Conversion Checkout for Shopware 6
About the Extension
This extension optimises the checkout of your Shopware 6 shop with several improvements. The conversion rate of your shop increases through optimised usability and the abandonment rate of your checkout is reduced at the same time. The extension gives you a clearer checkout that includes the following additional functions.
Login / Registration
As soon as your customers reach the checkout, a display of the login options appears. Here you can choose between customer login, new customer registration and guest registration. This improvement serves to segment customers according to the desired type of checkout and therefore the forms can be optimised for specific target groups. The order of the login options can be customised in the configuration of the enhancement.
The login or registration is also customised via /account/login to ensure a consistent display in the online shop.
Optimised order summary
In the next step, your customers receive a clear overview of the payment and shipping options as well as the billing and delivery address. The payment and shipping options are no longer displayed in a modal window, but are listed clearly.
In the right-hand column, and therefore in the visible area, is the order summary with a button to finalise the order. This means that customers do not have to scroll to the bottom of the page, but can complete the order immediately.
GTC checkbox
The GTC checkbox is also displayed in the right-hand column of the order summary. If the customer forgets to tick the GTC checkbox, a striking animation reminds the customer that the GTC checkbox still needs to be confirmed.
Optionally, it is possible to hide the GTC checkbox. This makes it possible for the customer to complete the order without having to activate the GTC checkbox.
Form field validation
If customers forget to fill in input fields when entering their address in the checkout, this field is immediately marked with a red frame and "x". If the input fields are filled in correctly, the fields receive a positive confirmation with a green tick. This reduces the error rate when entering personal data and increases customer satisfaction. This feature can be optionally activated in the configuration of the extension.
Google Maps address validation
Google Maps address validation can be activated as an option. To do this, the Google API key must be stored in the configuration of the extension. The customer is then shown address suggestions when entering the street. If the customer selects one of these addresses, the other address fields are automatically filled in.
Preselect or hide fields
In the configuration of the extension, you can optionally select a preselection for the salutation and a default country. In addition, the display of the federal state selection can be hidden. These options allow your customers a faster and more convenient checkout.
Basic Configuration
- Hide Checkbox for terms: enable / disable: If this option is activated, the checkbox for the terms of service will not be displayed on the checkout page.
- Show account type as radio box: enable / disable: If this option is activated, the selection of the account type is displayed as a radio box.
- Show salutation as radio box on conversion checkout: enable / disable: If this option is activated, the registration page displays the salutation selection as a radio box.
- Choose a default salutation for the checkout (Default: not specified): Not specified / Mrs. / Mr.: Select which salutation should be set automatically if the customer does not select a salutation.
- Salutation radio button style (Default: primary): primary / secondary / success / danger / warning / info / light / dark: Select a style for the "Salutation" option field.
- Activate extended form field validation: enable / disable: If this option is deactivated, the form fields on the registration page are no longer highlighted.
- Show customer/guest checkout headline on the confirm page: enable / disable: If this option is deactivated, the order confirmation page will display the normal heading instead of the heading based on the customer/guest checkout.
- Enable newsletter signup: enable / disable: If you activate this option, the newsletter registration box will be displayed.
- Position of newsletter sign-up: below terms and conditions / above terms and condition: Here you can coose where the newsltter registration box should be displayed.
- Disable guest register/checkout: enable / disable: If this option is activated, it is not possible for the customer to register as a guest.
- Enable newsletter registration when registering: enable /disable: If this option is activated, the checkbox for newsletter registration is also displayed when registering as a new customer and as a guest.
Checkout Box Order
- First Column: customer login / customer register / guest checkout: Specify which login should be displayed in the first column. You can choose between customer login, order as new customer and order as guest.
- Second Column: customer login / customer register / guest checkout: Specify which login should be displayed in the second column. You can choose between customer login, order as new customer and order as guest.
- Third Column: customer login / customer register / guest checkout: Specify which login should be displayed in the third column. You can choose between customer login, order as new customer and order as guest.
Responsive Configuration
- Enable accordion display for mobile devices in checkout option boxes: If this option is activated, the three login options are each displayed as an accordion.
- Activate the checkbox for commercial customers on the checkout page: enable / disable: If this option is activated, the checkbox for commercial customers is displayed in the checkout. This checkbox is a required field.
- Commercial checkbox visibility: Always / Only for commercial accounts / Only if the billing address belongs to a company / If account is commercial or billing address belongs to a company
- Select a CMS page that references the commercial buyer checkbox information
- Activate alternative number of payment methods?: enable / disable: If this option is activated, you can define in the next field how many payment methods should be displayed at a glance without your customer having to click on "Show more".
- Amount of visible payment methods: Define after how many payment methods the message "Show more" should be displayed.
- Activate alternative number of shipping methods?: enable / disable: If this option is activated, you can define in the next field how many shipping methods should be displayed at a glance without your customer having to click on "show more".
- Amount of visible shipping methods: Define after how many shipping methods the note "show more" should be displayed.
Localization Configuration
- Do not auto select default country: enable / disable: If this option is activated, the following standard country selection is ignored.
- Show state dropdown at checkout register page (Always shown when state selection is mandatory): enable / disable: If this option is activated, the federal state selection is displayed on the registration page.
- Choose a default country for auto-select (Default: Germany): A default country for the preselection on the registration page can be defined here.
Google Map Configuration
- If enabled, adress validation is active: enable / disable: If this option is activated, Google Map address validation is available.
- Google API Key: The Google API key must be entered in this field (see:
- Google API Language: The Google API language must be entered in this field.
Further information
General information
Our apps are developed on the basis of the standard functionalities of the basic Shopware 6 system. This applies to the functionalities and designs of the basic system. Individual themes cannot be taken into account when developing the app. It may therefore be necessary to make individual adjustments to the theme in order to display all elements/functionalities correctly.
We develop our apps with compatibility in mind. If compatibility cannot be guaranteed, we will note this in the app description. We cannot guarantee the compatibility of our apps with apps from other manufacturers. Due to the large number of apps offered in the Shopware Community Store, a compatibility check is not possible. Likewise, we cannot guarantee compatibility with Shopware apps that are not included in the Community Edition.
We will check whether the specified error is caused by our apps or has another cause. Depending on the result of the investigation, we will inform you whether the rectification is chargeable or not. If independent changes have been made to our apps, the work involved will be invoiced.
Test version
You can easily test all apps available in the Shopware Community Store from LENZ eBusiness. Choose the rental version of the app. The rental version always includes a trial month with which you can test our app free of charge for 30 days. Please take advantage of the trial month to make sure that the app meets your requirements.
Individual customizations
We make individual customizations to our apps. Send us an email to with your contact details and your customization request. We will discuss your customization request with our team and then get back to you.
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 6 March 2025
- Publication date: 6 March 2020
- Version: 6.0.13
- Category: Checkout / Cart process
Reviews (6)
Super schneller Support
Super Support
Sehr gutes Plugin, übersichtlicher Checkout. Hersteller reagiert schnell auf Fragen und bietet einen überdurchschnittlich guten Service!
Cooles Plugin
Top Support
Leider sind mir während der Benutzung mehrere Fehler aufgefallen, welche teilweise die Funktionalität des Shops an sich beeinträchtigt haben. Bei Nachfrage beim Plugin-Support wurde jedoch innerhalb weniger Tage geantwortet SOWIE ein entsprechendes Update veröffentlicht, welches den Fehler behoben hat. Das ist echt ein Traum :)
Daher sehe ich sehr optimistisch in die Zukunft, was die Kompatibilität mit zukünftigen Shopware Versionen und anderen Plugins anbelangt. Denn selbst, wenn es in Zukunft einmal zu kurzfristigen Problemen kommen sollte, werden diese vermutlich innerhalb weniger Tage behoben.
Sehr gute Checkout Optimierung
About the Extension Partner
LENZ eBusiness GmbH
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2014
- Extensions: 94
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly