- MIG-1082 - Fixes an error with repeated migration of customer wish lists from SW5 to SW6
- MIG-1096 - Fix json_decode with null run exceptions that occurred with mappings of old migration runs (older assistant versions)
- Moved technical and breaking changes to https://github.com/shopware/SwagMigrationAssistant/blob/trunk/UPGRADE.md
- MIG-894 - Optimizes the mapping performance for the migration which results in a significantly faster converting step.
- MIG-1033 - Added the migration of SEO main category for products with SW5 or SW6 as a source system
- MIG-1039 - Fix the migration of country states in the order and customer converters
- MIG-1050 - Improves the migration of SEO URLs
- MIG-1052 - Fixed migration of "created by admin" flags on customers and orders
- MIG-1052 - Added premapping for administration users with preselection when the username is identical
- MIG-1053 - Refactored both Shopware 5 and Shopware 6 EnvironmentReader classes to provide more information about exceptions.
- MIG-1054 - Fixed error during migration of orders from SW5.4
- MIG-1061 - Fix the migration of customer wishlists from SW6 to SW6 with empty product list
- MIG-1062 - Fix the migration of product reviews from SW6 to SW6 with missing associated customer
- MIG-1063 - Fix the migration of newsletter recipients from SW6 to SW6 with missing salutation association
- MIG-1068 - Fixes a problem with the migration of translations of product property options
- MIG-1070 - Supports migration of attributes of type combobox that do not have predefined options
- MIG-1071 - Moved functions which are only used in the magento migration plugin to the magento plugin
- MIG-1072 - Optimized identifier lookup
- MIG-1077 - Optimized repository query to respect specified batch sizes
- MIG-1087 - Fixed an issue for the migration of media folders from SW6->SW6, where the default folder id was set wrongly. This includes changes to the way the folder structure is migrated
- MIG-1035 - Changed the premapping assignment in the administration, which should fix issues with assignment on later pagination pages and changes getting lost with newly selected data
- MIG-1042 - Adding a notice to clear the cache when the Shopware 5 Connector can't be found.
- MIG-1045 - Fix displayed percentage status while reading data
- MIG-1046 - Fixed an issue related to the validation of json fields for a migration run, which could prevent starting a migration in the latest shopware version
- MIG-981 - Media migration now uses the system's temporary directory to download files.
- MIG-1016 - Improves the warnings for different default currency and default language in the data selection.
- MIG-1016 - Added new block {% block swag_migration_confirm_warning_alert %} in swag-migration/component/card/swag-migration-confirm-warning/swag-migration-confirm-warning.html.twig.
- MIG-1037 - Fixes a rare issue that in certain situations not all entities are migrated (some were skipped). Was detected during translations of SW5.
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getMedia to setMedia in SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\PropertyGroupOptionConverter
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed cli command migration:migrate use migration:start instead
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed method writePremapping of SwagMigrationAssistant\Controller\PremappingController
- Changed return type from JsonResponse to Response
- Removed parameter runUuid
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed method finishMigration of SwagMigrationAssistant\Controller\StatusController
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed type of permapping field of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Connection\SwagMigrationConnectionDefinition from JsonField to new PremappingField
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed type of progress field of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunDefinition from JsonField to new MigrationProgressField
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed return type of getProgress of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity from ?array to ?MigrationProgress
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed parameter type of setProgress of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity from array to MigrationProgress
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed return type of writeData of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\DataWriter from void to int
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed return type of writeData of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\DataWriterInterface from void to int
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method process of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Media\Processor\HttpDonwloadServiceBase
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method process of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Media\MediaFileProcessorInterface
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method processMediaFiles of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\MediaFileProcessorService
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method processMediaFiles of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\MediaFileProcessorServiceInterface
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method process of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Media\LocalMediaProcessor
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method process of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Media\LocalOrderDocumentProcessor
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter fileChunkByteSize of method process of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Media\LocalProductDownloadProcessor
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Renamed parameter context to migrationContext of method getProcessor of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Media\MediaFileProcessorRegistryInterface
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Renamed parameter context to migrationContext of method getProcessor of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware6\Media\HttpOrderDocumentGenerationService
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed property fileChunkByteSize of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MessageQueue\MessageProcessMediaMessage
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed property runRepo of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\PremappingService
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\PremappingServiceInterface / SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\PremappingService
- Removed parameter run of method generatePremapping
- Added parameter dataSelectionIds to method generatePremapping
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Added new constructor parameters generalSettingRepository and migrationConnectionRepository to SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MigrationContextFactory
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Added new method createBySelectedConnection to interface SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MigrationContextFactoryInterface
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed class/interface/struct:
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Exception\LocalReaderNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::readerNotFound
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Exception\PluginNotInstalledException use domain exception instead MigrationShopwareProfileException::pluginNotInstalled
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Controller\MigrationController
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\MigrationProgressServiceInterface
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\SwagMigrationAccessTokenStruct
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\ProcessorNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::processorNotFound
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\EntityNotExistsException use domain exception instead MigrationException::entityNotExists
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\GatewayNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::gatewayNotFound
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\InvalidConnectionAuthenticationException use domain exception instead MigrationException::invalidConnectionAuthentication
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationContextPropertyMissingException use domain exception instead MigrationException::migrationContextPropertyMissing
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationIsRunningException use domain exception instead MigrationException::migrationIsAlreadyRunning
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationRunUndefinedStatusException use domain exception instead MigrationException::undefinedRunStatus
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationWorkloadPropertyMissingException use domain exception instead MigrationException::undefinedRunStatus
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\NoFileSystemPermissionsException use domain exception instead MigrationException::noFileSystemPermissions
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\ProfileNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::profileNotFound
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\ReaderNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::readerNotFound
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\ReaderNotFoundException use domain exception instead MigrationException::requestCertificateInvalid
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\SslRequiredException use domain exception instead MigrationException::sslRequired
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\ProgressState
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\SwagMigrationAccessTokenService
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Make following classes / methods internal:
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MessageQueue\Handler\CleanupMigrationHandler
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\MessageQueue\Handler\ProcessMediaHandler
- SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Service\MigrationProgressService
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Changed SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunService / SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunServiceInterface
- Removed properties accessTokenService, migrationDataRepository, mediaFileRepository, indexer, cache
- Removed methods takeoverMigration, calculateWriteProgress, calculateMediaFilesProgress, calculateCurrentTotals, finishMigration
- Removed parameter abortMigration of method abortMigration
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter migrationContext from method setNumberRangeSalesChannels of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\NumberRangeConverter
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter migrationContext from method setNumberRangeTranslation of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\NumberRangeConverter
- MIG-945 - [BREAKING] Removed parameters context and converted from method getLineItems of SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter
- MIG-962 - [BREAKING] Removed getters and setters for premapping on SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity, use them on \SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Connection\SwagMigrationConnectionEntity instead
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Added SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunTransitionServiceInterface parameter to \SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunService constructor
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Added $context parameter to \SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunServiceInterface::cleanupMigrationData and implementors
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Added $context parameter to \SwagMigrationAssistant\Controller\StatusController::cleanupMigrationData
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Removed property $status of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity and renamed its field in the corresponding definition, use $step instead
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Removed method getStatus of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity, use getStep or getStepValue instead
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Removed method setStatus of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity, use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\RunTransitionService::transitionToRunStep instead
- MIG-991 - [BREAKING] Removed constants STATUS_RUNNING, STATUS_FINISHED and STATUS_ABORTED of SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\SwagMigrationRunEntity, use SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Run\MigrationStep instead
- MIG-962 - [BREAKING] Every admin component is now private / internal
- MIG-994 - [BREAKING] Remove fields user_id and access_token from swag_migration_run and corresponding EntityDefinition and related classes
- MIG-1009 - Prevents migrated orders from triggering the adjustment of the product stock
- MIG-1011 - Ensure database attributes (like stringify fetches) are always set on local gateway connections
- MIG-983 - Fix migration of shop bounded customers
- MIG-983 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getAddresses to applyAddresses in \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter
- MIG-983 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getCountryTranslation to applyCountryTranslation in \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter
- MIG-983 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getCountryStateTranslation to applyCountryStateTranslation in \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter
- MIG-986 - Fix migration of order tracking codes
- MIG-989 - Improve migration of Media files
- MIG-989 - [BREAKING] Added method filterUnwrittenData to \SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Media\MediaFileServiceInterface
- MIG-990 - Don't let exceptions abort handling of ProcessMediaMessage
- MIG-990 - [BREAKING] Changed constructor of BaseMediaService, added EntityRepository $mediaFileRepository as new parameter, updated all extending classes.
