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ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH

Display personal contact + rule-based + grouped

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  • Display of contact persons (also grouped) in the "My account area" or on a landing page / category (Shoppint Experience element / block is supplied)
  • Create any contact person with picture and additional information
  • Combine contact persons in groups and display them together (sales, accounting,..)
  • Rule-controlled display of contact persons (with RuleBuilder e.g. on countries, postal codes, or other meaningful rules)
  • Different display options, orders and groupings possible


  • Creation of any contact person groups (e.g. sales, accounting, management, technical contact,..)
  • Display in the "My account" area and / or on categories or landing pages possible
  • Management of any number of contact persons, which are assigned to the groups
  • Contact person information is freely definable
  • Display is rule-driven by RuleBuilder rules and/or directly assigned customers
  • Worlds of experience element / Worlds of experience blocks are supplied
  • Sequences controlled by priorities (both groups and contacts)

About the Extension

Purpose of the plugin

Especially in B2B it is important to display the most important contacts 1:1 to the right customer. With this plugin it is possible to display them either in the "My account area" or as a separate experience in any category / landing page.

For this purpose, it is possible to create different contact persons (e.g. all sales employees, project managers, accounting, etc.) and divide them into groups.The contact persons can be controlled by RuleBuilder rules and priorities. Even a 1:1 relationship between contact person and customer is possible - if desired. In addition, priorities can be assigned, so that it is possible to arrange the contact persons in groups as well as the contact persons within a group. If only one contact person per group is desired, this is also possible.

Plugin Configuration

After successful installation of the plugin, some plugin configurations are available:
Admin > Extensions > My extensions > ACRIS contact configuration.

  •     Sales Channel: Configure all sales channels or only a specific sales channel.
  •     Display the / of the "Show personal contacts in customer account".
  •     (if this is deactivated, the display of the contact persons must be possible via the new experience worlds to be created)
  •      Labeling for the tab in the customer area
  •     Tab positioning: set position in My Account area
  •     Text if no personal contacts are available
  •     Show group names of personal contacts
  •     Heading of the contact persons
  •     Image - text positioning
  •     Image - text positioning (display the image - round or square)
  •     Show frame around contact

Use of the plugin

Admin > Settings > Extensions > Contact persons > Contact persons groups or contact persons

Contact person groups

In the contact person group overview you can see all created groups, these can be edited or new groups can be added - the following fields are available:


  •     Internal name: this is used for display in the overview
  •     Name: this will be displayed in the storefront
  •     Show group name on website: if active, the previously defined name will be displayed in the storefront (once per group).
  •     Active: yes/no
  •     Priority: the higher the number, the more important. Defines the order of display in the storefront if there are multiple contact groups.

Display settings for contact persons

  •     Show only the first contact (highest priority): if several contacts arrive by the rules, only the one with the highest priority will be shown if this option is active.
  •     Show contact headers: If this setting is active, the headers of the contact persons in this group will be displayed.
  •     Show contact name: If this setting is active, the names of the contact persons of this group will be displayed.
  •     Show contact person picture: If this setting is active, the pictures of the contact persons of this group will be displayed.
  •     Show additional contact line: If this setting is active, the additional contact lines of the contacts of this group will be displayed.
  •     Show email: If this setting is active, the emails of the contacts of this group will be displayed.
  •     Show phone number: If this setting is active, the phone numbers of the contacts of this group are displayed.

Contact persons

Any number of new contact persons can be created and groups can be assigned to the contact persons - the following fields are available:


  •     Internal name: is displayed in the contact person overview
  •     Active: yes / no
  •     Assigned rules: Previously created RuleBuilder rules can be used here such as country,zip code areas, etc.
  •     and/or assigned customers: The contact person will always be displayed if the customer and one of the specified rules match (OR operation). The customer can be searched either by name or by customer number.
  •     Priority: The higher the priority, the further forward the contact person is ranked.
  •     Contact person group: Assignment to the previously created contact person group (only one can be selected).

Contact person data

  •     Contact person heading: The heading is automatically displayed above the contact person name. If this field is empty, the headline text module from the plugin configuration is automatically loaded.
  •     Name: This name will be displayed on the web page.
  •     Image: This image will be displayed in the storefront - the formatting is set in the contact person group.
  •     Additional contact line: HTML formatted text can be entered here, this can be displayed in the storefront - if set in the contact person group.
  •     Phone number: will be displayed in the storefront - if defined in the contact group.
  •     Email: will be displayed in the storefront - if defined in the contact group.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 3 July 2024
  • Publication date: 14 February 2023
  • Version: 4.0.0
  • Category: B2B extensions


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About the Extension Partner

ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH

ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH

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Partner Status

Shopware Gold Partner
Gold Partner
Shopware Premium Extension Partner
Premium Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 20 March 2015
  • Extensions: 119
  • Country: Austria


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly