- Fix for duplicate payment methods in the database
- Fix for SDK install issue
- Compatibility with 6.6.10.x
- Prevent duplicate transactions being created when the first times out
- Fix for error when changing space credentials
- Payment status now shows refunded/partially refunded
- Order delivery status now shows 'open' instead of 'hold'
- Implement payment page integration.
- Fixed bug with duplicate payment methods appearing
- Multiple/bulk refund for line item.
- Partial line item refund.
- Fixed refund by line item option.
- Composer dependencies are managed by Shopware system
- Prevents calling a non existing method in webhook invocation.
- Prevents error if delivery data is empty
- Refactored composer.json, completing its require section.
- Implemented key signing
- Tax rate adjustment when products have different tax rates
- Implemented key signing
- Tax rate adjustment when products have different tax rates
Fixed messaging which showed that shipping and billing address were always the same
- Fixed plugin upgrade dependency error
- Support for Shopware and Vue 3
- Improved plugin's settings form
- Support for Shopware
- Solvency check support for Powerpay and MF Group Invoice payment methods
- Improved handling of abandoned transactions
- Solvency check support for Powerpay and MF Group Invoice payment methods
- Improved handling of abandoned transactions
Fixed redirect to confirmation page after reload
Fixed deprecated OrderNotFoundException
- Fixed checkout issues after deactivating/activating plugin
- Fixed plugin uninstall action
- Fixed invoice payment method email function when order is shipped
- Fix for refunds when a discount code is used
Version bump for marketplace release
- Fixed an issue where all payment methods disappeared upon activation of the Wallee plugin.
- Fixed an issue where the shopping cart doubled in quantity if the customer placed an item in the shopping cart, went to payment via TWINT, cancelled the transaction in TWINT using "Cancel payment", and was then redirected back to the store.
Adjust documentation and release command
- Support of PHP 8.2
- Cast to string the option of product attribute.
- If delivery is null do not try to hold it.
- Fix bug which happens when pressing back to shop or home clears cart.
- Support of Shopware 6.5
- Support of latest PHP SDK 3.2.0
Creation of a new column in the transaction table called erp_merchant_id
- Support of latest PHP SDK 3.2.0
Support of Shopware
- Wrong link format in error message.
Tested Against:
PHP 8.1.13
Shopware 6.4.20
- Updated payment method rules in documentation
- Move the tax information from shipping from billing.
- Synchronization of data to the shop sometimes is incomplete.
- Portal Paid amount not reported to SW6.
- Fix an issue regarding changing payment method that prevented the payment status to be set as "paid".
- Fix an issue when listing payment method by customer on checkout process.
Getestet gegen:
PHP 8.1.13
Shopware 6.4.20
When the payment of a transaction has been successful but the payment method has been changed during checkout, the transaction status will have the correct payment status.
Getestet gegen:
PHP 8.1.13
Fix the calculation of the total if the customer is in a Net Customer Group. Gross and Net Customer Group are now correctly supported.
Remove the CSS Override for .sw-context-menu
Tested Against:
PHP 8.1.13
- Add support for plugin **Tickets for Shopware**
- Fix the Translation for the Payment Permissions of the Plugin
- Fix the calculation of the field *amount_including_tax* if the customer is in a Customer Group
- Add 2 additional address fields for the Shipping Address, **additionalAddress1** and **additionalAddress2** for B2B customers
Add additional information of the Credit Card (Validity Date, Pseudo Credit Card number and PayID) for transaction using this Payment Method
Added popup to order details with pseudo credit card number and customer info
Changes the default headers sent in the API
Sends to the payment portal a more specific version of shopware being used.
Fixed line item payload when recreating order
Zusätzliche Unternehmensfelder für Portal-Metadaten
support for Shopware 6.4.13
Fix for invoice button disability
support for Shopware 6.4.13
Transmit customer notes to Wallee
- Added Sales Tax ID / VAT ID to payload
- Fixed credentials inheritance
- Tested against SW v6.4.9.0
Fix to hide birthdate field if it's already provided
- Added italian translations
- Tested against SW v6.4.9.0
- Fixed transaction invoice instant payment handling.
- Tested with v6.4.7.0
Fixed cart recreate function for custom products
Custom products options displayed as separate line items
Fixed settings to import webhooks and payment methods
Added settings to control update of webhooks and payment methods
Support for Shopware 6.4.6
Reverted auto-submit on empty iframe as it is not working properly at all cases
Reverted auto-submit on empty iframe as it is not working properly at all cases
Fixed "Allow payment change after checkout" option behavior
- Allow to mark payment status as paid from status reminded
Checkout form auto submission implemented when iFrame returns no input fields
Fix Transaction Rollback error on unsupported languages
- Checkout form auto submission implemented when iFrame returns no input fields
Fix for delivery state change error
Fix for delivery state change error
Fixed plugin uninstall action
Update SDK to new version
Update SDK to new version
Fixed shipping line item name
Fixed shipping line item name
Fixed tax calculation for custom products
Fixed tax calculation for custom products
Support for Custom Products plugin
- Fix transaction versioning
- Update SDK
- Round amounts
- Redirect if the cart can not be recreated
- Fix email issues
- Fix email issues
- Fix cart recreation on promotions
- Remove availability rules
- Handle orders less than or equal to zero
- Silence missing order webhook errors
- Fix iframe breakout
Fix payment method bug on first time install
Fetch active payment methods only
- Fix payment method availability rule
- Fix email sending
- Cancel failed orders
Update payment method syncing
- Add payment method availability rule
- Hardcoded system languages
Retry orders on unavailable payment method
Fix locales and translations
- Fix Email sending
- Fix webhooks
- Fix webhook response
- Fix translation
Submit payment form when iframe has no fields
Order invoice download setting
Remove hardcoded Shopware API version
- Update webhook URLs on plugin update
- Add translations
- Fix email bug
Allow customers to download order invoices
- Test against Shopware 6.3
- Fix error on invalid space id
- Remove hardcoded Shopware API version
- Only provide translations for available languages
- Return CustomerCanceledAsyncPaymentException on cancelled transactions
- Update SDK to 2.1.1
- Send customer first name and last name from billing and shipping profiles
- Respect Shop URL
Add cookies to the cookie manager
First version of the Wallee integrations for Shopware 6