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KielCoding UG

Order documents on Amazon S3 Cloud Storage

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About the Extension

A successful online shop produces a lot of data over time. In addition to article images and database entries, the volume of generated PDF documents in the form of invoices and delivery notes is also increasing. If you want to keep this data safe, a proper backup strategy is essential.
This plugin provides automatic storage of all order documents on the Amazon S3 cloud storage and thus ensures that your invoices are protected against a possible server failure. Besides, one does not have to worry about possible storage space bottlenecks, since the S3 system provides practically unlimited capacities.

Amazon S3 can be used GDPR-compliant, further details can be found here: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/gdpr-center/.

To use the plugin an Amazon AWS (Amazon Web Services) account is required. After installation of the plugin only the AWS access data must be stored and in the future all order documents such as invoices and delivery notes will be stored directly on Amazon S3.
The plugin is completely subshop-capable, i.e. it can be individually defined for each subshop whether Amazon S3 should be used and in which so-called bucket the documents should be saved.

The plugin also comes with a migration wizard that can upload all existing documents for each shop to Amazon S3./p>

Note: The use of the Amazon service S3 may incur additional costs. There is also a free contingent for the first 12 months, more details here: https://aws.amazon.com/free/.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 21 October 2022
  • Publication date: 13 June 2018
  • Version: 1.1.2
  • Category: Administration


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KielCoding UG

KielCoding UG

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Shopware Extension Partner
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  • Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2018
  • Extensions: 10
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English