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Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

newsletter registration in footer and confirm page

Rating: 4.8

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

(7 reviews)
Downloads: 1,196



  • additional newsletter registration option above the footer, in the footer or on the confirm page
  • using of the functionalities of shopware 6, so also its Double Opt-in and captcha methods and also its error and success messages
  • various display options, also with regard to the display and position of the fields

About the Extension


If you have any questions and if they have not already been answered in the area "Frequently Asked Questions", simply contact us via the email shopware-apps-support@t-systems-mms.com and we will be happy to help you.

Description of the app

The app "newsletter registration options above and in the footer and on the confirm page" provides additional newsletter registration options, for example in a separate area above the footer, in a separate area in the footer or on the confirm page.

Technically, the functionalities of Shopware 6 are used for the newsletter registration, so also its Double Opt-in and captcha methods ("Honeypot", "Google reCAPTCHA v2 with visible Google reCAPTCHA" or "Google reCAPTCHA v3" is recommended) and also its error and success messages

For the newsletter registration in a separate area above the footer, the following can be selected within the configuration:

  • the selection, if the separate area should be shown
  • the selection, if the separate area should be shown on login page
  • the selection, if the separate area should be shown on shopping cart page
  • the selection, if the separate area should be shown on account page
  • the definition of the background color of the area
  • the definition of the font color of the area
  • the definition of the primary font color of the area
  • the selection, if from 768 pixels the headline and the newsletter text should be placed on the left and everything else should be placed on the right
  • the selection, if the content should be centered from 768 pixels
  • the definition of the maximum width of the email address field when centered in pixels
  • the selection, if the headline of the area should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the headline of the area via the text editor or the snippet
  • the selection, if the first newsletter text should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the first newsletter text (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the first newsletter text should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the first newsletter text via the text editor or the snippet
  • the selection, if the second newsletter text should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the second newsletter text (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the second newsletter text should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the second newsletter text via the text editor or the snippet
  • the selection, if the privacy information should be shown
  • the selection, if the privacy information headline should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the privacy information (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the data protection information must be accepted via a checkbox
  • the selection of the position of the captcha (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the required fields information should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the required fields information (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the newsletter button should be shown next to email address field
  • the selection, if the text in the newsletter button should be shown
  • the definition of the content of the snippet for the text of the newsletter button
  • the selection, if the icon in the newsletter button should be shown
  • the definition of the font and icon color of the newsletter button
  • the definition of the font and icon color of the newsletter button at the hover effect
  • the definition of the background color of the newsletter button
  • the definition of the background color of the newsletter button at the hover effect

For the newsletter registration in a separate area in the footer, the following can be selected within the configuration:

  • the selection, if the separate area should be shown
  • the selection size of the area (25%, 33%, 41.6%, 50%, 58.3%, 66.6%, 75%, 83.3%, 91.6% and 100%)
  • the selection, if the headline of the area should obtain from the text field or a snippet
  • the definition of the headline of the area via the text field or the snippet
  • the selection, if the newsletter text should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the newsletter text (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the newsletter text should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the newsletter text via the text editor or the snippet
  • the selection, if the privacy information should be shown
  • the selection, if the privacy information headline should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the privacy information (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the data protection information must be accepted via a checkbox
  • the selection of the position of the captcha (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the required fields information should be shown
  • the selection of the position of the required fields information (before or after the email address field)
  • the selection, if the newsletter button should be shown next to email address field
  • the definition of the content of the snippet for the text of the newsletter button
  • the definition of the font and icon color of the newsletter button
  • the definition of the font and icon color of the newsletter button at the hover effect
  • the definition of the background color of the newsletter button
  • the definition of the background color of the newsletter button at the hover effect

For the newsletter registration on the confirm page, the following can be selected within the configuration:

  • the selection, if the newsletter registration should be shown on the confirm page
  • the selection, if the newsletter registration should be shown on the confirm page if the customer is already registered as a newsletter recipient with his customer account
  • the selection, if the newsletter registration should be shown on the confirm page if the customer has a guest account
  • the selection, if the headline of the area should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the headline of the area via the text editor or the snippet
  • the selection, if the newsletter text should obtain from the text editor or a snippet
  • the definition of the newsletter text via the text editor or the snippet

The available snippets for customizing are:

  • tmms.periodRequestForm.salutation.label: the default value of the label of the salutation
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterNewsletterHeadline: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterNewsletterHeadlineTextEditor: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a text editor field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterFirstNewsletterText: the default value of the first newsletter text of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterFirstNewsletterTextTextEditor: the default value of the first newsletter text of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a text editor field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterSecondNewsletterText: the default value of the second newsletter text of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterSecondNewsletterTextTextEditor: the default value of the second newsletter text of the newsletter registration above the footer if the content is obtained from a text editor field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.labelActionSelect: the default value of the label of the hidden select field for the action of the newsletter registration above the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.labelMail: the default value of the label of the email address of the newsletter registration above the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.placeholderMail: the default value of the placeholder of the email address of the newsletter registration above the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.aboveFooter.newsletter.aboveFooterNewsletterSubmit: the default value of the send button of the newsletter registration above the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.footerColumnNewsletterHeadline: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration in the footer if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.footerColumnNewsletterHeadlineTextField: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration in the footer if the content is obtained from a text field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.footerColumnNewsletterText: the default value of the newsletter text of the newsletter registration in the footer if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.footerColumnNewsletterTextTextEditor: the default value of the newsletter text of the newsletter registration in the footer if the content is obtained from a text editor field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.labelActionSelect: the default value of the label of the hidden select field for the action of the newsletter registration in the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.labelMail: the default value of the label of the email address of the newsletter registration in the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.placeholderMail: the default value of the placeholder of the email address of the newsletter registration in the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.footerColumn.newsletter.footerColumnNewsletterSubmit: the default value of the send button of the newsletter registration in the footer
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.confirm.newsletter.confirmNewsletterHeadline: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration on the confirm page if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.confirm.newsletter.confirmNewsletterHeadlineTextEditor: the default value of the headline of the newsletter registration on the confirm page if the content is obtained from a text editor field
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.confirm.newsletter.confirmNewsletterText: the default value of the newsletter text of the newsletter registration on the confirm page if the content is obtained from a snippet
  • tmms.additionalnewsletterregistrationoptions.confirm.newsletter.confirmNewsletterTextTextEditor: the default value of the newsletter text of the newsletter registration on the confirm page if the content is obtained from a text editor field


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 March 2025
  • Publication date: 25 February 2022
  • Version: 1.2.4
  • Category: Email Marketing


Reviews (7)

Average rating

Average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars

Based on 7 reviews
4.7 Functionality
4.7 Usability
4.9 Documentation
2.0 Support

86 %
14 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Genau richtig!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Martin J.
18 September 2024 11:35
Das große 'T' im Bild hat mich erst etwas verwirrt. Aber es ist tatsächlich einfach ein tolles kostenloses Plugin was genau das tut was mir fehlte. Wir nutzen es für die Newsletter Checkbox im Checkout Prozess.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Neue Update für App bei neuer SW Version ?

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

by Amerald Paulsen
31 October 2023 20:52
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
gibt es ein Update für Ihre App, da Shopware eine neue Version veröffentlicht hat. Oder kann ich Ihre App auch in der neuen Version SW nutzen ? Bitte um kurze Nachricht und danke vorab.
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support
by Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH 8 November 2023 10:08
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Bereich "Häufig gestellte Fragen" auf der Beschreibungsseite der Erweiterung gibt es folgende Antwort auf die Frage, ab wann die App mit der aktuellsten Shopware 6 - Version kompatibel ist: "Am Tag des Erscheinens einer neuen Shopware 6 - Version prüfen wir, ob für diese gegebenenfalls Anpassungen an der App nötig sind und führen einen abschließenden Funktionstest in einem lokalen Demoshop von uns in dieser Shopware 6 - Version durch, bevor wir die App manuell für die neue Shopware 6 - Version freigeben. Aufgrund möglicher Abwesenheiten (beispielsweise Urlaub oder Krankheit) kann es hierbei aber auch zu Verzögerungen kommen".

Aufgrund des genannten Ablaufs ist bei keiner unserer Erweiterungen die Option "Automatische Versions-Kompatibilität" aktiv, da es sonst passieren könnte, dass die neueste Version der Erweiterung für eine Shopware Version freigegeben ist, in der sie dann gar nicht funktioniert und dies wäre wahrscheinlich in niemandes Sinne.

Shopware Version ist am 31.10.2023 um 16:10 Uhr erschienen ( https://www.shopware.com/de/changelog/ ), also an einem Feiertag sehr spät am Abend, speziell am Reformationstag. Oft sind Wochen mit Feiertagen auch gleichzeitig Urlaubswochen. Deshalb kam es nachvollziehbarer Weise zu Verzögerungen bei der Freigabe.
Super Plugin, nur..

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Simon Kitzberger
31 October 2023 16:28
Nur fände ich es super, wenn ich die Newsletter Anmeldung auch frei innerhalb der Seite platzieren könnte. Also nicht nur im oder auf dem Footer, sondern auch mitten in der Seite via Baukasten Element o.ä.

Tut aber was es in der Beschreibung verspricht und daher trotzdem 5 Sterne!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
by Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH 8 November 2023 10:51
Hallo Herr Kitzberger,

vielen Dank für die positive Bewertung.

Sie können das Newsletterformular ja bereits im Standard von Shopware 6 über das CMS-Element "Formular" aus der Block-Kategorie "Formular" über den Formulartyp "Newsletter" ( https://docs.shopware.com/de/shopware-6-de/Inhalte/Erlebniswelten#bloecke ) an der gewünschten Stelle im Shop platzieren, deshalb bietet unsere App dies nicht an.
Tolles Plugin mit vielen Einstellmöglichkeiten!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Roman H.
22 March 2023 21:31
Tolles Plugin mit vielen Einstellmöglichkeiten! Und dazu noch kostenlos. Vielen Dank!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Super Plugin | Leider kein Support beim One-Page Checkout von Premsoft

Average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars

by Josua Sievers
19 March 2023 21:09
Es wäre super, wenn das mit der Checkbox im Plugin von Premsoft (OnePage Checkout) funktionieren würde
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
by Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH 23 March 2023 08:49
Hallo Herr Sievers,

vielen Dank für die positive Bewertung.

Bzgl. Ihres Erweiterungswunsches: wir können, wie auch jeder andere Hersteller, die Kompatibilität unserer App zu jeder anderen Drittanbieter-App aus dem Shopware Store nicht gewährleisten. Einer der Gründe ist beispielsweise, dass Drittanbieter-Apps nicht dauerhaft ohne Kauflizenz betrieben werden können oder dürfen. Zudem ist es bei der genannten App "One Page Checkout" der Fall, dass der Hersteller bei der App die Stelle im Shop, wo unsere App eingreifen bzw. angezeigt werden würde, komplett entfernt hat, sodass unsere App an dieser Stelle gar nicht mehr greifen kann.

Insofern der Hersteller eigene Twig-Blöcke bei seiner App bereitstellt, können Sie aber jederzeit die Anpassung unserer App einfach an der gewünschten Stelle im Rahmen der eigenen Theme-App im "One Page Checkout" mit ausgeben lassen.
Schneller Support

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Michael Lauschke
27 February 2023 16:14
Das Plugin hatte eine Warnmeldung bei der Kundenregistrierung unterdrückt. Nachdem wir dies dem Support gemeldet haben wurde der Fehler innerhalb 1 Tages per Update behoben. Top Service!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Tolles Plugin!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Joachim K.
30 September 2022 14:09
Tolles Plugin mit vielen Einstellungsmöglichkeiten. Installation und Konfiguration sind sehr einfach, alle Einstellmöglichkeiten sind gut erklärt.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Gold Partner Shopware
    Gold Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2021
  • Extensions: 5
  • Certifications: Certifications


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly
Shopware 6 certified This Extension Partner has been certified by our Academy for Shopware 6.