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5 Elements Websolutions

Highlight Required Form Elements

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Downloads: <100



  • Instant Visibility: Quickly shows which fields are required but not yet valid, enhancing form navigation.
  • Instant Recognition: Marks required input fields, including text boxes, dropdown menus, and text areas, allowing customers to easily identify essential fields.
  • CSS Simplicity: Utilizes pure CSS for subtle yet effective visual cues on required but invalid elements.


  • Enhanced Clarity: Helps users effortlessly recognize necessary form fields, reducing errors and boosting form completion rates.
  • Intuitive Feedback: Offers immediate visual feedback on incomplete fields, improving user satisfaction and decreasing user frustration.
  • Effortless Integration: This app integrates smoothly into your Shopware shop, requiring minimal setup for immediate improvements to user experience.
  • Resource-friendly validation: no scripting involved, just plain CSS

About the Extension

The "Highlight Required Form Elements" app is specifically designed to streamline user interaction within forms by clearly emphasizing required input fields. This application enhances form navigation by immediately showing which fields are essential but not yet completed, such as text areas, dropdown menus, and input boxes. Utilizing purely CSS-based techniques, it provides subtle but effective visual cues to indicate invalid entries, thereby minimizing user errors and increasing completion rates. The app integrates effortlessly into your Shopware store with minimal setup, offering customizable options for highlight colors and intensity levels to match the aesthetic of your site. Features such as no scripting for validation ensure it is resource-friendly, improving both user satisfaction and operational efficiency.

  • Available Color Options: Danger, Warning, Info, Primary, and Secondary
  • Color Saturation Levels: 2-8
  • Box Shadow Sizes: 6px to 14px

Default settings include the "Danger" color scheme with a saturation level of 2 and a box shadow size of 10px.

Configuration manual

  • Install and activate the app as usual in Shopware 6
  • Please clear the cache (sometimes also needs a 'bin/console theme:compile')


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 2 July 2024
  • Publication date: 17 April 2024
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Category: Special features


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About the Extension Partner

5 Elements Websolutions

5 Elements Websolutions

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Partner Status

Shopware Extension Partner
Extension Partner


  • Partner since: 4 January 2019
  • Extensions: 6
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly