Comment Reminder
About the Extension
The plugin „Comment Reminder” allows you to automatically send reminder e-mails to customers that made an order in your shop lately, but didn't leave a comment up to this point. With the help of this message the customers are being informed about the possibility of reviewing the bought items for which they can receive an individual voucher code. The customer can redeem this special coupon code during the next order which serves as an incentive for him to buy more products in your store and submit further reviews. This way you can win over new regular customers, advertise for your products and successfully increase your sale numbers.
How does it work
Our plugin sends e-mails to customers who didn't rate their bought items yet. Within this message the customers are reminded that they can get a special voucher code, if they submit a review for the ordered products. The e-mails are always sent once a day using a cron job. First, the plugin checks, if there are any orders in the shop which are marked with the chosen status and how many days passed since the last status change. On this basis, the plugin decides which customers have to get the e-mail. Both the content of the messages as well as the order states that should be checked can be freely defined via the backend.
Your benefits at first glance:
Incentive for further shopping Increased sale numbers and more customers Advertising for your products Automatic dispatch of the reminder e-mails Vouchers only after the acceptance of the review Individual voucher codes
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Tel.: +49 151 71 51 96 51
- Available:
- Latest update: 14 April 2017
- Publication date: 15 December 2015
- Version: 1.2.2
- Category: Comments / Feedback
Reviews (0)
About the Extension Partner
Partner Status
Gold Partner -
Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 3.8
- Partner since: 2014
- Extensions: 12
- Based in: Poland
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly