- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
Bug fixes:
- Fixes an error when creating the CSV file.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
New features and improvements:
- Improves compatibility with PHP 8.0 und 8.1.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a compatibility issue with PHP 7.4.21 and PHP 8.0.8.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
Bug fixes:
- Fixes a bug that could cause the installation and update to fail when using Shopware 5.5.8 or lower.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
New features and improvements:
- Enables compatibility with Shopware 5.7.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
- Fixes an error that could cause orders to be processed with the plugin configuration of the main shop, despite subshop-specific plugin configurations.
- This plugin version is compatible with Shopware versions 5.5 and above, and contains all changes from version
- Enables compatibility with Shopware 5.6.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Adds the drop shipper mail attribute to the standard attributes of the variant generation.
- Fixes a bug where the suppliernumber was not shown in the csv file that was send as a mail attachment.
- Prevents adding the 'remaining positions' overview to the partial delivery notes in drop shipping mails when using 'Shopware WMS powered by Pickware'.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Adds the missing article and variant information to the drop shipping context.
- Fixes a bug that caused drop shipping articles to be missing on invoice documents in certain cases.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Marks drop shipping articles as not stock managed if Shopware ERP powered by Pickware (version 5+) is installled after this update.
- Marks drop shipping articles as not relevant for picking if Shopware WMS powered by Pickware (version 5+) is installled after this update.
- Shows a prompt to mark drop shipping articles as not stock managed and/or not relevant for picking before it is saved.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Adds configuration to remove drop shipping articles from delivery notes that have been created in the backend.
- Updates the Sample variables for mail template.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Allows you to disable drop shipping emails for orders if an item was subsequently marked as a drop shipping item and no drop shipping mail was sent yet for the order.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Fixes a bug which caused all dropshipping emails to be considered sent when reinstalling the plugin.
- Fixes a bug that caused the wrong shop configuration to be used when sending dropshipping mail for dropshipping orders from subshops.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Fixes a bug that causes the wrong document to be added as a delivery note to the dropshipping email under certain circumstances.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Allows you to add a partial delivery note to the dropshipping email.
- This version is compatible to Shopware 5.5 and contains all changes from version
- Prepares compatibility to Shopware 5.5.
- Improves compatibility with Shopware 5.5.
- Fixes a bug that prevented the plugin from installing or updating under certain circumstances.
- Fixes an uninstallation problem.
- Fixes a problem that caused the mail creation to crash in Shopware 5.4.3.
- Adds further article information to dropshipping email templates.
- Adds an English translation for the plugin configuration.
- Improves compatibility with the “DHL Wunschpaket” plugin.
- Improves compatibility with Shopware 5.4.
- Improved compatibility with the plugin "Bank Transfer Matching".
- Fixes error with email context variables in Shopware 5.3
- Fixes install/uninstall in Shopware 4.3 and 5.1.
- Fixes email context variables in Shopware 4.3 and 5.1.
- Fixes error while opening an order without attributes.
- Ignores positions with quantity 0 in DropShipping emails (e.g. after a cancellation).
- Fix incompatibility with Shopware CustomProducts 3.0.0.
- Fixes a bug that could occur during plugin uninstalling.
- Fixes missing Custom Products information in DropShipping emails
- Adds article attributes to DropShipping email.
- Fixes a bug with maxpurchase values and DropShipping articles
- Fixes a bug in the delivery of the dropping shipping mail.
- Fixes a bug in the email template.
- Refactor checkout and DropShipping-Mail-Sending logic to improve compatibility with other plugins
- Fixes an error that might have occurred while loading the plugin
- Solves an issue with missing article attributes
- support batch processing of payment-state-updates
- add all remaining order information to the email template
- fixed error with orders when drop-shipping articles are set 'always available'
- fix "always available" funtionality for drop-shipping articles
- updated text snippets
- Display correct shipping country in drop-shipping email.
- Use correct shipping- and billing-adress in drop-shipping emails.
- Fixed saving of article fields
- Fixed wrong display of email-sent date
- Added payment information to dropshipping email template
- Fixed migration for Shopware update to 5.2
- Added compatibility to Shopware Custom Products
- Fixes an error in the plugin installation
- The date, on which a drop shipper email was sent, is now displayed in the backend- Fixes a PHP 7 error
- Fixes an error occurring in PHP 7
- - Fixes a bug, which occurred when loading the plugin
Improved compatibility with Shopware 5.2
- Shopware 5.2 compatibility
- Plugin installation does not fail anymore if plugin data already exists
- Sending of 'price' and 'sum' in CSV attachment is now configurable
- added 'price' and 'total' to CSV attachment
- Drop-Shipping mails now include a CSV file attachment
- - Fixes a bug that might cause the checkout process to fail
- Bugfix
- Added optional "always available" for dropshipping articles
- Drop-Shipping mail dispatch date is now saved
- After successful dispatch of the Drop-Shipping mail, an entry is added to the log file (see Settings > Log file in the Shopware backend)
- Drop shipping mails are no longer sent if the order status is "Completely delivered"
- Orders that have been placed before the plugin installation are now excluded from drop shipping emailing
- Shipping country is now also given if shipping and invoice address are equal
- It is now optionally possible to send a blind copy (BCC) of dispatch orders to additional recipients
- Bugfix for race condition that introduced the possibility for the drop shipping mails being sent multiple times
- Bugfix for payments via Sofortüberweisung
- First release