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5 Elements Websolutions

VariSEO Pro - Variation Manager for Productpages without preselected variants

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  • No variants preselected
  • Intuitive variation selection
  • Improved SEO indexing
  • Group feature for displaying model or color variations
  • Increase in conversion rate


  • SEO-friendly canonical links
  • Grouping variations
  • Selection boxes for variations
  • Smart redirects
  • Images and text for variations
  • Selecting multiple variations
  • Clearer pre-selection (Default Selection)
  • Flexible display of variations
  • Improved SEO management
  • Responsive design
  • Customization options
  • User-friendly interface
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Continuous support
  • Regular updates

About the Extension

Optimize Your Shopware 6 Product Detail Pages with VariSEO Pro

Boost your search engine visibility and enhance the user experience with our powerful Shopware 6 plugin, VariSEO Pro. We provide the ultimate solution for shop owners working with product variations.

Current Situation and Issues:

By default, Shopware 6 preselects even sold-out items, which can lead to confusion among customers.

The SEO indexing of product variations is often inadequate, as canonical links point to child items, resulting in duplicate content issues.

The clear display of parent items and the organization of product groups are not optimally addressed in Shopware 6.

The Solution with VariSEO Pro:

VariSEO Pro addresses these issues and offers a comprehensive solution for Shopware 6:

Improved SEO Indexing

VariSEO Pro optimizes the SEO indexing of your product variations. Thanks to our intelligent canonical link management, you'll avoid duplicate content and boost your rankings in search engines.

Intuitive Variation Selection

We simplify the selection of product variations for your customers. Our selection boxes are user-friendly, ensuring clear and seamless navigation on your website. Additionally, step-by-step variation selection is possible, especially with numerous variations, helping maintain a clear and organized user experience and encouraging purchase behavior.

Parent Item Display

VariSEO Pro enables the clear display of parent items and the organization of product groups. This significantly improves the clarity and management of your product variations. When displaying a parent item, certain information about the products will be different or not shown at all. It's important to consider the following points when activating this feature:

  • Article Number: Display the SKU of the parent item instead of the preselected child item (Shopware default).
  • Article Name: Show the title of the parent item instead of the preselected child item (Shopware default).
  • Delivery Times: Display the value entered for the parent item, whereas the Shopware default shows the value of the preselected child item.
  • Availability: Determine availability based on the parent item's value and settings, rather than relying solely on the preselected child item, as in the standard Shopware setup. Be sure to have the quantity of the parent product set to zero.
  • Prices: Display the price/prices that are associated with the parent item. In case variants have different prices, you have the option to show the minimum and maximum prices on each variant page.

It's important to note that if child items have different information and settings from the parent item, this information will not be displayed on the parent item page. Instead, the values stored in the parent item's backend will be used.

No Preselection of Sold-Out Items

With VariSEO Pro, no sold-out items will be preselected. Customers will no longer be redirected to unavailable variations, enhancing the user-friendliness of your website.

Grouping Function

Our plugin allows the grouping of products into variation groups by creating individual parent items. This optimizes SEO management and improves product presentation.

Discover the possibilities of VariSEO Pro and enhance the performance of your Shopware 6 products. Improve your SEO, increase customer satisfaction, and boost your revenue. Get VariSEO Pro today!


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 21 June 2024
  • Publication date: 8 November 2023
  • Version: 2.0.1
  • Category: Detail Page


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About the Extension Partner

5 Elements Websolutions

5 Elements Websolutions

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Partner Status

Shopware Extension Partner
Extension Partner


  • Partner since: 4 January 2019
  • Extensions: 6
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly