* compiled for shopware 6.5.x
* added custom event "add_coupon_code"
* added coupon and coupon_code information in view cart and purchase events
* corrected shipping information and method payment info not sent for several orders
* fixed add_to_cart not triggered on pagination ajax reload
* compiled for shopware 6.5.x
* added custom event "add_coupon_code"
* added coupon and coupon_code information in view cart and purchase events
* corrected shipping information and method payment info not sent for several orders
* fixed add_to_cart not triggered on pagination ajax reload
* added custom event "add_coupon_code"
* added coupon and coupon_code information in view cart and purchase events
* corrected shipping information and method payment info not sent for several orders
* fixed add_to_cart not triggered on pagination ajax reload
* compiled version for shopware 6.6
* improved category logic in the case of products with several category and category trees.
* we made sure the datalayer is displayed as in the documentation from google for better debugging
* improved origin for (index, list_item_name, list_item_id) when main product was selected
* improved compatibility with Shopware Commercial and Advanced Search for search and search suggestions events
* improved suggested search event logic
* compiled version for shopware 6.5
* improved category logic in the case of products with several category and category trees.
* we made sure the datalayer is displayed as in the documentation from google for better debugging
* improved origin for (index, list_item_name, list_item_id) when main product was selected
* improved compatibility with Shopware Commercial and Advanced Search for search and search suggestions events
* improved suggested search event logic
* improved category logic in the case of products with several category and category trees.
* we made sure the datalayer is displayed as in the documentation from google for better debugging
* improved origin for (index, list_item_name, list_item_id) when main product was selected
* improved compatibility with Shopware Commercial and Advanced Search for search and search suggestions events
* improved suggested search event logic
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.6
* improved Google Ads cookie detection for CCM19
* naming of the new user Ids variables to fit Google Ads recommandations, these variables were introduced in version 1.5.11
* updated plugin name in composer.json to fit name on shopware store
* added translation for plugin name and description in composer.json (fr,it,nl,es)
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.5
* improved Google Ads cookie detection for CCM19
* naming of the new user Ids variables to fit Google Ads recommandations, these variables were introduced in version 1.5.11
* updated plugin name in composer.json to fit name on shopware store
* added translation for plugin name and description in composer.json (fr,it,nl,es)
* improved Google Ads cookie detection for CCM19
* naming of the new user Ids variables to fit Google Ads recommandations, these variables were introduced in version 1.5.11
* updated plugin name in composer.json to fit name on shopware store
* added translation for plugin name and description in composer.json (fr,it,nl,es)
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.6
* Added user_id on all datalayers
* Now saving user_id on localstorage for future usage
* Added customerType
* Added new_customer
* Added customer_lifetime_value
* Added ExistingCustomer
* Added UserLoginState
* Added CookieFirst compatibility
* Added Cookie Script compatibility
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.5
* Added user_id on all datalayers
* Now saving user_id on localstorage for future usage
* Added customerType
* Added new_customer
* Added customer_lifetime_value
* Added ExistingCustomer
* Added UserLoginState
* Added CookieFirst compatibility
* Added Cookie Script compatibility
* Added user_id on all datalayers
* Now saving user_id on localstorage for future usage
* Added customerType
* Added new_customer
* Added customer_lifetime_value
* Added ExistingCustomer
* Added UserLoginState
* Added CookieFirst compatibility
* Added Cookie Script compatibility
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.6
* Added Advanced Consent Mode option
* Added ability to deactivate Consent Mode initialization and update
* Correction on custom tag manager bein triggered before the cookie consent
* Fallback function in case shipping is not defined at purchase event
* Fallback function for cross-selling is null
* Added translation for cookie configuration for French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch
* Improve consent logic for consent manager consent tool
* Added fallback for google ads information missing in purchase for guest order in special cases
* Compilation enhancement for 6.6.x.x (in some cases it was breaking search suggest)
* Assembled version for Shopware 6.5
* Added Advanced Consent Mode option
* Added ability to deactivate Consent Mode initialization and update
* Correction on custom tag manager bein triggered before the cookie consent
* Fallback function in case shipping is not defined at purchase event
* Fallback function for cross-selling is null
* Added translation for cookie configuration for French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch
* Improve consent logic for consent manager consent tool
* Added fallback for google ads information missing in purchase for guest order in special cases
* Compilation enhancement for 6.6.x.x (in some cases it was breaking search suggest)
* Added Advanced Consent Mode option
* Added ability to deactivate Consent Mode initialization and update
* Correction on custom tag manager bein triggered before the cookie consent
* Fallback function in case shipping is not defined at purchase event
* Fallback function for cross-selling is null
* Added translation for cookie configuration for French, Italian, Spanish and Dutch
* Improve consent logic for consent manager consent tool
* Added fallback for google ads information missing in purchase for guest order in special cases
* Compilation enhancement for 6.6.x.x (in some cases it was breaking search suggest)
- File and folder permissions
- File and folder permissions
- File and folder permissions
- Assembled version for Shopware 6.6
- Added compatibility to UserCentrics V3
Assembled version for Shopware 6.5
Added compatibility to UserCentrics V3
- Added compatibility to UserCentrics V3
### [3.5.7] 2024-07-24* Assembled version for Shopware 6.6
### [1.5.7] 2024-07-23* Improved phone hashing
### [1.5.6] 2024-07-15* Change purchase event to condition totalAdsValue
### [1.5.5] 2024-07-15* Improved hashing rules
### [1.5.4] 2024-07-12* Fixed storage issue* Changed phone number for purchase event
### [1.5.3] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager scripts logic additional adjustments
### [1.5.2] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager bug fixes* Category consistency fixes
### [1.5.1] 2024-07-10* Custom tag manager adjustments and fixes* add_to(remove_from)_cart consistency fixes
### [2.5.7] 2024-07-24* Assembled version for Shopware 6.5
### [2.5.7] 2024-07-23* Improved phone hashing
### [2.5.6] 2024-07-15* Change purchase event to condition totalAdsValue
### [2.5.5] 2024-07-15* Improved hashing rules
### [2.5.4] 2024-07-12* Fixed storage issue* Changed phone number for purchase event
### [2.5.3] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager scripts logic additional adjustments
### [2.5.2] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager bug fixes* Category consistency fixes
### [2.5.1] 2024-07-10* Custom tag manager adjustments and fixes* add_to(remove_from)_cart consistency fixes
### [1.5.7] 2024-07-23* Improved phone hashing (Assembled SW 6.4 version)
### [1.5.7] 2024-07-23* Improved phone hashing
### [1.5.6] 2024-07-15* Change purchase event to condition totalAdsValue
### [1.5.5] 2024-07-15* Improved hashing rules
### [1.5.4] 2024-07-12* Fixed storage issue* Changed phone number for purchase event
### [1.5.3] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager scripts logic additional adjustments
### [1.5.2] 2024-07-11* Custom tag manager bug fixes* Category consistency fixes
### [1.5.1] 2024-07-10* Custom tag manager adjustments and fixes* add_to(remove_from)_cart consistency fixes
- Added phone hashing (shopware 6.6)
- Added phone hashing (shopware 6.5)
- Added phone hashing (shopware 6.4)
- same functionalities as version 1.4.6 but for shopware 6.6.x
- same functionalities as version 1.4.6 but for shopware 6.5.x
- Added CMP correction
- Fixed view_cart event items price representation type
- Optimized granted consent functions
* Same as version 1.4.3 but for shopware 6.6.x
* Same as version 1.4.3 but for shopware 6.5.x
* Fixed frontend subscriber* Fixed wrong cookie group assignment and overriding compiled script for 6.4 and 6.5* Fixed issue with incorrect value in view_item event* Added subscriber to advanced search (EnterpriseSearchPageLoadedEvent)* Fixed interaction with Acris plugin
* Google Consent Mode V2
* Updated TwigFunctions declaration and cleaned up subscriber
* added fixes to make plugin compatible with Shopware version 6.6
- same as 1.2.8 but for shopware 6.5
* corrections for CMP platform - CMP changed cookie array format
* added missing check for products ids in category tree request in Twig Extension
same as 1.2.6 but for shopware 6.5
* added eventListener on change paymentInfo and Shipping info
* improved localStorage functions
* improved multichannel configuration and cookies response
* full compatibility with CMP (marketing group for g.ads and measurement group for g.tag and g.analytics)
* added search event on suggestion (search in header)
* added possibility to add custom url to tag manager
* deactivated sign_up for guest user
* improvement : view_item_list trigger on controller click for product sliders
* correction: select item on cart page was not triggered properly
* added CMM19 compatibility
* corrected offcanvas events (showpare 6.5) (change Qty, wishlist, select and delete)
* optimised database request for categories on Listing and Search pages
* correct total value for discounted items
* added Acris compatibility
* corrected search results value
* corrected login and sign_up events not being triggered during checkout
* corrected total price for Google Ads items with wrong price for STreichpreis produkte
* corrected add_to_wishlist event not triggered on checkout sections.
* added more console logs in case of missing information (missing productId etc.)