- MIG-990 - [BREAKING] Added method setProcessedFlag in BaseMediaService and updated all media processors to use this method
- MIG-990 - [BREAKING] Moved BaseMediaService to SwagMigrationAssistant\Migration\Media\Processor namespace
- MIG-992 - Fix migration of product seo data
- MIG-1006 - Fix migration of product covers
- MIG-988 - A bug in the premapping UI has been fixed to remain compatible with the latest platform version
- MIG-951 - Improve the language migration from Shopware 6 to Shopware 6 so the default language is no longer overwritten
- MIG-951 - [BREAKING] Changes the access modifier of the function \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware6\Converter\LanguageConverter::convertData from public to protected
- MIG-943 - Fix migration of calculated shipping costs from Shopware 5
- MIG-943 - [BREAKING] Rename method in class \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter from getTransactions to applyTransactions
- MIG-943 - [BREAKING] Rename method in class \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter from getCountryTranslation to applyCountryTranslation
- MIG-943 - [BREAKING] Rename method in class \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter from getCountryStateTranslation to applyCountryStateTranslation
- MIG-943 - [BREAKING] Changed thrown exception from AssociationEntityRequiredMissingException to SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationException::associationMissing in method \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\OrderConverter::convert
- MIG-967, MIG-866 - Improving the migration of order documents
- MIG-971 - Fix compatibility with Shopware 6.6.0.x
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Added native type to result parameter of SwagMigrationAssistant\DataProvider\Provider\Data\AbstractProvider::cleanupSearchResult method.
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Removed DataProvider/Exception/ProviderHasNoTableAccessException.php, use SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationException::providerHasNoTableAccess instead.
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Removed Profile/Shopware/Exception/ParentEntityForChildNotFoundException.php, use SwagMigrationAssistant\Exception\MigrationException::parentEntityForChildNotFound instead.
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getMediaTranslation to addMediaTranslation in SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\CategoryConverter.
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Changed method name getAttribute to addAttribute in \SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\TranslationConverter.
- NEXT-34526 - [BREAKING] Changed parameter name blacklist to excludeList of method SwagMigrationAssistant\Profile\Shopware\Converter\ShopwareConverter::getAttributes.
- MIG-868 - Improvement of the product migration, the gross purchase price is now calculated
- MIG-966 - [BREAKING] Moved the source files into the src directory and renamed the Test directory to tests without breaking namespaces, but you may need to reactivate or reinstall the plugin. This fixed a bug in our deployment process to properly build the plugin.
- MIG-930 - Improved cross-selling migration, cross-selling no longer overwrites existing cross-selling if there are no changes.
- MIG-848 - Improving the assigning of products to sales channel via sub- and language shops
- MIG-920 - Changed supported Shopware 6 version to 6.6 and made adjustments to the profiles
- MIG-920 - Added Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface to unify the usage of HTTP clients
- MIG-920 - Added Migration/Gateway/HttpSimpleClient.php as a simple wrapper around the previously used GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Removed Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Connection/AuthClientInterface.php, use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware/Gateway/Api/Reader/EnvironmentReader.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware/Gateway/Connection/ConnectionFactory.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware/Gateway/Connection/ConnectionFactoryInterface.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Api/Reader/EnvironmentReader.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Connection/AuthClient.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Connection/ConnectionFactory.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Connection/ConnectionFactoryInterface.php to use Migration/Gateway/HttpClientInterface instead of GuzzleHttp/Client
- MIG-920 - Added Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php to unify the download of media files
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed parent class and implementation of Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpMediaDownloadService.php to Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed parent class and implementation of Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpOrderDocumentProcessor.php to Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Renamed Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpOrderDocumentProcessor.php to Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpOrderDocumentDownloadService.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed parent class and implementation of Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpProductDownloadProcessor.php to Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Renamed Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpProductDownloadProcessor.php to Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpEsdFileDownloadService.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed parent class and implementation of Profile/Shopware6/Media/HttpMediaDownloadService.php to Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Changed parent class and implementation of Profile/Shopware6/Media/HttpOrderDocumentService.php to Migration/Media/Processor/HttpDownloadServiceBase.php
- MIG-920 - [BREAKING] Renamed Profile/Shopware6/Media/HttpOrderDocumentService.php to Profile/Shopware/Media/HttpOrderDocumentDownloadService.php
- MIG-934 - Added new route /api/_action/data-provider/download-private-file/{file} for retrieving digital product files
- MIG-934 - Changed DataProvider/Provider/Data/ProductProvider.php to include download media of digital products
- MIG-934 - Changed Profile/Shopware6/Converter/ProductConverter.php to include download media of digital products
- MIG-934 - Added Profile/Shopware6/DataSelection/DataSet/ProductDownloadDataSet.php
- MIG-934 - Added Profile/Shopware6/Media/HttpProductDownloadService.php
- MIG-934 - [BREAKING] Changed Controller/DataProviderController.php to final
- MIG-274 - Fix migration of cross selling
- MIG-825 - Improve performance of the migration of orders
- MIG-825 - Added option step-size to the cli command migration:migrate of Command/MigrationCommand.php
- MIG-825 - [BREAKING] Added parameter where to fetchIdentifiers of Profile/Shopware/Gateway/Local/Reader/AbstractReader.php
- MIG-825 - [BREAKING] Changed functions of Profile/Shopware/Gateway/Local/Reader/AbstractReader.php to be final:
- setConnection
- addTableSelection
- buildArrayFromChunks
- cleanupResultSet
- fetchIdentifiers
- getDefaultShopLocale
- mapData
- getDataSetEntity
- MIG-838 - Add the meta information fields to the migration of category translations
- MIG-839 - Add custom fields to the migration of category translations
- MIG-899 - Changed behavior of the migration of seo urls. It now considers the URL case setting of shopware 5
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Changed Migration/MessageQueue/Handler/ProcessMediaHandler.php to final
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Added AsyncMessageInterface to Migration/MessageQueue/Message/CleanupMigrationMessage.php
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Added AsyncMessageInterface to Migration/MessageQueue/Message/ProcessMediaMessage.php
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Removed methods in Migration/MessageQueue/Message/ProcessMediaMessage.php:
- readContext
- withContext
- getDataSet
- setDataSet
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Changed return parameter of getContext from string to Shopware\Core\Framework\Context in Migration/MessageQueue/Message/ProcessMediaMessage.php
- MIG-931 - [BREAKING] Changed parameter of setContext from string to Shopware\Core\Framework\Context in Migration/MessageQueue/Message/ProcessMediaMessage.php
- MIG-931 - Added method getEntityName and setEntityName to Migration/MessageQueue/Message/ProcessMediaMessage.php
- MIG-937 - Always show current shop version used as compatible 6.x instance instead of older instances
- MIG-938 - Fixes wrong calculation when migrating shipping costs
MIG-908 - Fix Shopware 6 migration of `system_config` entities which should not be migrated between different shops
MIG-907 - Fix Shopware 6 profile name in connections
NEXT-31367 - Improve the ConnectionFactory to work more stable
MIG-881 - Fix bug for converting shipping methods and shipping costs and also migrate shipping methods with a unknown calculation type.
MIG-878 - Fix migration from SW6.5 to SW6.5. Only same major migrations are supported.
MIG-905 - Hotfix / known issue for SW6->SW6: `canonicalProductId` of `product` isn't migrated but doesn't prevent migration of products for now.
MIG-905 - Hotfix / known issue for SW6->SW6: `cmsPageId` of `product` isn't migrated but doesn't prevent migration of products for now.
MIG-905 - Hotfix / known issue for SW6->SW6: `promotionId` of line items of an order aren't migrated but doesn't prevent migration of orders for now.
MIG-881 - [BREAKING] Removed method `getDefaultAvailabilityRule` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors. Use the premapping of `default_shipping_availability_rule` instead.
