-Fix: fix uploading images to blog post
- Fix: Fixed query builder compatibility with Pickware
- Fix: Fixed admin save bug due to title translations
-Improvements: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-New: New feature released
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
- Fixed: Main category might cause error when used in multiple sales channels.
- Improvement: Improved Elastic Search bug
- Fix: Fixed sorting of blog posts for Elastic Search
- Improvement: Added possibility to change the number of visible comments for a blog post
- Improvement: Added a clock icon and label for the estimated reading time.
- New: Added captcha protection
- Fix: Fixed blog post comments for logged in customers
- New: Added possibility for captchas in the blog post comment form
- Fix: Sending blog post comments for logged-in customers corrected
- New: Canonical tag on blog detail pages
- Improvement: Show author and publication date in blog box
- Improvement: Sorting of the blog slider
- Fix: Fixed broken blog post slider in some cases
- Fix: Fixed broken product detail page in some cases
- Fix: Fixed new blog post comment flow
- New: Blog slider for product detail page
- New: Recaptcha for blog comments
- Fix: Hint on blog detail page fixed
- Fix: Missing navigation id for blog articles without main category
- Fix: Fixed scheduled tasks
- New: Added option for sorting in the blog slider
- Fix: Cache problems after editing the entity solved
- Fix: Installation error from version 6.6 fixed
- New: Added Shopware 6.6 compatibility
- New: Added compatibility for ElasticSearch in the admin
- Improvement: Removed deprecated code
- Fix: Fix sorting translations & options
- Improvement: Improved plugin settings help text
- Fix: Fixed broken blog post listing
- New: Added blog post listing sorting
- New: Added comments GDPR checkbox
- Fix: Cache gets invalidated on blog post deletion
- Fix: Fixed card title tooltip
- Fix: Fixed ES indexing for SW 6.5
- Fix: Fixed language exclusion with ElasticSearch
- Fix: Fixed ES results for SW 6.5
- New: Added email notification for blog post comments
- Improvement: Delete SEO URL templates during plugin deinstallation
- Improvement: Product selection with variants
- Fix: Fixed blog post comment form styling
- Fix: Fixed recipe slider CMS element resolver in some cases (missing product IDs)
- Fix: Fixed missing icons in SW 6.5
- New: Added possibility to define title tag for blog post slider
- Fix: Changed frontend route naming
- Fix: Fixed image module loading bug
- Fix: Fixed SEO URLs for single language blog posts
- Fix: Fixed missing CMS block sidebar filter in SW 6.5
- Fix: Fixed download media upload
- New: Added possibility to add downloads to blog posts
- New: Added support for canonicals URLs in blog posts
- Fix: Fixed language sorting in the admin blog post listing
- Fix: Added some missing PHP constants
- Fix: Fixed Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- Fix: Fixed compatibility with Shopware 6.5
- Fix: Fixed problems with plugin "SwagCustomizedProducts"
- Improvement: Changed blog post comments admin menu position
- Improvement: Improved some translations
- Improvement: Improved blog post main images by making the size dynamic and responsive.
- New: Added Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- New: Added blog post listing filters
- New: Added blog post comment listing filters
- New: Added optional GDBR video blocker for youtube
- Fix: Fixed required Shopware version
- Fix: Fixed CMS slider criteria
- New: Added possiblity for CMS blog post listing and slider to set a custom category
- New: Added ACL support (roles)
- Fix: Fixed blog post listing, suggest and search criteria events
- New: Added possibility to add CSS classes to blog post modules
- Improvement: Improved admin blog post detail headline
- Improvement: Added new CMS element criteria events
- Fix: Fixed Youtube video module
- Fix: Fixed image upload if multiple image modules are present
- Improvement: Improved blog post loading effect
- Fix: Fixed disabled filters bug
- Fix: Fixed blog post content reactivity problem
- Fix: Fixed single language blog posts when ElasticSearch is used
- New: Added possibility to display blog posts only in 1 language
- Fix: Fixed wrong schema.org markup for blog detail pages
- Improvement: Improved category selection in admin
- Fix: Fixed sitemap generation
- Fix: Fixed og, twitter and meta images
- Fix: Fixed initialization error
- New: Added EnterpriseSearch compatibility
- Fix: Fixed default media folder migration
- Fix: Fixed blog post loader in some cases
- New: Added possibility to add CSS IDs to content modules
- New: Added "notice" content module
- New: Added "FAQ text" content module
- New: Added "list" box layouts for blog listing
- Improvement: Added more options for image modules (ALT tag, caption, links and more)
- Improvement: Changed JSON LD structure to allow multiple types per page
-Fix: Fixed image loading of admin image module in some cases
- Fix: Fixed blog post indexer skipping
- New: Added ElasticSearch support
- New: Added possibility to skip blog posts specific indexers during indexing
- Improvement: Improved search keyword indexing - especially for huge number of blog posts
- New: Added estimated reading time
- Fix: Fixed broken sidebar for SW and greater
- Improvement: Blog post content can be only editited in the default system language from now
- Fix: Fixed reactivity for blog post content
- Fix: Some translations were fixed
- Improvement: Improved possibility to hide sorting
- New: Added CMS blog post slider
- Improvement: Added possibility to hide sorting and set page limit in CMS blog post listing
- Improvement: Added author to meta information in blog post detail pages
- Improvement: Added PHP and JS linting for better code quality
- New: Blog posts can now be published planned in advance
- New: Added support for sitemaps
- New: Added support for custom fields
- Improvement: Added properties to blog posts
- Fix: Fixed some admin translations
- Fix: Fixed the possibility to disable comments
- Fix: Added missing translations
- Fix: Fixed image upload via drag and drop
- Fix: Fixed language switching in admin in some cases
- New: Images can now be used as content modules
- Fix: Images in text no longer stretch over the maximum width
- Fix: Caching of the search fixed
- Fix: Fixed blog post details in some cases
- Fix: Fixed compatibility with our "Advanced Search" plugin
- Fix: Migration funktionieren nun wieder
- Verbessert: Plugin-Symbol ist jetzt schärfer
- New: Compatibility with Shopware 6.4
- New: Faster loading times due to improved blog post caching.
- New: Blog post search & suggestions possible using API.
- New: New REST API routes for blog posts
- New: OpenAPI support
- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 7.4
- New: Comments can now be disabled for all blog posts
- New: Added possibility to format description & content
- Improvement: Removed unused content column from blog post translations
- Fix: JSON-LD schema is now improved in blog listing. The missing author & publisher are now present.
- Improvement: Youtube videos can now have a title for screen readers & search engines
- Improvement: Blog images can now have a title for screen
- Improvment: Youtube videos are loaded without cookies.
- Verbesserung: Verbesserter Blogbeitrags-Box-Code
- Verbesserung: Verbesserte Übersetzungsschlüssel
- Fix: Fixed plugin data cleanup on deinstallation
- Fix: Added some missing translation
- Fix: Publisher field for schema.org is correct now