* corrected pagination
* corrected search suggestion
* corrected coupon logic (item.price should have already the discount)
- same functions as Version 1.2.4 but for Shopware 6.5
- added eventListener on change paymentInfo and Shipping info
- improved localStorage functions
- improved multichannel configuration and cookies response
- full compatibility with CMP (marketing group for g.ads and measurement group for g.tag and g.analytics)
- added search event on suggestion (search in header)
- added possibility to add custom url to tag manager
- deactivated sign_up for guest user
- improvement : view_item_list trigger on controller click for product sliders
- correction: select item on cart page was not triggered properly
same functionalities as version 1.2.2 but for shopware 6.5
* added customcheckout finishpage logic to increase compatibility with checkout plugins
* correction purchase event - productId
* correction remove_from_cart on cart page
* correction multiple cross-selling are now tracked correctly on selection
- same version as 1.2.0 but for shopware 6.5
- correction: cookie names corrected User Centrics
- correction: multiple orders were not transmitted correctly
- correction: items are now complete
- improvement: add_shipping_info is sent now on thank you page (higher compatibility with checkout plugins)
- improvement: add_payment_info is sent now on thank you page (higher compatibility with checkout plugins)
- improvement: for the transactionId you can choose to transmit the true OrderId or a hashed OrderId
- improvement: added in all datalayers the saleschannels'id and thesaleschannels'name for better control of multichannel sales in Tag Manager
- improvement: cross-selling and cms elements are now better tracked in all pages
- perfomance: we optimised some internal functions which
- correction: renamed coupon streichpreis to list price because of internalisation best practice
- correction: discount per item was integrating quantity which is wrong
- correction: login was not fired after a logout
- correction: item_list_id, item_list_name and index are now consiste
same functionalities as 1.1.8 but for shopware 6.5
* add UserCentrics compatibility (shop owner might need to add manually 3 services : Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, Google Ads)
* fallback function to avoid problem with ill-defined cms elements
* added a nonce missing on a script
This functionalities of this version are the same of version 1.1.6 but for is compatible only with Shopware 6.5
* cookieBot compatibility is increased - please add manually the nessary cookies if CookieBot does not detect your cookies.
* cookie configuration is simplified
* userId is now triggered before all other events
* fixed compatibility problem with Best Practice Checkout Plugin https://store.shopware.com/zeobv58372766564/best-practice-checkout.html
* fixed missing coupon information for "add_shipping_info", "add_shipping_info", and "purchase"
* fixed total price formatting in "remove_from_cart"
* added type and nonce to inline scripts
* encoding email for purchase event, using SHA-256
* Compatibility for Shopware 6.5
* fixed compatibility Problem with Pickware
- fixed error - Unknown "float" test.
- increased compatibility with Customized Products
- fixed an error happening when using the plugin Shopware Customized Products and Shopware 6.4.x*
* MAJOR CHANGE: adding higher compabatility to custom templates (most of needed information is now in the header, 1 twig block used instead of 12)
* adding view_item_list to trigger in wish list page
* fixed select_item event on sidebar cart
* fixed product sku discrepancy
* preparing deprecation of custom function for shopware 6.5
* changed the cookie configuration to avoid having duplicate of cookie groups
* increase compabatibility to third cookie managers (added a custom cookie listener)
* improved coupons logic
* added configuration option to count graduated prices and uvp price as coupon
* added choice for brutto/netto price of google ads events
* corrected add_to_cart remove_to_cart in checkout/confirm
* added login event after successfull registration
* corrected search event in cases no products were found
* purchase event is now triggered on thank you page. To make sure third party payment is complete before triggering the purchase (for example for Paypal or Amazon payments).
* added missing elements in event 'view_item_list' * dataLayer.ecommerce.item_list_id * dataLayer.ecommerce.item_list_name
* added missing elements in event 'select_item' * dataLayer.ecommerce.item_list_id * dataLayer.ecommerce.item_list_name
* added missing elements in event 'view_item' * dataLayer.ecommerce.currency * dataLayer.ecommerce.value * dataLayer.ecommerce.items.index * dataLayer.ecommerce.items.item_list_id * dataLayer.ecommerce.items.item_list_name
* added missing elements in event 'add_to_cart' * dataLayer.ecommerce.currency * dataLayer.ecommerce.value missing
* added missing elements in event 'remove_from_cart' * dataLayer.ecommerce.currency * dataLayer.ecommerce.value
* added missing elements in event 'add_to_wishlist' * dataLayer.ecommerce.currency * dataLayer.ecommerce.value
* added missing elements in event 'begin_checkout' * dataLayer.ecommerce.value * dataLayer.ecommerce.currency * dataLayer.ecommerce.coupon
* fixed dataLayer.items and dataLayer.value being sent even when Remarketing not active for some events
* enabled event 'view_search_results' to be triggered also when Remarketing was disabled (Enhanced event measurement - https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9216061)
* extended the dataLayer for event 'view_search_results' to include 'search_result' and 'search_term'
* fixed search_result being 0 if using customised themes
* fixed some configuration logic. Some buttons for activation/deactivation was not having the proper effect.
* fixed dataLayer.ecommerce.items[...].index format. in few events it was sent as a string instead of integer
* modified dataLayer.ecommerce.items[...].item_variant to have comma (,) as separator instead of dash (-)
* fixed Event 'remove_from_cart' not being triggered by lowering quantity on cart page
* fixed dataLayer.value for events 'remove_from_cart' and 'add_to_cart'
* fixed item_brand empty for events "view_item_list" and "select_item"
* removed useless currency from dataLayer.ecommerce.items[...]
* added a field to configure the value addigned to leads (generate_lead event)
* added compatibility to purchase event. (in some customised templates, the purchase event was not triggered)
Version 0.0.0 not yet started. We are only submitting the Features of our plugin to get approval and start development
bug fixes:
we corrected the e-commerce array format for the following events:
Bug Fixes:
- Script error on Listing page when buy button was deactivated.
- Script name error during frontend-rebuild.
First Release
Compatibility with Shopware 6.1 till 6.3
First release
Shopware compatibility >= 6.4.0