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Fishnet Services

Pre-order if stock < 1 and checkbox set

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  • Buyers can pre-order products that are not yet available.
  • Existing products also automatically switch back to "available for pre-order" when the stock falls below 1
  • Set it once, never worry about it again.
  • No release date required, no rule builder.


  • Simple checkbox to tick
  • Included "Pre-order" button
  • completely automatic, depending on stock

About the Extension

Although some products require proper inventory management, they can be reordered very quickly. Showing customers now that the product cannot be purchased at
the moment makes no sense.
With this plugin, you can declare individual products “available for pre-order” at any time. As soon as the stock falls below 1, the buy button changes to a pre-order

If the stock goes back above 0, it becomes a normal buy button again.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 18 September 2024
  • Publication date: 9 September 2024
  • Version: 1.0.0
  • Category: Detail Page


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About the Extension Partner

Fishnet Services

Fishnet Services

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Partner Status

Shopware Extension Partner
Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.6

    Average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2021
  • Extensions: 13
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly