Price on request Pro - B2B price request + price display after login / activation
About the Extension
Show prices only after login / activation and / or offer a price on request form...
This plugin is essential for B2B projects but also useful for B2C projects in special use cases. So there is the possibility to "exchange" the "add to cart button" against other functions, e.g. price on request, please log in first, other information texts, also there is the possibility to hide prices and possibly show rule-controlled (e.g. after activation or after login). The included CMS form can not only query the user data, but can even with single selection, multiple selection, text and comment fields allow extensive requests to the store owner.Basic functions of the plugin
- Prices and price on requests for dynamic product groups (e.g. whole categories, groups of products or even single products)
- Hide prices (dynamic product groups and additionally with Rule Builder rules)
- Display of prices only after activation or after successful login
- Show price on request form instead of shopping cart button
- Instead of a price or shopping cart button, an info text can also be displayed (e.g. products currently not available)
- If the price on request form is used, then these are collected in the admin area and also sent by mail to the store owner.
- In addition, the option is available in the admin to mark the requests as answered to get an overview of the open requests.
- With the plugin is also an experience with the ACRIS CMS element price on request supplied - here are numerous options available:
- Various fields are preset, these can be moved and customized (show/hide, hide title, mandatory fields...).
- The following fields are available for use in the form:
>> Personal data: Salutation | First name | Last name | Street | Postcode | City | Country | Phone number | E-mail
>> B2B: Company | Department | UstID | Address supplement line 1
>> Select fields: Single selection | Multiple selection
>> Additional: Text field | Comment - The price on request form will (if the user is logged in) also be filled with the customer data
Possible options to display instead of the "add to cart" button
- Inquiry form
- Shopping cart button and request form
- Login required
- Standard shopping cart button
- Infotext
- Inquiry form and infotext
- Inquiry form and login button
- Standard shopping cart Button and Info text
- Login required and Info text
Usage of the plugin
Preparations: Create dynamic product groups and Rule Builder rules if needed.
First of all, creating dynamic product groups makes sense, as these will then be stored with the price on request "rules".
Multiple price on request can be created - these can be prioritized - in case there are overlaps in the dynamic product groups).
In addition, it is possible to provide the price on request "rules" with rule builder rule - this makes sense for some settings (eg If "Request form and info text" is selected, then this should be displayed only if the users are not logged in or enabled) - so please if Rule Builder rules are needed, also create them, so that they can be assigned later.
Create price on request or price display rules
Settings > Extensions > Price on request > Price on request forms
If price on request forms or price display rules have already been created, they are listed in the overview. Via the button "add" the window for creating new price on request forms appears.
Basic settings section:
Internal name: is used for display in the overview, if several rules are created a numbering can make sense.
Active: active / inactive
Priority: a number is expected, the higher, the more important. This is used when multiple price on demand rules are applied to a product.
Display conditions area:
Dynamic Product Groups: If one or more Dynamic Product Groups are specified here, then this will only apply to those products.
If the field is left blank, then this will be applied to all products.
Additional Rule Builder Rules: The price on demand rule will be applied to all products from the assigned Dynamic Product Groups if any of the specified rules match (OR operation). If no rule is selected, this will always apply.
Price Display section:
Price Display: show price (Shopware default) or hide price.
Advanced Settings > Metadata Settings:
These options affect the product's meta data - please discuss with your SEO supervisor what makes the most sense.
By default we hide the price for the search engines, however this will cause error messages when crawling because of the missing prices.
Display configuration area - shopping cart button options / configuration:
- Option: Request Form:
If this option is selected, then instead of the "add to cart button" a new button "request form" is displayed.
Below this, the Inquiry form area appears with the following fields:
> Price on request button Text: Here you can enter the text of the "new" button (different for each language).
> Request Button Type: Here you can set the color of the button.
> ACRIS Standard Price on request form: Here you can use the predefined ACRIS experience world with the price on request form, or you can assign a newly created experience world.
Below the form fields of the assigned form are displayed - we recommend to create the desired experience world with the price on request form first (Content > Experience Worlds) and not to edit it here.
- Option: Shopping cart button and request form:
If this option is selected, then the shopping cart button and additionally a price on request button will be available.
The fields are adjustable (as documented above)
- Option: Login required
If this option is selected, then instead of the "add to cart button" a "login button" is displayed.
A Login Button area will appear in the admin:
>> Login Button Text: This text will be displayed instead of the "add to cart" button.
>> Login Button Type: Here you can set the color of the button.
If this option is used, then a Rule Builder rule should also be specified in the Display Conditions area (e.g. the "Price on request - customer is not logged in" rule provided by ACRIS), otherwise no customer will ever see a price (or be able to add an item to the cart)
- Option: Standard shopping cart button
This option makes sense if a lot of products with "Price on request" are hidden, but some of them should still be orderable. A corresponding Rule Builder rule would make sense in this case.
- Infotext option:
If this option is selected, then the "add to cart" button will be replaced with the text to be entered below.
If this option is used, then a Rule Builder rule should also be specified in the Display Conditions section (e.g. the "price on request - customer is not logged in" rule provided by ACRIS), otherwise no customer will ever see a price (or be able to add an item to the cart)
Request form and info text option:
If this option is selected. then an inquiry form button will appear with an info text below it.
- Option: Inquiry form and login button:
If this option is selected, then a "price on request" and a "login button" are available instead of the add to cart button.
It may make sense to add a rulebuilder rule, so that for logged in customers no / another "price on request rule" applies.
Shopping experience world - Price on request
Content > World of Experience > Price on Request > ACRIS Standard Price on Request Form
With the installation of the plugin we deliver an experience world with the ACRIS price on request form - this has a lot of setting possibilities.
If form fields or email address is to be customized, please make a copy of the pre-made experience, then:
By clicking on the cogwheel in the element you will get to the form, which then consists of 2 areas:
- Various fields are preset, these can be moved and customized (show/hide, hide title, mandatory fields...).
The following fields are available for use in the form:
Personal data: Salutation | First name | Last name | Street | Postcode | City | Country | Phone number | E-mail
B2B: Company | Department | UstID | Address supplement line 1
Select fields: Single selection | Multiple selection
Additional: Text field | Comment
General settings:
- Recipient addresses: Here the store operator email address is read during installation, this can be deleted and replaced with a new one. Multiple addresses are also possible. Note: this field is the same for all languages.
- Web service URL: In the Flow Builder, a request to a web service can be selected as an alternative or in addition to the mail dispatch for the "Price on request" flow. In the flow, you can then choose between the URL directly from the "Price on request form" (input here) or from an alternative web service URL input.
- Internal Name: Useful if multiple forms are created
- Button Text: This text will be displayed on the product detail page - also possible language dependent.
- Text on successful submission: This text is displayed in the frontend after the form has been submitted.
After submitting the price request, a mail is sent to the store owner - if adjustments are necessary, please adjust the process in the Flowbulider or the mail in the e-mail templates.
Received price requests
The ehaltene price requests are available in 2 areas in the admin - both areas have the same function.
>> Settings > Extensions > Price on request > Received price requests
>> Catalog > Price requests
Price on request overview
Relevant information about the price request is available:
- Request sent on: Date and time of the request (can also be used for sorting)
- Product number: this is the product number / item number (can also be used for sorting)
- Product: this is the product name for easier orientation
- Email: Email address of the customer
- Customer: first and last name of the customer
- Notified: either OPEN or the notification date is displayed here
- ... : here you can see the price on request details
Price on request details
Relevant information about the price request is available:
Inquiry area
Here the data of the price on request form filled in by the customer is displayed - which fields are displayed depends on the price on request form created.
Product area
The product number, the product name (linked to the product) and the current sales price are displayed.
Status area
By changing the slider "The customer has not been notified" the field changes to "The customer has been notified" and below it a date/time window is activated. When this is filled in and the price on request details are saved, the status in the overview page will also change.
Plugin configuration
In Shopware Admin (Extensions > My Extensions > ACRIS Price on Demand Professional > Configuration) the following options are available:
This affects the type of vrobe filling of the new ACRIS CMS element: price on request form and can be changed if necessary.
Prefill customer data
- Prefill (The customer must be logged in for the prefilling of the data to work) = Default Setting
>> This means that if a user is logged in, then the data will be prefilled into the form. - Prefill and hide (If the customer has data available, e.g. e-mail, street...: the field will be prefilled, but hidden).
>> This function does basically the same as the one before, but all pre-filled form fields are hidden, leaving only those that cannot be pre-filled.
Notes / Known Limitations:
- Rule BuilderRules: Not all technically possible rule builder rules can be used, please make sure you use a reasonable usecase.
