More tabs for the product detail pages (own tabs, properties, manufacturer, and more)
About the Extension
Contact & Support
If you have any questions or suggestions just contact us via mail to and we are happy to help you. A instructions for the plugin can be found at: (link to the instruction).
Description of the plugin
With the plugin "More tabs for the product detail pages (own tabs, properties, manufacturer, and more)" you can extend the product detail pages with additional tabs, including stand alone tabs for the properties and the manufacturer of a product. You also have the option to fill your own tabs with your own content via a TINYMCE field and offering them to the product. All tabs can also be displayed in front of the rating tab and arranged in your position you desired.
Furthermore, it is also possible to fill the content of a tab, which should be the same for all products (for example shipping information), with the option "fill tab 1 via a snippet" (this is possible for every tab). In this case you can fill the tab via a snippet without having to deposit the same content for all products and to handle all products if changes are made.
The snippets would be:
- tab 1 headline: tab1HeadlineFillviasnippet
- tab 1 content: tab1ContentFillviasnippet
- tab 2 headline: tab2HeadlineFillviasnippet
- tab 2 content: tab2ContentFillviasnippet
- Tab 3 headline: tab3HeadlineFillviasnippet
- Tab 3 content: tab3ContentFillviasnippet
- Tab 4 headline: tab4HeadlineFillviasnippet
- Tab 4 content: tab4ContentFillviasnippet
- Tab 5 headline: tab5HeadlineFillviasnippet and
- Tab 5 content: tab5ContentFillviasnippet.
You also have the option to set the name of the first to the fifth tab for each product (in the fields "tab 1 headline" to "tab 5 headline") individually, if desired.
The following content elements are possible within the own tabs:
- normal text
- images
- links
- HTML elements
- headlines (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6)
- YouTube - Videos (by simply inserting the YouTube video link or into the editor with a blank line above and below it)
- Vimeo - Videos (by simply inserting the Vimeo video link into the editor with a blank line above and below it)
- PDF data sheets (by simply inserting the link to the pdf data sheet into the editor with a blank line above and below it)
For YouTube videos, the following YouTube parameters can be set for all YouTube videos within the plugin configuration:
- hiding the controls (controls)
- hiding the recommendation at the end (rel)
- hiding the branding (branding)
For Vimeo videos, the following Vimeo parameters can be set for all Vimeo videos within the plugin configuration:
- hiding the avatar (portrait)
- hiding the title (title)
- hiding the author (byline)
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 6 December 2024
- Publication date: 5 December 2019
- Version: 1.2.7
- Category: Storefront
Reviews (7)
Vereinfacht das Layouten von Zusatzinformationen
Brauchbares Plugin mit Seiteneffekten
Der Support war hier leider eher abwiegelnd (nicht verantwortlich für andere Plugins), was grundsätzlich ok wäre, wenn denn dieses Plugin nicht in fremden Tabs manipulieren würde.
Nach einigen Anfangsschwierigkeiten, Klasse PlugIn und guter Support
den Support war sehr gut.
Scheint OK
funktioniert wie beschrieben
Super schnelle Rückantwort und schnelle Hilfe. Vielen Dank!
Tolles Plugin!
About the Extension Partner
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2017
- Extensions: 46
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English