Fixed Bugs:
- Filters in the display of variants in lists now use the full height of the window
- Fixed error when using Immersive Elements
- New order lists appear directly in the listing and are usable
Added Features:
- Option to ignore individual warehouses and clients when importing inventory
- Saving customer-specific item numbers, transmission to the shopping cart
- For images imported to Shopware, the option was created to not upload to Shopware, but to transfer the image URL to Shopware, so that these images are loaded directly from external servers in the storefront
- Display of mandatory follow-up items in the shopping cart
- Salutation for user and customer is no longer a mandatory field for FORESIGHT follow-up processes
- Transfer of carrier code to gevis order
- Revised variant display in the listing
- Performance improvement in the item listing and on the detail page (image optimizations, data lazy loading)
- The content from the matrix description is output in the product additional fields in the frontend as Name 1 (product name) if it is a matrix
- Added link to all items of a manufacturer in the manufacturer information on the item card
- In the listing, a maximum of 100 variants of a variant item are loaded when expanded, if there are more, the user is prompted to filter
Fixed bugs:
- optimized assortment tiles
- optimized availability filter
Fixed errors:
- Better distinction between development and release app
Fixed Issues:
- Fixed issue in assortment tiles
- Performance improvements
Added features:
- Assignment of marketplace information in order creation
- Tiles in the article list for navigation using category photos
- Display extended manufacturer data in the frontend
- Import tracking number / shipment number to shop order
- Mandatory follow-up items in the shopping cart
- Import and display variant description from nextPIM
- Display delivery times and availability per sales channel
- Delivery days in the shopping cart adjustable by shop admin
- Retain category order in import
- Manufacturer information from creditor import
- Restriction of feature filters on the article list
- Label printing with barcode and QR code
- Follow-up item relationships from ERP
- Translation of unit abbreviations
Added features:
- "Added to cart" notice when adding items from a variant quick-order table to the cart
- Prices in product listings are now displayed for the selected unit (recalculated upon selecting a different unit)
- Optimized variant product listing on the product listing page to be better suited for products with few variants
- Show current and maximal number of characters below cart remark input fields
- Clicking the "Use as default shipping address" button now reloads the modal to show the changed state
- Optimized display of shopping lists for mobile usage
- Optimized display of quick order lists for mobile usage
- Optimized cart display for mobile usage
- Reset input quantity after adding a product to the cart (everywhere)
- Product variants are now also displayed as a list on the product detail page (tab below the product image)
- Product option filters in product listings only display min-max inputs for options with 3 or more values
- Fixes for the dynamic search page
Fixed bugs:
- Show AI search next to search input again
- Limit suggested search terms to one line per suggestion on mobile devices
- Fixed 3D product viewer on product detail page
- Fixed downloading a cart as a CSV file
- Variants in the frontend are now sorted according to the backend settings
- Fixed prices upon adding products to the cart in different units than the base unit
- Variant display expandable on the product listing
- Additional product listing filters (new articles, variants, with availability)
- Dynamic loading of the search results page (overlay)
- Units of measurement on properties
- Correctly display sales units and conversion in stock selection modal
- Scale price optimization in the shopping cart
- Comments in shopping cart limited to ERP field length (250 characters)
- Comments on the order confirmation page
- Technical update of the app
- Bug fixes for Dynamic Access
- Extended price display (list price, recommended price, discount)
- Visibility control for products imported from ERP
- Product inquiry form under product list/search
- CMS elements (slider, etc.) now also load prices
- Product single-unit prices in the shopping cart
- Wider search preview
- “Open in new tab” for categories
- Design bug fixes
- Layout Bugfixes
- more changes
- Warehouse Management
- Styling for product lists and header
Product listings have been styled and additional features for variants and warehouses have been added.
Prices, Availabilities, Checkout
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