Products parts list
Combine several products into a parts list! Stocks, prices, weights etc. are calculated automatically. The customer can also optionally select the components
Compatible with:
The subscription starts with a free trial month during which it can be canceled at any time.
During the subscription all released updates are included for free
In case you have any questions or problems with your extension you can always ask the Extension Partner for help during the subscription.
About the Extension
Combine several products into a parts list! Your customer can then buy a product that consists of many other products. The components can be optionally listed or selected/deselected - or the customer cannot see the components at all.Features:
- Any number of products per parts list
- Number of products freely selectable
- Stock, availability and delivery time are calculated automatically based on the components
- Weights and dimensions (width, height, length) are automatically totalized
- Price can either be set manually or calculated automatically with a percentage mark-up across all components
- Properties are optionally adopted automatically for the parts list (which properties can be defined, e.g. only “Size”)
- Custom fields are automatically adopted for the parts list as an option (which custom fields can be defined)
- Search keywords can optionally be automatically adopted for the parts list
- Cross-selling products can optionally be automatically transferred to the parts list
- Available: English, German
- Category: Product Configuration
About the Extension Partner
Partner Status
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2018
- Extensions: 90
- Based in: Germany
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly