- Removed bottom spacing of the search dropdown in the mobile header.
- Fixed search dropdown background clipping on mobile viewports.
- Fixed a problem where the headerand footer-layout were not displayed correctly in the administration for categories and products.
- Fixed a problem where the headerand footer-layout modals were not displayed correctly in the administration.
- Fixed a problem where the headerand footer-layout were not displayed correctly in the administration for categories and products.
- Fixed a problem where the headerand footer-layout modals were not displayed correctly in the administration.
- A bug in the language selection has been fixed.
- Fixed a bug where the cached and fully rendered header and/or footer was not displayed correctly.
- Fixed a bug where the cached and fully rendered header and/or footer was not displayed correctly.
- Optimised social icon links in storefront.
- Fixed social icons element configuration in administration.
- Optimised social icon links in storefront.
- Fixed social icons element configuration in administration.
- Added possibility to upload png icons for social icons element.
- Added possibility to upload png icons for social icons element.
- Improved compatibility with Shopware >=
- Improved compatibility with Shopware <
- Moved the additional class for visible sticky to the HTML body.
- Added additional class if the header is visible in real time.
- Fixed possible Add to cart functionality not working when the plugin is active.
- Fixed a problem where the search suggest was not working properly in the header.
- New settings have been added to the footer with icons element.
- Several errors in the footer elements have been fixed.
- Translation error fixed.
- A bug in the text snippets has been fixed.
- A bug in the account shopping cart element has been fixed.
- The account shopping cart element has been expanded to include new settings.
- A bug with the navigation element has been fixed.
- Optimised Social footer layout.
- Performance optimization when using custom icons in shopping experience elements.
- Fixes a potential issue where certain pages could not be loaded due to incorrect configurations.
- Fixes a possible problem when no shipping country selector field in the header was specified.
- Fixed a problem with loading the cached header and footer.
- Improved performance of Header with info layout.
- Improved performance loading Headers and Footers
- Implementation of the caching of the fully rendered header and/or footer. Configurable via a new plugin configuration setting
- Performance optimization when using custom icons in shopping experience elements.
- Fixed no confirm message after subscribing to the newsletter.
- Optimised icon element spacing top in storefront.
- Optimised logo element inside Header with info layout.
- Optimised Header with Info for mobile viewports.
- Adjusted Header with Info layout in storefront.
- Added Tiktok and Whatsapp settings to Social icons element.
- Added new footer block.
- Renamed Payment icons element to Footer element icons for general usability.
- Adjustment of the number of loaded subcategories when manually selecting a category in the navigation.
- Fixes a possible problem after the update to 6.7.0 where a configuration value did not exist.
- Allows manual category selection for the shopping experience element for main navigation.
- Optimised top bar element in storefront.
- Improved Header with info in storefront.
- Fixed new header block for mobile devices.
- Added new Shopping experience header block.
- The search element has been expanded to add a text color.
- Improved scroll up display on page change in product listing.
- Improved scroll up display on page change in product listing.
- Fixed administration snippets.
- Fixed administration snippets.
- Added option to hide Shipping country select label.
- Fixed header clipping the product listing when changing pages.
- Added option to hide Shipping country select label.
- Fixed header clipping the product listing when changing pages.
- Added option to hide Shipping country select label.
- Fixed header clipping the product listing when changing pages.
- A bug in the shopping experience layouts list display has been fixed.
- Added Shipping country select feature to Top bar element.
- Added Shipping country select feature to Top bar element.
- Added Shipping country select feature to Top bar element.
- Fixed storefront error when using custom icons with spaces in the filename.
- Added category highlight custom field to categories.
- Added category highlight styling settings to navigation element.
- Improved compatibility with ACRIS Dropdown plugin.
- Improved compatibility with ACRIS Dropdown plugin.
- Added category highlight custom field to categories.
- Added category highlight styling settings to navigation element.
- Added font weight settings to footer navigation element.
- Deprecated Link font color we use font color setting for all sub categories.
- Optimised plugin compatibility.
- The search element has been expanded to include new settings.
- Added custom link settings for Payment icons element.
- Fixed menu dropdown not being full width when using own header layout.
- Removed custom XXL breakpoint.
- Fixed possible display break for XXL viewports.
- Fixed account / cart element bug.
- Mobile navigation is now displayed correctly again.
- Fixed various translation errors
- Fixed footer bottom element bug.
- The Social Icons element has been expanded to include several settings.
- The Twitter branding has been replaced with X.
- Added new settings for the USP and navigation element.
- Fixed header logo bug.
- Fixed wrong footer snippet in storefront.
- Fixed wrong USP icon color style when using SVG.
- Fixes a problem when the Storefront was recompiled
- Fixed confirmation text not showing when a customer successfully subscriber to the newsletter.
- Bugfix fixed account icon positioning.
Bugfix fixed price update on cart when redirect to cart is enabled.
- Bugfix fixed price update on cart when redirect to cart is enabled.
Added config for redirect to cart or open off canvas when is clicked on cart.
- Added config for redirect to cart or open off canvas when is clicked on cart.
Compatibility with Shopware 6.6 established
- Fixed an error that occurred when using a custom logo in the header.
- Fixed footer elements alignment configurations.
- Added service menu divider setting for Footer bottom element.
- Optimised Footer bottom configuration UX.
- Add the option to specify an alternative route name for the wish list in the custom header configuration.
- Optimised border display for service hotline element.
- The spacing configuration for the footer category element has been corrected.
- Fixed an issue where categories were loaded when more header navigation elements were used.
- Fixed border display error for category element.
- Fixes possible problems when activating and updating the plugin.
- Added spacing configuration to the whole navigation shopping experience element.
- Optimised navigation configuration UX in admin.
- Added additional font styling configurations to footer elements.
- Fixes the issues on loading of headers and footers in the Administration.
- Fixed search bug when field is focused.
- A bug has been fixed when using a custom image for the logo element.
- Fixed currency selection bug in mobile view.
- Added new settings for the topbar and logo element.
- Header z-index adjusted.
- Improved compatibility with other plugins.
- The navigation flyout background color can now be set in the plugin settings.
- Sticky header background color bug fixed.
Added new Headline text with collapse functionality block and element.
- Fixed an issue where the custom title colour in the social icons element did not work.
- Added a function to fold and unfold shopping experience elements in the footer.
- Enabled the addition of a bottom border for footer elements.
- Added cart total price and amount badge color configurations for header cart element.
Optimisation when a language switch is used within a header area that is hidden in the sticky header.
Optimisation when a language switch is used within a header area that is hidden in the sticky header.
- Fixes a problem that the navigation cannot be displayed centred.
- Correction of the icons in the Admin.
- Fixed own LinkedIn icon not displaying in storefront.
- Fixed own LinkedIn icon not displaying in storefront.
- Fixed bug when reloading the shopping cart icon with ajax.