Feature: Improved/adjusted the sorting out of products without a cover image
- Feature: Improved/adjusted the sorting out of products without a cover image
- Fix: Fixed runtime problem in the admin menu for the sales channels in the latest Shopware versions
- Feature: Products without a cover image will be sorted out
- Fix: Translation for the overview of products in the feed in the configuration overview
- Feature: Products without a cover image will be sorted out
- Fix: Translation for the overview of products in the feed in the configuration overview
Fix: Product title limited to 100 characters
Fix: Product title limited to 100 characters
Feature: Gpsr Company data added to the feed
Attention! Gpsr Update - Template is automatically overwritten!
- New: Gpsr Company is transferred
- New: Log function for missing manufacturers and manufacturer numbers made configurable - performance boost when switched off
- New: The configuration overview now determines how many products should be displayed in the feed and which ones have been filtered
Attention! Gpsr Update - Template is automatically overwritten!
- New: Gpsr Company is transferred
- New: Log function for missing manufacturers and manufacturer numbers made configurable - performance boost when switched off
- New: The configuration overview now determines how many products should be displayed in the feed and which ones have been filtered
- Feature: New additional field Minimum order quantity
- Feature: Modal window added when loading the default template
- Feature: New additional field Minimum order quantity
- Feature: Modal window added when loading the default template
Fix: A column shift could occur in the variant file under special conditions - fixed
Fix: bei der Varianten-Datei konnte unter speziellen Konditionen eine Spaltenverschiebung auftreten - behoben
Feature: Products are also uploaded to the feed without a manufacturer number
Feature: Products are also uploaded to the feed without a manufacturer number
- New: Log entry if manufacturer is missing in the product
- Fix: Error in template caught via BackendSubscriber if a product does not have a manufacturer
- Fix: Fixed a small error in the error output when installing the plugin
- Fix: kleinen Fehler bei TaricCode in der ProductData_.csv behoben
- New: Log entry if manufacturer is missing in the product
- Fix: Error in template caught via BackendSubscriber if a product does not have a manufacturer
- Fix: kleinen Fehler bei TaricCode in der ProductData_.csv behoben
New: Plugin adapted for Shopware 6.6
- Fix: when a selected category was deleted in the product, the corresponding column was omitted from the product
- Fix: If the standard languages differ, there could be problems installing the new product exports
- Fix: If the CountryOfOrigin was empty, errors could occur in the product feed
- Fix: Bug fix in the ProductData template
- Fix: Fixed error when getting image count in BackendSubscriber
- New: Additional fields are available in the conditions of the dynamic product group
- Fix: incorrect product prices, despite additional fields being filled out
- Fix: Removed semicolon at the end of the line so that no errors occur in Galaxus
- Fix: Fixed missing INCH characters in the feed for the images
- Fix: Fixed bug in displaying sales channels in dynamic product group preview
- Fix: Fixed errors in "HTML" and "over 4000 characters" - error messages for the product description
Fix: HTML and 4000+ character notifications were applied to all products instead of just products in the dynamic product group
- Feature: Optimization made to remove unnecessary line breaks
- Fix: In the specification feed only properties were evaluated -> variants were added
- Fix: Price calculation did not work under certain circumstances (including net customer group / graduated prices)
- Fix: Fixed error in the CSV files, semicolon as separator instead of comma
- Fix: Update notifications are displayed if settings from the Galaxus order import marketplace are missing
New: major update that reworks the export to a sales channel-based version
- Feature: The maximum execution time of the export (ini setting) is now automatically increased to 900 seconds if necessary
- Fix: Price filter for the selected dynamic product group caused an error in SW 6.5+ - fixed
- Fix: additional images were not detected correctly - corrected
- Fix / Feature: Error message installed if import setting is missing
- Fix: Fixed file upload error
- Fix: additional images were not detected correctly - corrected
- Fix / Feature: Error message installed if import setting is missing
- Small error correction for old SW 6.4 versions installed
- Small error correction for old SW 6.4 versions installed
Plugin adapted for Shopware 6.5
- Error correction when deselecting prices and properties
- Changed the internal link to configure the plugins
- Improvement in determining image links
Improved filtering for special characters in the Galaxus feed
- the property selection can now be switched on and off
- Cancel button in the configuration now points to the configuration overview
- when selecting a category, there is now an auxiliary display of the previous 2 categories
- to be on the safe side, the feed is now additionally filtered to only active products
- Added check for consistency of properties
fixed a bug with the internal listing of properties
- Removed obsolete function for saving Access data
- Error correction when no product properties were assigned to a product.
- Configuration cleaned of unnecessary fields
- Connection data is now used by the import
- Built-in switch for logging behavior in the configuration
- Logging is now controlled via the order management, so email notifications are possible
- Import and export now log into the order management log tables
- Bug fix - if a product has not yet been edited, the properties were sometimes not read out
- Found and corrected bug when saving specifications
- Added error message when selecting an invalid category
- Feature - Option to choose whether an individual price or price rule should be used
Important: Please note that when using the "Galaxus Product Export Marketplace | Pro" plugin, the "Galaxus Marketplace Order Import | Pro" & "Marketplace Order Management plugins - e.g. for Amazon, eBay etc. | Pro" must be installed and activated once.
- Formatting of the feed slightly optimized
- Product properties are now transferred in the feed
- Transferred category is now selectable
Further optional Galaxus fields are now supported for the export, these fields have been added to the product details under the "Specifications" tab
Adjustment of the feed to take into account double quotation marks in the product text
First version of the Plugin for Shopware 6