Flow and webservice
The plugin inserts a flow ‘ACRIS Price on request form was sent’. In this flow, the sending of a predefined email is entered as an action by default.
A request to a web service can also be specified as an alternative or additional action. The web service URL can be taken from the Shopping Experiences form or entered directly here.
An example JSON payload of the request to the webservice (product entity has been shortened):
"field_company": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dba9b7fd",
"type": "company",
"internalName": "field_company",
"label": "Company",
"value": "ACRIS E-Commerce"
"field_salutation": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dc1106e7",
"type": "salutation",
"internalName": "field_salutation",
"label": "Salutation",
"value": "Mr."
"field_first": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dcf7b500",
"type": "firstName",
"internalName": "field_first",
"label": "First name",
"value": "Leon"
"field_last": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dd0cb15e",
"type": "lastName",
"internalName": "field_last",
"label": "Last name",
"value": "Furlanic"
"field_email": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dd29852e",
"type": "email",
"internalName": "field_email",
"label": "Email address",
"value": ""
"field_comment": {
"id": "0193ddb953ae70839cd18b03dd94d73b",
"type": "comment",
"internalName": "field_comment",
"label": "Comment",
"value": "Comment for price request with webservice "
"product": {
"id": "2a88d9b59d474c7e869d8071649be43c",
"name": "Main product",
"cmsWebserviceUrl": "https:\/\/webservice.url\/v2\/test"
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 25 March 2025
- Publication date: 27 July 2022
- Version: 6.1.2
- Category: B2B extensions
Reviews (6)
Super Support. Das Plugin funktioniert sehr gut.
Sehr hilfreiches Plugin!
Top-Plugin mit Top-Service
Great extension with many functions and perfect support!
One of the most impressive aspects is the flexibility it provides in managing dynamic product groups. I can select entire categories, groups of products, or even individual products and use the Rule Builder to set specific rules for displaying price inquiries. This gives me full control over how the inquiries are presented.
Another highlight is the ability to show prices only after approval or upon login. With the help of the Rule Builder, I can precisely determine when prices should be visible.
Furthermore, the plugin provides alternative options instead of the shopping cart button, such as displaying an inquiry form, informational text, or a login requirement. This allows me to customize the user experience on my website.
Communication with customers is also optimized by the plugin. After an inquiry, an email is automatically sent to the shop owner, and there is even an option to send additional information to the customer using the Flow Builder.
Overall, I am extremely satisfied with this plugin. It offers extensive functionality for effectively managing prices and price inquiries, enhancing the user experience. The clarity in the admin area and the customization options for the price inquiry form are particularly noteworthy. I highly recommend this plugin!
Super Plugin / Leicht einzurichten
War nicht kompatibel mit der SW6 Version in Kombination mit meiner mySQL Version !!!
dieses Plugin funktioniert leider dem Anschein nach nicht mit der aktuellen SW6 Version - ganz entgegen der hier gemachten Angabe des Anbieters. :((
Haben am 05.01.2023 ein Update des Grundsystems von SW6 Version auf SW6 Version durchgeführt. Haben natürlich vorher extra hier eure hier gemachte Angabe geprüft, ob dies produktiv benötigte Plugin mit der Version kompatibel ist und hätten andernfalls ein Update vorerst verworfen.
Leider wurde nun beim Update des SW6 Grundsystems dieses Plugin als nicht kompatibel erkannt sowie automatisch deaktiviert und lässt sich nun auch nicht updaten/ fehlerfrei aktivieren, wird aber produktiv benötigt in der laufenden SW6 Version 6.4.180. Auch mag nicht das Plugin nicht vollständig deinstallieren, weil ich die bereits gemachten Einstellungen (Produkt auf Anfrage) eigentlich nicht verlieren und neu anlegen will.
Wir bitten dies zeitnah zu fixen / um Unterstützung, zumal das letzte Update und dessen möglichen Eigenheiten (vom SW6-Grundsystem auf Version - von Anfang Dezember 2022) bei den Entwicklern bereits bekannt sein sollte/n.
Vielen Dank für eine zeitnahe Reaktion diesbezüglich!
// Nachtrag vom 10.01.2023:
Der Installations-Fehler wurde vom Entwickler-Team behoben und das Plugin läuft (nach 5 Tagen) nun wieder Bewertungssterne entsprechend wieder angepasst. :)
Vielen Dank!
About the Extension Partner
ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2015
- Extensions: 156
- Based in: Austria
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly