Bonus System - Collect points with orders
About the Extension
Receive regular customers through bonus points system.Live demo:
With the Bonus System Plugin, bonus points can be given to customers for every purchase. Loyal customers can redeem them for a voucher for later order.
This is the most extensive and user-friendly Bonus System extension in the Store. It includes the following functions, among others:
1. Bonus points for orders
For each order your customers receive bonus points according to a fixed exchange rate.
2. Redeem bonus points
Bonus points can be converted into a voucher when ordering, according to a fixed exchange rate.
3. Increase in conversion
By collecting bonus points, your customers become returning shop visitors and are encouraged to place additional orders to redeem bonus points.
4. High compatibility
All Shopware 6 standards were observed during development. This means that all plug-in templates and functions from third-party providers can be expanded. All texts of the plugin can be changed in the Shopware administration.
5. Buy products with bonus points
Products can be created that can be purchased either or only with points.
6. Adjust colors
All colors of the bonus point boxes and badges can be customized.
7. Bonus points display in the checkout
Bonus points received and spent can be displayed throughout the checkout and on the invoice.
8. Full control over administration
In the Shopware Administration, the customer's point balances can be checked, individual bookings and additions of bonus points can be made and bookings can be approved.
9. Migration from other systems
There is the possibility to migrate points from other shop systems or third party applications to the Bonus System.
10. Define the exchange rate for orders
You can define how many points your users get for the basket value and the value of points they can spent on orders.
11. Manual change of points
The points balance of every customer could be managed and changed in administration.
12. Automatic point activation from orders
Point of orders could be released depending from order status and/or after defined days. You can define if the order status is enough or if a defined number of days needs to be expired.
13. Expiry of bonus points and status e-mails
Not used points can expire after a certain time. It is possible to send automatic status e-mails to your customers and inspire them to use the points.
14. Bonus points for admin orders
You can define if customers can get bonus points for orders you do for them in administration.
15. Shopware Admin-API supported
The Shopware Admin-API default methods are supported. We added additional endpoints for: Reading of bonus points for a user; Creating bonus booking; Reset of points for one or all customers.
16. Remove points on canceled order
If an order is canceled the collected/ spent points could be removed/ credited automaticly.
17. Exclude product for points
You can define product, product groups or categories from releasing/ collecting points. If needed it can be used into a certain date range.
18. Individual bonus factor for customer or customer group
For defined customers or customer group an own bonus factor for collect/ spend points can be defined. Optional a start- and end date can be used.
19. Individual bonus factor for products or product group
At a special date range or unlimited certain products or product groups can get an own factor for the points collect. Additionally a product can get a static point value.
20. Maximum number of points that can be used for each order
You can define neighter a mininum order value that can not be payed with point nor a maximum value that can be payed with points each order.
21. Bonus points for newsletter registration
Increase the number of your newsletter recipients with bonus points for every newsletter registration.
22. Individual bonus factor for birthday
Application examples
1) You specify that when you place an order you get 1 bonus point for every 2 EUR and that when you redeem points you get 1 EUR for 10 points.
Your customer orders for 100 EUR and receives 50 bonus points for this.
At a later date, your customer orders for 70 EUR. For this order, the 50 bonus points in the shopping cart can be converted into a EUR 5 voucher.
Thus the order is reduced by 5 EUR. In addition, 32 new bonus points are collected for the 65 EUR order value.
2) You receive a return of 20 EUR. Instead of crediting the amount, agree on a point credit with your customer. You post in the administration
200 bonus points for the customer. Your customer can convert this (e.g. with a conversion point of 10 points => 1 EUR) into a 20 EUR voucher for a future order.
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- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 12 March 2025
- Publication date: 23 December 2020
- Version: 5.0.32
- Category: Loyality & Rewards
Reviews (11)
Solides Plugin - Top Support
Hierbei hat zwar nicht alles einwandfrei funktioniert, jedoch war der Support großartig.
Wir haben immer im laufenden Geschäftstag eine Antwort gekriegt, die in Freundlichkeit und Kompetenz makellos war. Wir können dieses Plugin und vor allem den Support guten Gewissens weiter empfehlen.
Super Plugin und super Support. Sehr zu empfehlen!
Perfekt :)
Tolles Plugin mit noch besserem Service
Super Erweiterung & toller Support
Super umgesetzt und bester Support
Das Allerbeste ist jedoch der Support: Wir hatten einige (nicht durch das Plugin verursachte) Probleme bei der Migration der Bonuspunkte und erhielten das, was man wohl einen absoluten Top-Support nennt. Von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme an fand da ein sehr professioneller Austausch statt und am Ende hatten wir eine richtig gute Lösung für unser Problem. Hab ich in den vielen Jahren, in denen ich mit Shopware arbeite, so noch nicht erlebt.
Deshalb: Empfehlung für dieses Plugin. Ist jeden Cent wert!
Sehr nützliches und gut programmiertes Plugin
Ein absoluter Mehrwert für unseren Shop
Umsatzbooster mit herausragendem Support!
Tolles Plugin und super Support
Eine zusätzlich Anforderung wurde innerhalb eines Tages umgesetzt - das ist beeindruckend. Weiter so liebes PremSoft-Team
About the Extension Partner
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 5
- Partner since: 2015
- Extensions: 30
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly