Fixed error preventing the warning for partial calculation to be shown.
Fixed error in attribute translations
Made attributes translatable
Fix the detection of a reduced article at threshold prices e.g. gross pseudo price 1200, new price 990
Added config to ignore this plugin on ViisonCoupon vouchers
Compatibility with AlphaEuropeanTax
Limited pseudoprice comparison to two decimals
Fixed pseudoprice calculation
Bugfixes when redeeming vouchers
Performance optimizations
Added order position attributes for:
Applied discount in %
Applied discount total
Article price after applying discount
Fixed error with restricted vouchers
Compatibility with PremsDiscountCategory new discount method
Enables compatibility with PremsDiscountCategory
Fixes error in the customergroup compatibility
Fixes error in the subshop compatibility
Fixes error for proportional discount on net articles
Behebt Fehler wenn die basket id leer ist
Fixed error with shopware standard supplier exclusion
Fixed error with Shopware 5.7
Only articles with a higher pseudoprice than price are considered reduced
Fixes error on vouchertax auto-detection without proportional calculation enabled
Changed default setting for lowered conditions
Fixes a bug when there are articles with different tax amount.
Fixes a bug when adding a Zero-Value voucher
New Configuration option: No deletion of voucher when cart is empty
modified database extension for used voucherId
decrypted version of 17.7.0
Fixed error when article attributes are missing
added order attribute for used voucherID
added TempDir on PostDispatchFrontend
Added option to summarize or suppress error messages
changed template inheritance
Changed template inheritance
changed version to fix update issues
- New Feature "proportional discount on reduced articles":
If the reduced value is below the voucher value, the voucher will be calculated on the remaining amount.
(e.g. article is reduced by 10%, 20% voucher is redeemed -> voucher will be credited to the article at 10%.)
- Added check for compatibility with other voucher plugins
Improved filtering of excluded articles
Compatible with Shopware version 5.6.
Fixes a bug which prevents to open the voucher in backend
Voucher-Settings will now also get copied on duplication
prevent recalculation after inserting an wrong voucher code
Adjusted verification of reduced articles
Fixed error regarding SwagCustomProducts.Fixed error regarding PremsDiscountCategory.
Fixed individual Vouchers.
Shopware 5.5 compatibility
Fixed error on voucher calculation
Improved blocking of 0€ vouchers
Fixed an error regarding the showing of warning messages.
Added smarty block "frontend_checkout_coe_voucher_warning_messages" around voucher warnings
Adjustet error message output
Fixed error in the minimumcharge calculation.
Refactored error messages.
Fixed error on uninstall
improved attribute handling
improved custom products support
Custom products support
added translations
improved error handling for article restrictions
several different bugfixes
Fixed error in the minimum order value calculation
Fix on percentage based vouchers
Fix for payment charge included in the cart