicht über Massenbearbeitung, bei 40.000 Artikeln musste eine andere Lösung her - also über die Datenbank alle Artikel > 999 EUR - folgende Angaben ohne Gewähr:

Query zur Kontrolle:
SELECT * from s_articles_attributes WHERE ArticleID in (select t0.articleid from s_articles_prices t0 where price > 999)

Diese Query aktualisiert nun die Spalte in der Attributes-Tabelle:
UPDATE s_articles_attributes SET swp_individualpriceonrequest = '1' WHERE ArticleID in (select t0.articleid from s_articles_prices t0 where price > 999)

Nun zum Support
Im Plugin-Manager wurde ein Update zum Module Factory Foundation vorgeschlagen...
Nach dem Update war leider das Modul Plugin-Manager hinüber.
Nach dem Cache leeren lief zumindest der Shop wieder.
Herr Hinsche hat hier völlig unbürokratisch noch am gleichen Abend das Plugin komplett getauscht und neu installiert. Dafür 10 Punkte.

Da das Plugin aber leider einen Bug bei der Anzeige von Live-Shopping Artikeln im Listing generiert haben wir den Support am 06.04 erneut kontaktiert.

"diese Anpassung wäre dann kostenpflichtig, weil wir die Funktionalität unserer Plugins nur auf die Shopware "Standardauslieferung" garantieren können"

Das Angebot liegt seit gestern vor und wir werden es wohl beauftragen - auch weil der erste Support überzeugend war - der zweite leider nicht - deswegen auch nur die 5 Sterne.

Schönes Wochenende
Steffen Siefert
2.5 Functionality
3.5 Usability
4.5 Documentation
2.5 Support

About the Extension Partner

BuI Hinsche GmbH

BuI Hinsche GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Bronze Partner Shopware
    Bronze Partner
  • Shopware Premium Extension Partner Shopware
    Premium Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.3

    Average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2014
  • Extensions: 79


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly