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Agentur Ultra Media

Footer Tuner Pro

Rating: 5.0

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

(6 reviews)
Downloads: 184



  • Responsive Design - This plugin design and functionality are adapted to the Shopware 5 Responsive Standard Templates.
  • Support of sub and language shops
  • free column width and number
  • Integrate your own font icons


  • Footer Copyright Editor (remove shopware branding, insert your own logo and set)
  • Integration of images e.g.: own payment & shipping logos
  • Privacy notice with checkbox for newsletter registration in the footer (free position)
  • Column contents by Shopware standard HTML editor e.g.: for own text contents
  • Free choice of title (headings) in each column
  • Output selection of link groups (shop page groups) in the menu as a list and include your own font icons
  • Various individual setting options e.g..: Font size, font color, position, spacing, separators and much more
  • Free line selection (1 to 3 lines) with free content and background colors
  • Free column selection per line (up to a maximum of 12 columns and percentage column width)
  • switching on and off of already created contents
  • Background colors per line or across the full width of the screen
  • Own content and design can be activated for each sub- and language shop
  • Optimize display for mobile devices
  • Display footers with contents over the entire surface or on container width

About the Extension

Plugin support / questions about the product

Support-Mail: support@ultra-media.de Website:ultra-media.de

We build plugins that make you happy.

Optimize design and functionality of your Shopware Footer

With the proven Footer Tuner Pro, numerous individual wishes such as your own shop pages, links, customer tips, contact options, payment, shipping and e.g. the possibility of a personalized service can be fulfilled: social media icons and a modern newsletter separator. Give your shop a new face that matches your individuality and stand out clearly from your competitors. Strengthen with this plugin the SEO and customer friendliness.

Help / Documentation

Download PDF dokumentation Footer Tuner Pro

Use of own font icons

A special feature that we have developed for our Ultra Media plugins is the uncomplicated use of your own font icons (Shopware, Awesome, IcoFont, Fontello and many more), your own fonts (e.g. Google Font), adjusting font colors and sizes, position / spacing of elements to each other. A list of all Shopware Icons can be found in our Shopware Plugin Demoshop: Shopware Icon Overview (2019)

Further special features of our Shopware Plugins

Our plugins are all sub and language hopping compatible. This means you could create an independent and individual design with your own content for your language shop. This means that, for example in B2B shops (subshop), you can also adapt your own content and appearance without having to adhere to the design and content of your B2C shop. Or simply switch off the Footer Tuner Pro plugin for another shop, because it is not needed here.

define and design your footer individually

For contents in the footer (1 to 3) lines can be defined. Each line can be assigned its own background color and separators (with settings for thickness and color).

With the freely definable column layout, you now have the option of placing a maximum of 12 columns next to each other. You can define the column width by entering your own percentage value. This gives you complete freedom to create your individual footer. Use the predefined column widths 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% or enter your own column widths e.g. 33%, 44%, 65% for each column. No matter how many columns you want to place next to each other, enjoy the freedom of being able to implement your wishes with our plugin.
Contents of the footer can be displayed over the full width of the screen or on container width. If required, the background colors of the 3 lines can be displayed full-screen when the content is displayed in container width.

With the modern newsletter separator you can set an optical highlight. By activating the newsletter separator, numerous additional functions are added.

Individual newsletter formatting settings of the newsletter separator are:
- Background color

- Font type and sizes

- Spacing of the contents

- Width of the contents

- Own newsletter headline

- Align font (centered, left or right alignment)

- Customize Newsletter Button Color

- Customize Icon Color

- Width of the newsletter input field

- Background color of the newsletter separator full or on container width

comply with data protection regulations

The current data protection regulations can be used with a checkbox and information text for newsletter registration.

Instead of the modern newsletter separator, the newsletter can also be inserted in any additional column or row. Whether on the left side, in the middle or on the right side, above or further down and you decide whether the newsletter should be displayed or whether you do not want to display a newsletter in the footer. Adding or deactivating the newsletter registration is easy.

Integrate shop pages simply and automatically into the Shopware Footer

Particularly noteworthy is the possibility of including your own shop page groups (created "shop page links") * in the footer.

These "shop page links" are now automatically displayed in the footer. You can add your own font icons to each column of the shop page links. These can be freely defined in size and color.

Using contents individually

Created content can be individually switched on and off in the Footer Tuner Pro.

This function is suitable for example for promotions (summer sale, Christmas, etc.). Maybe you want to display some content (voucher actions) only for a certain period of time.

Payment & shipping logos are very often used in the Footer. Via the media management, images or logos can be easily integrated and linked. 

Optimized integration of images / shipping and payment icons

You can use (1 to 3) image containers with 10 media each.

These containers can then be assigned to a free column.

Pictures can be animated using various effect settings.

- Do not apply an effect

- Effect "Color without hover

- black and white when hovering

- white-black when hovering

The distances to the next payment & shipping logo can be defined. Of course the height and width of the graphics can be adjusted.

The graphics and logos can be linked internally and externally. The graphics break automatically when the width of the defined column is reached.

Your own copyright text and your own logo in the footer can easily be used with this plugin. Replace the Shopware logo with your own shop or agency logo.

When using third-party templates, you may have to make appropriate adjustments to use the plugin. It is worthwhile to test the plugin as a trial version for 30 days before buying. 

Customer reference shop: 53grad-hamburg.de  | z-em.ch  | torrefaktum.de | steckenpferdchen.net | e-smoke4you.de | abba.de

Evaluate our plugins openly and honestly. Your opinion is important to us!

We thank you for your effort after activating the rating and reward you with a 5 EUR discount voucher for the purchase of further agency Ultra Media Shopware plugins developed by us and offered here in the store.


Our experienced Shopware developer team has already created 19 active plugins and extensions. Do you need competent support in building your individual Shopware Shop? Contact us and let our team create a customized offer for your shop.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 1 September 2020
  • Publication date: 6 June 2018
  • Version: 2.2.2
  • Category: Header & Footer


Reviews (6)

Average rating

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Based on 6 reviews
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
4.9 Documentation
5.0 Support

100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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ein Footer mit dem Wünsche umgesetzt werden können

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by abba.de
2 December 2019 06:52
ein umfangreicher Footer mit dem Wünsche endlich realisiert werden konnten.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by Agentur Ultra Media 2 December 2019 06:58
nach einer wirklich langen Entwicklung dieses Footer Plugin sind wir stolz das mit diesem Plugin kaum ein Wunsch nicht realisiert werden kann.
Exzellentes Plugin für eine individuelle Gestaltung des Footers

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Frank Keßler
26 September 2019 12:46
Mit diesem Plugin kann man im Nu einen individuellen Footer für seinen Shop erstellen. Die Bedienung erfolgt sehr intuitiv und lässt keine Wünsche offen. Der Support durch den Hersteller per Email oder Telefon ist ebenfalls Top. Ich kann dieses Plugin absolut bedingungslos empfehlen.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by Agentur Ultra Media 9 October 2019 08:37
Wir freuen uns das es Ihnen gefällt. Danke für die positive Bewertung. Wir helfen immer gerne.
Leichte Bedienung für personalisierten Footer

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Anna Christina Rau
1 February 2019 10:03
Vielen Dank für dieses Plugin. Installation war einfach, über viele Felder ist der Footer einfach zu individualisieren.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
gute Dokumentation und umfangreiches Plugin

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by beautysenses
28 November 2018 12:36
alles bestens und jede Menge nützliche Einstellungen im Shopware Plugin.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Professioneller Shop Footer

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by fortbildung
27 November 2018 22:02
Ein Plugin, das die Herzen der Nutzer höher schlagen lässt.
Der Support ist wirklich hervorragend und hilft auf der Stelle.
Danke sehr.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
4.5 Documentation
5.0 Support
endlich Sprachshops anpassbar. Danke Ultra Media Team.

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by anomis
27 November 2018 21:01
Schöner vielseitiger Shopware Footer der endlich auch Sprachshops anpassen kann. Genial!
Ich bin mit dem Plugin mehr als zufrieden!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

Agentur Ultra Media

Agentur Ultra Media

Partner Status

  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2018
  • Extensions: 25


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Quickly