Private Shopping Professional
About the Extension
Purpose of the plugin
With the Private Shopping Plugin you can offer your customers an extraordinary feeling of exclusive shopping - turn on an extra login pre-page for this purpose.
Before the customer comes to the store, he gets to an extra landing page with a login form. This means that the customer will only be able to access the store once he has logged in on the login pre-page.
Use the shopping experience to design the login pre-page, which completely corresponds to your ideas and the design of the company.
You have the possibility to generate an additional global login, which can be used by exclusive customers to access your shopping page. Or let your customers register with the standard Shopware user.
You can also use your existing rules in the system and define redirects to categories, landing pages or custom URLs.
In addition, you can redirect your customers after a successful registration or login to the start page, various categories or to the account overview.
The basic condition for using the plugin is the use of the login pre-page, which is activated by default after installing the plugin.
Use of the plugin
After installation and activation the plugin are the management of
forwarding rules and the basic settings (activation preview page,
credentials global login, header & footer, forwarding configuration,
SEO ) in the admin area under Settings > Extensions > Private Shopping available. Also under Extensions > My Extensions > Private Shopping > Configure these settings can be done. The preview page can be freely designed under Content > Shopping Experiences > Private Shopping. Once the plugin is installed and activated, the login preview page is displayed by default.More settings
Section basic configuration
- Sales Channel: Select which sales channels the plugin should be applied to.
- Activate preview: Basic requirement for using the plugin. Is enabled by default after installing the plugin. If active, the additional login pre-page is displayed.
- Preliminary page login via: Define how the user should log in to the login pre-page, via the Shopware User Login or via Global Login.
- Preview page shopping for customers who are not logged in: Selection of which shopping experience should be displayed for the login pre-page. If no page is selected, the shopping experience inserted by the plugin in default. Theoretically, any shopping experience can be selected here.
Section global login credentials
- Global username: Definition of the user name for the global login. The condition is the activation of the global login under "Preliminary page login via".
- Global password: Definition of the password for the global login. The condition is the activation of the global login under "Preliminary page login via".
- The saving duration of global authentication cookie (in days): Number of days, how long the global authentication is stored in the cookies and the customer does not have to log in again with the global login on the login pre-page.
Section header and footer
- Header at preliminary page: Display option of the header on the login preview page (Show default plugin header, Show normal header, Hide header (can be directly integrated by shopping experience assigned above))
- Footer at preliminary page: Display option of the footer on the login preview page (Show default plugin footer, Show normal shop footer (default), Hide footer (can be directly integrated by shopping experience assigned above))
Section redirect configuration
- HTTP status code for redirect when not logged in: Selection of which status code the server should deliver to the client when accessed. Recommendation for code to use = 302: Found. (options: 302: Found, 301: Moved Permanently).
- Redirect after successful register: Which page will the user be redirected to after a successful registration (options: account overview, home page or category)
- Category after successful register:
Exact definition on which category page the user will be forwarded after successful registration. The condition for this field is that the "Redirect after successful register" category has been selected.
- Redirect after successful login: Which page will the user be redirected to after a successful login (options: account overview, home page or category)
- Category after successful login: Exact definition on which category page the user will be forwarded after the successful login. The condition for this field is that the "Redirect after successful login" category has been selected.
Section SEO
- Allow search engines to index the page: Setting whether or not to index the login pre-page in search engines.
Redirect rules > Add, open, work on redirect rules
Section Settings
- Internal name: good name for the redirect rule. When the rule is selected, this name is displayed.
- Active: If active, the rule can be applied, otherwise not.
- Priority: The redirect rule with the highest priority is checked first.
- Rule: Selection on which rule the forwarding is based. A rule can be created or edited in the Rule Builder.
Section redirect target
- Link type: Definition, which type of page should be called during redirection. Choice between entity or custom url.
- Entity: Selection between landing page or category. Only selectable if "link type" is entity.
- Category: Only selectable if "link type" is entity and entity is "category".
- Landingpage: Only selectable if "link type" is entity and for "entity" landingpage is selected. The landing page must also be added under Catalog > Categories > Landing Pages. Otherwise the landing page won't be shown here.
- Custom url: Only selectable if "link type" is custom url.
- Redirect url: Input with /. Only selectable if "link type" is custom url.
- HTTP status code for redirect: Selection of which status code the server should deliver to the client when accessed. Recommendation for code to use = 302: Found. (Choices: 302: Found, 301: Moved Permanently).
Shopping experience > create your login pre-page
A new layout can be created for the login pre-page in the category private shopping of the shopping experience.
The predefined element "Private Shopping Login" can be used in the layout under Block Category > Private Shopping.
Element settings "Private shopping login"
- Show heading: If active, the heading of the element is displayed, otherwise not.
- Heading: Definition of the heading. Condition is that the field "Show heading" is activated.
- Show text above login fields: If active, the element's intermediate text is displayed, otherwise not.
- Text above login fields: Definition of the intermediate text. Condition is that the field "Show text above login fields" is activated.
- Show forgot password: If active, the link to "Forgot password" is displayed, otherwise not. This link can be displayed only if the customer logs in to the login preview page via the Shopware user (setting under More setting > Basic configuration > Preliminary page login via > Shopware user (default)). If it is a global login, this field will not be displayed in Frontend.
- Forget password link text: Define the exact wording of the forgotten password link. Condition is that the field "Show forgotten password" is activated.
- Show link to registration: If active, the link to "Registration" is displayed, otherwise not. This link can be displayed only if the customer logs in to the login preview page via the Shopware user (setting under More setting > Basic configuration > Preliminary page login via > Shopware user (default)). If it is a global login, this field will not be displayed in Frontend.
- To register link text:
Definition of the exact wording of the registration link. Condition is that the field "Show link to registration" is activated.
- Own register url: If the registration page is extern, the URL can be entered here.
- Button text: Define what the exact wording in the login button should be.
Application examples:
New customer has logged in, but is not yet activated (not yet in the customer group). He will be redirected to an information page ("Glad you are here, you will soon be activated for the store").
Only after the customer has been added to the customer group, he will be automatically redirected to the shopping page at the next login attempt.
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 4 December 2024
- Publication date: 30 November 2023
- Version: 3.1.7
- Category: B2B extensions
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About the Extension Partner
ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH
Partner Status
Gold Partner -
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2015
- Extensions: 122
- Based in: Austria
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly