1. New rule in Rule-Builder for shipping (for shopping cart or for the order item), with which the configuration order quantity per order item can be determined and compared with shipping quantities.
- essential for calculating shipping costs for large print runs of printed products if they are to be shipped in packaging units, e.g. 20x 5000 pieces.
2. The selection (= Standard Select Box and Quantity Select Box) can also contain identical option values or quantities. However, they must have different option KEYS!
- if identical quantities (option values) are defined, the option key should always be used as the default value and not the quantity (= value).
- identical quantities, which are provided with different prices depending on the product and are converted to “black option” (made invisible), are essential for the implementation of print/advertising article configurations.
3. New setting in plugin setup “Consider product discount in configurator surcharges?”
- Yes = discount surcharges in the configurator in the same way as the product (e.g. which has been provided with a "list price").
- No = Do not discount surcharges in the configurator at all.
1. The info points can now be provided with “tooltips” or alternatively with “modal views”.
- Tooltip display (a pop-up window) works best for displaying short information
- Modal view (a modal window), on the other hand, is used to display long descriptions or more complex HTML formatting, e.g. tables, images, videos
The global setting for info points is made in the plugin setup of the configurator. The default setting is “Tooltip”.
This global setting can be changed as required in the Bogx settings in the configuration product.
- Images from the media folder can also be used in the tooltip.
- The HTML formatting of the info texts is limited to the possibilities of the Shopware text editor, but can be extended with “TinyMCE” plugins, for example.
2. New “ALERT” function for the formula from the internal configurator portfolio activated:
let caption = 'NOTE';
let message = 'Substructures are only required for sliding glass elements - please select at least one sliding glass element: front, right or left';
let closeLabel = 'Close';
fn.ModalsHelper.showAlert(caption, message, closeLabel);
1. Compatibility of the configuration badge with the badges from the purchasable themes has been established.
2. Extended prices in the shopping cart for orders from the UK or from countries outside the EU are displayed correctly in the local currency and net amounts.
3. Small styling correction in the STICKY price box footer for mobile devices.
4. Extension of the defaults for "Articlepicker" by the "total_flag" parameter:
- if "total_flag":1 is set, the order quantity input of Shopware is deactivated (also in the shopping cart),
- this prevents the order quantities for each item in a bundle/kit from being unintentionally doubled or tripled, or quadrupled, and so on ... ,
- further details can be found in the online manual: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JLHPUMch8kPnDyGzfGh4B0eohwXkk26EdcAVt-E0EKc/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.sgrjdm7ir071
1. Correction of the data output in the checkout for the data type “checkbox set + quantity”.
2. If the tax status changes from gross to net in the checkout after login, all prices in the shopping cart are now converted to net.
3. Bulky goods shipping calculation becomes even more flexible:
- New bulky goods rule for maximum width, “MAX width” in the shopping cart
- New shipping rules:
-- "SUM + MAX LENGTH + MAX WIDTH", for the order of the input fields: length first then width
-- "SUM + MAX WIDTH + MAX LENGTH", for the order of the input fields: width first then length
Many thanks at this point to store.holz-wiegand.com for their cooperation.
4. Item numbers in orders have been corrected.
The shopping cart links introduced in the previous update can now only be executed ONCE.
This feature is relevant in configuration scenarios in which a product is to be ordered multiple times and in different configurations. This involves switching between the shopping cart and configuration quite often. In other words, when configuration products are used intensively in a professional environment.
Optimization and extension of the shopping cart with two return links:
- Shopping cart link to change the configuration, click on pencil button = change link
- Shopping cart link to add the configuration, click on product image or product name = add link
Both links call up the "1:1" configuration copy from the shopping cart, which can now be changed.
If the changed configuration is then placed back in the shopping cart, the shopping cart reacts
differently depending on which link was used:
- the first "change link" causes the affected configuration to be changed in the shopping cart
- the second "add link" causes the changed configuration to be added as a new shopping cart item
The shopping cart links are active throughout the entire checkout process until the order is completed.
1. Implementation of Math.js formulas for "Articlepicker" to dynamically calculate prices of real products depending on
on dimensions (length, width, height) or area, volume, weight. For very advanced SET/component/accessory configurations.
2. New extended data types:
- for Colorpicker ("color+title+productimage changer", "color+title+productimage changer fix")
- for ImagePicker ("image+title+productimage changer fix")
For dynamic image change. The product images in configuration products can be changed temporarily or permanently - similar to variants.
Image changer is now also available in the color selection for better color visualization.
1. Configuration products from the shopping cart can be changed again if required. Adaptation to the new PAYLOAD was necessary.
2. Small upgrade of the function portfolio for formulas.
1. Customer request implementation: product-related BLACKLIST
- analogous to “Blackoptions” in the BOGX specifications of the products,
- the “BLACKLIST” field can be found directly under the “Blackoptions” field in the BOGX > BASIC specifications,
- the difference is that the option group IDs (instead of option IDs) must be entered in the BLACKLIST field,
Example of BLACKLIST entry in product “SW00675”:
This means that when the configuration for product “SW00675” is called up, the option groups “o_prices2” and “o_prices3” are deactivated (not visible).
If the main product “SW00675” still has variants with a different BLACKLIST, different option group IDs must be entered in the variants:
Example for BLACKLIST entry in product variant “SW00675.1”:
Example for BLACKLIST entry in product variant “SW00675.2”:
This makes it possible, for example, to always activate suitable option groups with graduated prices for different product variants.
“BLACKLIST” specification can also help to reduce the number of configurations. A single configuration can serve more related products by activating only suitable option groups.
2. Delivery time has been optimized and extended by an additional shipping rule “STANDARD”.
- STANDARD adopts the delivery time specification from the product, it then also applies to the linked configuration.
- This setting is particularly useful if delivery time information is required in every order confirmation.
1. Customer request implementation: two new data types “boxed title” and “boxed title price” implemented.
- analogous to the variant configurator of Shopware 6, framed headings
- the new data types are automatically generated in the GRID layout - number of columns and spacing must be specified
- good alternative to “image” data types, in case no images are available
2. Customer request implementation: the STICKY display of the total price is now optional - can be set in the plugin setup.
3. Compatibility with the “Customer group discount” plugin from Acris has been established. Optimization of the cart collector.
- many thanks at this point to colleagues from minigolfen.de and ACRIS for the friendly and cooperative collaboration!
1. Display of the parametrix “axb” input fields for smartphones corrected.
2. Display of the sticky footer in the offcanvas cart for smartphones corrected.
3. If a product is no longer available in the "Articlepicker" KIT, the shopping cart button is blocked or the entire configuration cannot be ordered.
4. Use of the one-time surcharge corrected.
The problem with initializing configurations with missing defaults/presets has been fixed.
1. Parts list/SET/KIT can be rolled out in the order (added as individual order items).
- Stock levels of products from the BOM/SET/KIT are automatically updated (reduced by the order quantity)
- Roll-out can be optionally set in the plug-in setup under “ARTICLEPICKER” > “Roll out parts list in the order”
2. New extension for “COLORPICKER”, which significantly improves the legibility of the color labeling (especially for very dark colors).
When specifying the color (field2) in the CSV data records, an optional control character “@” can be specified (see below). This control character makes the label “white”.
If no control character is specified, the label is (as usual) “black”.
The control character “@” can be entered either at the beginning or at the end of the color code (in field2).
@rgb(0,0,0) or rgb(0,0,0)@
@#000000 or #000000@
An example can be seen here:
3. Fix the info point display in the data types that can possibly be arranged next to each other:
Parametrix input fields, text input fields, select boxes. These are always displayed as standard again.
Correction in the base price calculation for extended price calculation.
1. Extension of the PREFERENCE setting for BASIC > Order mode:
- enter either "optional" or "standard" (which remains compatible with the previous input)
- or alternatively an extended JSON, e.g.: {"mode": "optional", "switcherName": "buy with logo", "buttonName": "buy without logo"}.
2. If the order mode is set to "optional", two buttons are displayed in listings for configuration products with the corresponding Shopware settings:
"configure now" and "add to cart".
- "Add to cart" applies to the "optional" product WITHOUT configuration
- "configure now" applies to the "optional" product WITH configuration
- the setting ONLY applies to products WITHOUT VARIANT
- the setting only applies if in Shopware Menu > Settings > Shop > Products > "Show buy buttons in product listing" is activated
3. Rounding up to STEP default in Parametrix input fields is possible again.
1. Adaptations to the new “BOGX Wishlist 6” plugin
- the first wishlist plugin that takes the configuration products into account,
- we offer the new plugin “BOGX Wishlist 6” until the end of 2024 for (1-month) testing on request
2. Better consideration of the extended prices when determining the base price
- in the main product
- in variants
3. Problem fixing of the tooltip display for Parametrix input fields
1. E-mail order confirmation template corrected and extended. Extended by delivery time and PARENT group name:
- delivery time is only output per configuration if it has been explicitly calculated or used
- PARENT group names are only taken into account or output if they have been activated for the configuration
- Currency error in a few data types fixed
New templates can be found here:
2. Multiupload surcharges in NON-OBLIGATORY uploads are taken into account again.
3. Dependencies in the data type 'Multilayer' corrected.
4. The 'Extended Datepicker' has been extended by additional functionality.
- only relevant for configurations in which the date in the calendar is to be flexibly limited
Shopware's ‘NULL product’ issue in the ProductCartProcessor (Shopware has been localised and fixed.
1. Full (inline) layout extension for the following data types:
- Texts, select boxes, Parametrix free parameter,
- up to three input fields (or select boxes) can be placed NEXT TO EACH OTHER (= ‘inline’),
- the input fields can of course be mixed together, e.g. a select box can also be placed next to an input field,
- a more compact configuration look can be achieved through better space utilisation
Example of new layout specifications in Product > Bogx > ORDERING > Layouts:
{"o_text1":{"layout":"inline", "width":"41%", "tooltip":false}, "o_text2":{"layout":"inline", "width":"58%"}, "o_date":{"layout":"inline", "width":"60%", "tooltip":false}, "o_time":{"layout":"inline", "width":"39%"}}
Note 1: the widths of the adjacent fields should add up to 99% so that at least 1% remains for the spacing.
Note 2: in mobile devices (for displays up to 767px), all the above fields remain below each other as before (unchanged).
2. The "Custom Data Request" controller had to be adjusted due to "Shopware/Symfony Issue" in the "fetchOne-Metode" so that correct request results are returned again.
3. Template customisation for images data types.
4. As soon as "Order Code Builder" (OCB) is activated in configuration defaults, "Order Code" generated in configuration is automatically used as the new product order number.
5. Template and logic customisation for "Quantity Select" data type so that the unit price is correctly generated under the total price.
6. Extension of the functionality in the data type ‘free item text’:
- if content (= HTML text) is found in the tooltip input field of the data type, it is output in the configuration
- Useful for outputting additional (multi-line) information texts during configuration
7. Correction in the weight calculation for the shipping rule "SUM".
1. Powerful ‘DatePicker’, based on the new data type ‘text date extended’ with extended calendar functions that can be customised by formula as required, e.g:
- Hide/block nationwide and/or regional public holidays
- Hide/block weekends
And also:
- optimised look & feel with better usability
- Connection to calendar APIs will be possible
2. Problem in the shopping basket for ‘stackable’ products fixed.
Many thanks at this point to Mr Steinicke (BuI Hinsche GmbH) for the hint, active support and testing.
3. Optimisation of the data type ‘checkbox’ and ‘checkbox set’
- for ‘blackoptions’ and ‘tooltips’
- for mobile devices (many thanks to Mrs Stabbert from paw-store.de)
4. Improvement of the optics in the ‘select’ layout for images.
1. JSON validation in the Bogx specifications (Product Extensions) has been deactivated.
2. Price calculation template has been extended for parent group headings.
Display of the price calculation can:
- be displayed with parent group headings
- be displayed without parent group headings
Bogx Defaults > BASIC > Activate parent group name
3. Corrected bulky goods rules for SW6.6.
1. New glonbal variable in JSON format activated for use in formulas:
customUnitPriceJSON = {'unitPrice':12.5, 'unitValue':0.5 'unit':'kg'};
or also formed from other variables:
customUnitPriceJSON['unitPrice'] = total/area_qm;
customUnitPriceJSON['unitValue'] = 1;
customUnitPriceJSON['unit'] = 'm²';
In the price calculation, the individually calculated base price is then automatically displayed under the total price, e.g.: 12.50 EUR/kg or 32.23 EUR/m²
2. ‘Blackoptions’ in radio buttons and select boxes have been optimised.
1. The ‘grid’ layout for images, colours and article pickers has also been optimised for those themes, which define the ‘columns’ width in the detail page with ‘crooked values’: 41.66666667% (seen at Themeware).
2. Optional heading for Parametrix input fields = new Parametrix configurator default ‘Enable headings’.
3. Empty configuration defaults in entered variants are intercepted.
4. Duplication in ‘Bogx Configurator Manager’ possible again.
5. Small spelling mistake for ‘Additionaltext’ corrected. More information about ‘Additionaltext’ can be found below in the changelog.
6. New global variable can be used in formulas: discount_factor
- if no discount is defined for the configuration product, discount_factor = 1.0
- discount_factor = 0.8, if discount=20% (e.g. in the line price),
- saves ‘line price’ or/and ‘customer group’ discount
Note: Surcharges are automatically reduced by the discount (e.g. in the line price of the configuration product).
If the reduction of a surcharge is cancelled, the surcharge must be inversely multiplied by the ‘discount_factor’ in the formula
must be multiplied inversely.
1. The configuration "Additional Text" for simplified transfer of configuration data to external ERP systems has been revised.
We have described the background to the revision and information for data transfer to ERP connectors in the online manual:
2. The parts list from the "Articlepicker" is now generated in full. It forms the basis for the data + transfer
and for "roll-out" the real products in the order. The "roll-out" will also be implemented shortly.
Dynamic image exchange extended by a new function that can be used in formulas:
- calling the function in the formula: fn.ChangerHelper.changeProductImageFix(imagename);
- the image exchange is similar to that in variant change, but only one product image is exchanged and therefore it happens much faster
- the image change serves to better visualise the configuration product
- the image inserted by this function is adopted as the product image in the checkout
1. The data types "color" and "color_title" have been completely revised and optimised, the result is called: "ColorPicker".
- the ColorPicker can be displayed as a grid or list, in the layout defaults: "grid" or "list" can be set analogue to "Images".
- in the "list" layout, the focus is on the resource requirement, which has been reduced to a MINIMUM.
- the ColorPicker in the "list" layout is particularly suitable for displaying entire colour catalogues or colour fans (RAL, CAPAROL, STO, PANTONE, HKS, NCS, ...).
- convenient display of colours in the checkout - similar to "Images"
2. All images used in configurations are stored in so-called image folders on the server.
These folders are now created automatically by Bogx Configurator Manager if they do not yet exist.
New setting (switcher) 'Configurator prices with login?' is now available.
- a special setting that is generally suitable for B2B shops with a retailer account. If prices in a shop are only visible after a successful login.
- if the switcher is set to ‘yes’, the configurator checks whether there is a successful customer login and only displays its prices if the login was successful. If there is no 'login registration', the prices/surcharges are neither visible in the frontend nor in the HTML code - in case someone wanted to view the prices in the code.
1. Output of own article prices in Articlepicker data records has been corrected.
2. Display of ‘cross-selling’ tabs when using TAB location has been corrected.
3. Mobile display of configurations in the TAB location has been corrected - no display in TAB offcanvas, which was implemented incorrectly by Shopware (= based on inconsistent data duplication or data redundancy).
4. Mobile price display in the price box (price box footer) is now sticky.
MINOR Update
ARTICLEPICKER enables all kinds of configurations consisting of real shop articles. These are individual SET, KIT, SLOT, MIX, BUNDLE, BOX, PACKAGE, BASKET, LOOK or ITEM LIST configurations from articles or services that are also sold individually in the shop and are usually stocked or subject to inventory.
By using ARTICLELPICKER, the customer will be able to ‘pick’ his own article SETS or BOM configurations in many and also very different application areas - also in combined applications such as panel cutting + assembly accessories, fence configuration + automatically generated parts list with posts and fastening material, carport configuration + parts list conditioned by options, etc. Here are some possible examples:
- SERVER/PC/LAPTOP CONFIGURATORS consisting of several components/services,
- DEVICE CONFIGURATORS from several components/modules/attachments,
- FURNITURE CONFIGURATORS from additional attachments/modules
- FOOD MIXES, BOTTLES, PLATES, BOXES made from several components (e.g. teas, herbs, cereals, fruit, vegetables, chocolates, wines, etc.)
- GIFT BASKETS made from several, even very different products
- BUNDLES from several products and/or benefits/services
- GAMES, SPORTS or LEISURE BUNDLES consisting of several products for different applications and/or customer competence levels
- FASHION LOOKS or BOXES from several garments, colours, sizes
- ITEM LISTS of all kinds, which can be picked by customers or generated automatically depending on the options selected. Expandable through its own formula logic and therefore very powerful.
Scenarios can also be implemented in which the ARTICLEPICKER only plays a ‘supporting role’ in configurations and ‘only’ enables the selection of accessories or extras such as promotional items, giveaways, discounted add-ons - which the customer can pick together and conveniently order with the configured product.
As we attach great importance to ‘learning by doing’, the ARTICLEPICKER settings are easy to understand using the ‘DEMO20 article picker muesli’ demo:
2. Optimisation and small corrections.
- Images for DEMO configurations moved to Google Drive (folder ‘public’): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bz2y-NxQPpby_J-s_dTdU5iGduHXussL
- Cart template corrected
To enable simple transfer of configuration data to external ERP systems, "Additional Text" can now be activated in the plugin settings. The "Additional Text"with all configuration data (in text form) is attached to the article name in the order.
- the configuration data should be output line by line, "\n" is used as the line break
- "Additional Text" is written in the table "order_line_item", column "label"
- Column "label" is too small by default with the type "varchar(255)"
- Column "label" can be manually adjusted to the type "longtext" in the table "order_line_item" (absolutely safe)
Complete migration to Shopware 6.6.x
Thank you for your patience.
Use of dependencies in the optimised data types Images had to be corrected.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 15 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
All data types Images (layout: standard, list and grid) and Multilayer (layout: standard) have been optimised.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 15 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
1. New, optimised "Zoom" function is now available:
- it is based on the "modal" of Bootstrap and requires fewer resources
- it replaces the "Lightbox Zoom" function, which required more resources
2. The weight calculation when using placeholders ($) in the CSV data set has been corrected
3. The "Listing" layout for images has been revised and optimised - also for blackoptions
4. The "Grid" layout for images in complex configurations with dependencies (with "blacklists") has been optimised.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 15 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
If a "Layout" was assigned in the product, problems occurred.
CMS template for product detail "Layout" has been corrected. Ordering products without configurator is possible again.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 15 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
1. New "Configurator Location": Tab
- long-awaited feature for large/long configurations such as PC/laptop configurations that require more space can now be placed under a separate tab
- "can be ordered with or without configuration" or only "can be ordered with configuration" is possible
- Price box can also be set to "sticky"
- also suitable for mobile devices (responsive)
- the existing Shopware tabs "Description" and "Reviews" are extended to be compatible with the new "Configuration" tab (NOT overwritten)
- an example can be seen here:
2. Minor optimisations:
- in "Blackoptions"
- in data type "image + title + productimage changer"
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 15 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
1. "Custom Data Request" is now available.
Retrieve large amounts of data from your own tables (e.g. complex graduated prices) dynamically from the database during configuration. This can even be used to map manufacturer catalogues. A functionality for the highest demands, which makes the performance difference from all other configurators. This concludes the development under SW6.5. We will continue with SW6.6.3.0
2. Price information in the price calculation has been provided with a link to shipping information (according to Shopware standard).
3. Correction of the switcher logic for optional orders (with or without configuration).
4. Correction of the visibility of the "Share configuration" link.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 01 July 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.3.0 by 01 July 2024 - sorry for the delay.
MINOR Update
1. A GAME CHANGER for your configurations - full implementation of SHARE CONFIGURATION.
With the new SHARE CONFIGURATION widget, a fully configured product can be saved as a deep link at any time with just one click. Such a deep link can be easily shared by the shop admin as well as by any user with friends, family or in social media. SHARE CONFIGURATION can quickly become your ‘game changer’ and the best advertising multiplier for personalised products. Saving takes place in the database - data redundancies are eliminated - no identical configurations are saved twice.
2. Sell products with or without personalisation, the so-called optional personalisation has been completely revised. The handling for the optional ordering of configuration products has been significantly improved.
3. Bug fixes that only occurred in very specific scenarios (in very advanced configurations). Many thanks at this point for the well-founded feedback from: Mr Depuhl, Mr Gayer, Mr Bleßmann
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 June 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.2.0 by 15 June 2024 at the latest.
View optimisation for mobile devices.
1. Info points.
2. Totals display in the footer of the price calculation box.
Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 June 2024!
We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.2.0 by 15 June 2024 at the latest.
1. Adaptation of the shopping basket order form (in the detail page) to third-party plugins.
2. Extensive implementation of QUICKVIEW displays for all multiselect data types, which are triggered with the info points and filled with dynamic (extended) content.
- Please update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x AFTER 15 June 2024!
- We will upgrade the configurator to SW6.6.2.0 by 15 June 2024 at the latest.
1. Unit price display in the shopping basket template has been optimised.
2. Selection of the unit price precision in the "Bogx" configurator specifications has been corrected.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of Mai 2024!
Bug fix: errors in text and textarea entries have been fixed.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of Mai 2024!
1. Das "Covering" (passendes Zuschneiden) der Produktbilder in dem Addon "ARTIKELPICKER" korrigiert.
2. Das Anklicken/Aktivieren von Checkbox-Sets und Checkbox-Quantities optimiert (auch für Firefox).
3. Blackoptions (Ausschlüße) auch mit "Produkt Bestellnummer" als Trigger möglich:
- in den Bogx-Vorgaben pro Produkt definierbar
- in den Formeln pro Konfiguration definierbar
Dadurch kann eine einzige Konfiguration mehrere Konfigurationsprodukte bedienen, weil nicht relevante Optionen je nach Bedarf ausgeschlossen werden können
GANZ WICHTIGER HINWEIS: Bitte Ihre aktuelle Shopware Version NICHT gleich auf SW6.6.x updaten - bis Ende Mai 2024 unbedingt abwarten!
Two new configuration templates:
- config_standard_stepbystep.html.twig
-- only one configuration group (= configuration STEP) can be opened/activated in the template at a time
- config_standard_stepbystep_with_navi.html.twig
-- As above, only one configuration group (= configuration STEP) can be opened/activated in the template.
-- In addition, you can navigate from group to group (from STEP to STEP) using the "Next" and "Back" buttons.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
1. Correction in the MULTILAYER for the default parameter setting: "background_merge":true
2. Extension of the language shop logic in the event that data records are not translated.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
New features for MULTILAYER:
1. Merging of the transparent layers into a single image for the entire checkout and order.
- new default parameter: "background_merge":true/false (should the background image also be merged yes/no)
- the merged image files are stored permanently on the server, as they are used to document the orders
2. The multilayer viewer is dynamically adapted to the size of the browser window (also in mobile devices).
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
Improvement for group dependencies and combinations.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
Optimisation of the interface for the addon "ARTICLELPICKER"
-- Bug in "Kits/Bundles" fixed
-- If a non-existent product is specified in the "Articlepicker", it is displayed as NOT available/selectable
This means that the configuration can still be run even if products are no longer in the shop but still exist in the configuration(s).
Or if an incorrect order number has been entered for the product, an incorrect entry can be localised much more quickly.
ARTICLEPICKER can be requested in advance for testing - a small DEMO can be seen here:
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
1. MULTILAYER widget and the new data type "multilayer" are now available.
-- This completes the core features in "Product Configurator 6 Enterprise".
The core and distinctive features in "Product Configurator 6 Enterprise" are:
-- Parametrix (with free calculation formulas)
-- Multiupload (with file preview)
-- Multilayer (with live viewer)
With these main features and the scope of performance, we have now surpassed our popular predecessor (Product Configurator 5).
2. Multiupload preview extended to include vector files (EPS, SVG, AI).
3. "Order Code Builder" (OCB) has been corrected.
4. "One Time Surcharge" has been corrected.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
1. The "Detail" button in the product display in the listing (listing-card) has been corrected.
-- Button "customize now" is only displayed if the configuration badge is activated
2. Configuration discount in the standard price display has been corrected.
3. Configuration discount is also taken into account in the checkout.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
Patch: typing error in the price calculation template (in the discount display) fixed.
1. MINOR update: "MULTILAYER", the planned widget for dynamic product visualisation shortly before finalisation
-- "Early Bird" version, the DB structures are fully implemented and can already be seen in the product bogx defaults.
2. New Bogx DEFAULT parameter: "Base" > "Discount in %"
-- the default is used for quick and easy discounting of the whole configuration
-- the specified discount (= an integer or decimal number) is always deducted from the total amount
-- the specified discount is visually highlighted in the price box according to Shopware standard (with discount badge)
3. New Bogx DEFAULT parameter: "Base" > "Custom fields"
-- CUSTOM FIELDS are now also available in configuration formula
-- the desired custom fields can be specified with their technical names in the default field, separated by commas
-- in the formula, custum fields specified in DEFAULTS can be called up and used as follows:
/* bogxCustomFields is a global JSON array: check the content of the variables here */
console.log("bogxCustomFields: ", bogxCustomFields);
/* Method 1: Example for output of the specified additional fields 'attr1' and 'attr2' */
let cf3 = bogxCustomFields.attr1;
let cf4 = bogxCustomFields.attr2;
console.log("CustomField3: ", cf3);
console.log("CustomField4: ", cf4);
/* Method 2 (optional): Example for output of the specified additional fields 'attr1' and 'attr2' */
let cf1 = bogxCustomFields['attr1'];
let cf2 = bogxCustomFields['attr2'];
console.log("CustomField1: ", cf1);
console.log("CustomField2: ", cf2);
4. Fixing an error with "active_unitprice" when using "Image" data types.
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
1. Optimised use of one-off surcharge.
2. Optimised use of formulas in order quantity.
3. New default parameter for "Images" display in the price calculation:
-- "active_unitprice":true/false
-- controls visibility of unit prices in price calculation and checkout
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Please do NOT update your current Shopware version to SW6.6.x immediately - wait until the end of April 2024!
1. Optimisation of dependencies (blacklist/whitelist) for use in the formulas
2. Optimisation of inheritance in variants
3. Reorder button in order history for all ordered configuration products
4. Uploads are also taken into account in repeated orders. The original uploads are made available, which can also be replaced by new uploads.
5. Optimisation of the configuration data display in orders.
1. Products can be ordered again WITHOUT configuration, bug fixed.
2. Blackoptions/exclusions optimised for use in the formulas.
3. In addition to the "Listing-Badge" for configuration products, the "Detail" button is labelled with "configure now".
- the button labelling can of course be individually adapted/translated in the snippets
1. The candidate/audit release of the addon "Article Picker 6" (our most powerful addon for article SET configurations to date) is now available.
-- Extension and customisation of the API for addon connection
-- Article picker can only be installed as of this release (6.3.0)
2. Fix for "Optional order": without/with configuration
1. MULTIUPLOAD reset after adding to the shopping cart:
The upload files in the Multiupload widget are reset (removed from the configuration) after being added to the shopping cart in the current configuration. Only new "Upload" files can then be uploaded in the configuration and, if desired, the configuration can be placed in the shopping cart again with the same or different settings with the same or different uploaded files.
2. If "Amazon Payment" is used, the "Amazon Instant Payment" button can also be activated under the shopping basket button.
This "Amazon" button is now deactivated in the same way as the shopping basket button until the product configuration is complete.
1. Fixing checkout for multiupload in case upload is optional and no file has been uploaded.
2. Fixing "optional order mode":
-- Templates
-- Inheritance/de-inheritance in the variants
1. Separate tab "ACTIVE" for activation and assignment of configuration in the product.
2. Own listing price is also displayed in the dynamic (Suggest) search
3. Correction of the template for images in standard mode.
4. Improved PDF preview for Multiupload: the colour space is displayed more authentically.
5. The configuration default "Item price in listing" can also be specified OPTIONALLY as a net and gross price in a JSON:
-- this optional specification is relevant if you want to operate sales channels for end customers (B2C, gross prices) and for business customers (B2B, net prices)
-- an example of an optional default in JSON format: {"net": "from €10.00", "large": "from €11.90"}
-- an example of a standard default (unchanged as before in text format): "from €11.90"
6. optimisation of the price display in the shopping cart/checkout for logged-in customers from "EU" (OSS) and "TAX FREE" countries
7. Extension of the default data (Bogx Product Extensions) for the upcoming addon ARTICLELPICKER.
Full compatibility with product variants.
-- Inheritance of Product Extensions (= defaults of the Product Configurator) from main product to variants is now OPTIONAL
-- One configuration can be linked or omitted per product variant
-- Different configuration defaults can be specified per product variant
in order not to confuse the customer, avoid assigning different configurations in the variants, although this would also be possible
1. New product default:
-- product price in listing
-- own prices for product listing (category overview) can be defined in the product specifications
-- prices should be displayed with currency (formatted as desired) e.g. "from €35.70"
2. New setting in the plugin setting/configuration:
-- Configuration badges in product listing active? (Switcher)
-- if yes, simple "configuration product" badges are displayed in the product listing (category overview)
-- configuration products are thus recognised more quickly in the listing
-- the primary colour of the shop is automatically used for the badges
-- the mouseover "title" text can be individually defined in the snippets
1. Small optimisation of the multiupload:
-- Upload files that are too large are immediately checked and displayed
-- Improved interception of possible upload errors or malfunctions
-- All hosting requirements for the correct functioning of uploads are now described in the online manual
2. New basic default for configurations - "Order mode" with the following options to choose from:
-- Standard = order only possible with configuration (as before). Is the default, even if nothing is selected.
-- Optional = order WITHOUT or/and WITH configuration possible.
Very usabel if a product can be ordered WITHOUT personalisation but also optionally WITH personalisation.
1. From now on "Multiupload" is available
- controllable by default parameters, e.g:
{"o_upload1":{"min":1, "max":3, "size": "3MB", "types":".png,.jpg,.pdf,.dxf,.zip,.cdr,.ai,.eps,. ps","handling":"main"},"o_upload2":{"min":0,"max":1,"size":"10MB","types":".pdf,.tiff,.eps","handling":"variant"}}
-- min = minimum number of uploads
-- max = maximum number of uploads
-- size = maximum file size per upload e.g.: 1MB or 10MB or 50MB ...
-- types = the permitted MIME types of the upload files e.g.: .png, .jpg, .pdf, .dxf, .zip, .cdr, .ai, .eps, .ps (Please DO NOT FORGET THE POINTS)
-- handling = "main" upload identical for main product and variants, "variant" upload different for main product and variants
- several upload groups are also possible in one configuration, e.g.
-- Upload front side
-- Upload back side
-- Upload left side
-- Upload right side
- progress display
- automatic preview images (!)
-- PDF preview (!)
-- Preview in checkout, mail confirmation, order, my account
- Convenient download links in the order for the shop operator
2. correct inheritance in variants of Parametrix graduated prices.
3. additional grouping in "colours" and "images" data types possible by using the same group IDs.
1. Error fixing in the bulky goods rules
2. Delivery time display in the shopping basket fixed
"Paging" or "pagination" has now been implemented in the "Bogx Configurator Manager"
- in the event that large amounts of data are to be managed, configurations are automatically read in in "pages of 100 configurations" (paging limit = 100)
- pagination allows fast management, even if more than 1000 configurations are to be loaded,
- we often have to deal with a high volume of configurations in shops from the furniture/interior sector
NOTE: "Pagination" is relevant and only takes effect if you have more than 100 configurations.
Display of configuration data in orders for "area calculation" parameter matrix fixed.
1. Data type "free_item_handler" optimised.
2. Base price display (reference price display) is now updated correctly.
1. The tooltips have been optimised, visually and technically.
- new setting for tooltips in plugin settings: Trigger tooltips by "click" or "mouseover", default = "mouseover",
- the tooltips can now be called up either by clicking or by moving the mouse over them,
- the appearance of the tooltip windows can be customised to the shop design in "scss", in: _bogx_tooltip.scss
3. determination of surcharge in eval.helper.js has been optimised - for the option groups "reatached" in the formula.
- affects advanced configurator applications
4. detach methods for formula made more accessible
- affects advanced configurator applications
1. Small correction in "Bulky goods shipping rules".
2. New dependency function for use in formulas when dependencies are set dynamically depending on conditions:
detachSelectorHandlerCustom (element, defaultJSON);
Quick bugfix - problem in the shopping basket fixed.
1. Optimisation of the transfer of configuration weight to the shopping cart processor so that the weight of configuration products can also be taken into account in shipping rules.
2. Optimisation of the bulky goods rules for shipping (for the shopping cart): Maximum belt dimension, Sum of belt dimensions, Maximum length and Minimum length.
3. Implementation of individually storable text additions for price display in the price box:
- the text additions can be defined per option group (key) in the formula as follows: bogxCustomStorage[key] = {surcharge_text:'our weekly offer'};
- the additional text is displayed directly below the price/surcharge
- the additional text is not passed on to the checkout, so it is used purely for information during configuration
NOTE: Please keep your Shopware instance as up-to-date as possible, this update and all subsequent updates apply to Shopware 6.5.7.x and higher
1. Group dependencies optimised.
2. Configuration products in order items from the customer account can be called up and ordered repeatedly as already configured.
- a direct transfer of configuration products from the order history to the shopping cart is CONSCIOUSLY prevented
- in the case of mixed orders, only the normal products are placed in the shopping cart if a repeat order is clicked on
1. Improved compatibility with the "Marketing Module" (with the Promotions Processor):
- Vouchers (discount promotions) in the shopping cart with configuration products are now calculated correctly
2. The initial order quantity default is synchronised with the graduated prices of the product.
1. Shopware's order quantity attributes "minPurchase", "maxPurchase" and "purchaseSteps" are compared with "min", "max", "step" and "def" specifications of the order quantity controller.
- if attributes and specifications are specified, the stronger limitation is always set, so a mixture of both can result
- it is recommended NOT to mix the specifications in both places
- PLEASE always specify either attributes in the product master data or the specifications in the "order quantity controller" - NOT both
- If Shopware's order quantity attributes are to apply in the configuration, the order quantity controller (in the defaults) must be activated
2. If the order quantity controller is activated, all Shopware order quantity attributes in the checkout are NEWLY RALISED (set to default values)
- Prevent the calculated configuration price (even for multiple items) from being automatically multiplied by the minimum quantity in the checkout
1. The additional option "Please select" in the SELECT data type can also be blacklisted/whitelisted like a normal option.
2. An essential function for blacklist/whitelist handling in formulas has been implemented.
- Important in the event that blacklist/whitelist (= detach flags) are set dynamically in the formula and are to be executed immediately
- formula example:
let black = 1;
defaultsJSON[key][3] = black; /* defalutsJSON is an global array */
3. Error handling for multiselect data types corrected.
4. Corrected group title and error output for multiselect data types.
5. New function for "dynamic min/max validation and display" in numeric input fields (Parametrix and Quantity) for use in formulas
- formula example 1:
/* CHANGE MinMax in 'o_total': here max_new = 100 */
let = parameter = 'quantity'; /* 'axb' or 'free' or 'quantity' */
let index = null; /* 0 or 1 or null, null = only one input */
min_new = null; /* null = no change */
max_new = 100;
note = 'The maximum order quantity changed to 100 pcs.';
defaultsJSON = fn.ConfigLibHelper.changeMinMax(key_total, parameter, index, defaultsJSON, min_new, max_new, note);
- formula example 2:
/* CHANGE MinMax back to origin in 'o_total' */
parameter = 'quantity';
index = null; /* null = only one input */
min_new = null; /* no change = change back to origin min */
max_new = null; /* no change = change back to origin max */
note = "";
defaultsJSON = fn.ConfigLibHelper.changeMinMax(key_total, parameter, index, defaultsJSON, min_new, max_new, note);
1. The optimisation (improved validation) of the Parametrix inputs.
2. The additional option "Please select" in the SELECT data type can be selected again.
1. Optimisation of the delivery time calculation.
2. Optimisation of the shipping attribute calculation.
1. All spaces are replaced by underscores in the default group and option group ID.
- this is to avoid incorrect ID's with spaces.
2. Use of the data type "free_item_value" corrected again.
1. Deleting CSV data records in the option group optimised.
2. Clicks in image selection (option groups with an "image" data type) optimised.
3. Configuration prices in the checkout are adjusted to the shop/customer tax status.
For example, in the event that taxes change in the checkout after the customer logins:
E.g. from gross to net or from shop to EU taxes, configuration prices are adjusted accordingly
1. Take into account the tax-free shop state tax_state="tax-free" in checkout.
2. Use of the data type "free_item_value" corrected.
3. Small correction of the plugin optics in SCSS.
1. Detecting of the PUBLIC folder and thus the image urls for configurations optimised by using the "Flysystem".
- in the case that the Shopware installation does not correspond to the standard installation
2. Existence of the product image/thumbnail is checked more strictly.
- in the (very rare) case that no product image has been defined
3. Use of the data type "free_item_handler" corrected.
1. Visual optimisation of the Parametrix input fields.
2. Correction of the Parametrix defaults for "baseprice_active" and "round_active".
3. Extension of the formula performance by the possibility of using internal configurator functions.
4. Interception of a tax-free shop state tax_state="tax-free" and conversion to net shop.
MINOR Update1. The PARAMETRIX add-on has been fully integrated and optimised.
- all "deprecated" data types: a-parameter, b-parameter, axb-parameter have been removed
- the following data types are now available: free_parameter and axb_free_parameter
- free_parameter takes over the tasks of a-parameter and b-parameter
- axb_free_parameter takes over the tasks of axb-parameter
- the calculations are carried out exclusively with the help of formulas, please refer to the manual
2. Several minor extensions and corrections.
NOTE: Please reinstall the plugin after the "MINOR Update": uninstall (keep all data) and install. So that new data types and text snippets can be created in the database.
1. Configuration import optimised.
2. Fixing in order quantity template.
1. All Product Configurator data types from SW5 implemented and optimised.
2. Special characters in formula fields are no longer masked.
3. Extended prices or graduated prices for variants are also taken into account.
4. New link to the detail page in the checkout and update to the configuration values in the shopping basket.
5. And vice versa - configuration from the cart can be changed and is adjusted in the cart when it is added to the cart.
1. Still open data types from SW5 implemented:
- free_item_value,
- free_item_text,
- free_item_gurtmass,
- free_item_handler,
- checkbox_set,
- checkbox_quantity
2. Optimisation of the export/import function in the Configurator Manager.
- Identical configurations are created as a copy during import
3. New "Configurator Manager" functionality:
- Duplicating configurations
- Duplicating groups
- Duplicating option groups
Plugin codes Shopware Store conform.
The remaining reviews implemented. Documentation completed: German online manual, English online manual. Image material completed in German and English.
Error with default product price "hidden" fixed
Fixing Check Report - part 2, 3 and 4.
Fixing des Check Reports - Part 2 and 3.
First release Shopware Community Store