MIG-881 - [BREAKING] Removed parameter `customerRepository` of `Migration/MessageQueue/OrderCountIndexer.php`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed all classes under `Profile/Shopware63`. Use classes under `Profile/Shopware6` instead.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Changed all converters under `Profile/Shopware6/Converter` to be not `abstract` and implement the corresponding `supports` methods. These now replace the old converters under `Profile/Shopware63/Converter`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Renamed `Profile/Shopware63/Shopware63Profile.php` to `Profile/Shopware6/Shopware6MajorProfile`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Changed `Profile/Shopware6/Shopware6MajorProfile` to support only the current SW6 major version.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Changed `Profile/Shopware6/Shopware6MajorProfile` to now return `shopware6major` on `getName`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Renamed `swag-migration-profile-shopware6-api-credential-form` vue component to `swag-migration-profile-shopware6major-api-credential-form`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Renamed `swag-migration-profile-shopware6-api-page-information` vue component to `swag-migration-profile-shopware6major-api-page-information`.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `swag-migration-profile-shopware63-api-credential-form` vue component.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `swag-migration-profile-shopware63-api-page-information` vue component.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `Profile/Shopware6/DataSelection/DataSet/ProductMainVariantRelationDataSet.php` because it is already migrated with the `product` entity in SW6.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `DataProvider/Provider/Data/ProductMainVariantRelationProvider.php` because it is already migrated with the `product` entity in SW6.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `Profile/Shopware6/Gateway/Api/Reader/ProductMainVariantRelationReader.php` because it is already migrated with the `product` entity in SW6.
MIG-878 - [BREAKING] Removed `Profile/Shopware6/Converter/ProductMainVariantRelationConverter.php` because it is already migrated with the `product` entity in SW6.
MIG-887 - Improve performance of the endpoint, which captures all data to be written afterwards
MIG-879 - Fix tax free order migration from SW5
MIG-859 - [BREAKING] Removed method `pushMapping` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors. Use `getOrCreateMapping` instead.
MIG-859 - [BREAKING] Removed method `pushValueMapping` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors. Use `getOrCreateMapping` instead.
MIG-859 - [BREAKING] Removed method `bulkDeleteMapping` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors.
MIG-859 - [BREAKING] Added default parameter `$entityValue` to `getOrCreateMapping` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors. Update implementors.
MIG-859 - [BREAKING] Added default parameter `$entityValue` to `createMapping` of `Migration/Mapping/MappingServiceInterface.php` and all implementors. Update implementors.
MIG-871 - Fix bug for order convert
- MIG-870 - Migration of products does not work
- NEXT-22545 - Add migration of digital products
- MIG-847 - Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- MIG-827 - Fix migration of shipping methods with time configuration
- MIG-829 - Fixed the progress bar is displayed incorrectly at a specific viewport
- NTR - Adding support for custom products migration
MIG-293 - Improve performance of order documents migration
MIG-246 - Fix resetting of connection settings
MIG-262 - Customer migrations are no longer grouped by email address
MIG-279 - Fix pre-mapping
MIG-269 - Fix missing order data for systems where MySQL trigger do not work
MIG-263 - Fixes a problem, where order addresses might be erroneously identical or interchanged
MIG-260 - Fix sales channel migration with Shopware language pack
MIG-252 - Fix profile installer view
MIG-126 - Add migration profile for Shopware 6
MIG-100 - Add migration profile for Shopware 5.7
MIG-243 - Fix migration of orders for Shopware 6 profile
MIG-247 - Fix write protection errors for Shopware 6 migration
MIG-206 - Migrate product creation date
MIG-237 - Fix customer vatId migration
MIG-240 - Optimize customer order count indexer
MIG-126 - Add migration profile for Shopware 6
MIG-221 - Fix migration of invoices
MIG-224 - Optimize attribute value migration handling from SW5
MIG-233 - Migration of notes / wishlists added
MIG-203 - Shopware 6.4 compatibility
MIG-220 - Optimize product image cover migration
MIG-218 - Prevents abortion of a migration if customer has an invalid email address
MIG-219 - Solves an issue on migration translations of custom fields
MIG-213 - Prevents abortion of a migration if some products with variants could not be written
MIG-214 - Improves progress display in CLI
MIG-216 - Fix issue with customer emails longer than 64 characters
MIG-125 - Improves the migration of orders, that customer order count is indexed
MIG-181 - Provide migration of main variant information for Shopware 5.4 / 5.6
MIG-182 - Migration of vouchers added
MIG-187 - Improves the migration of media without filename
MIG-188 - Improves media download stability
MIG-189 - Fix migration of product line items
MIG-194 - Optimizes sales channel migration
MIG-196 - Improve the extendability of the plugin
MIG-110 - Improves the migration of media
MIG-114 - Provide migration of main variant information
MIG-118 - Fix migration of credit line items
MIG-120 - Solves an issue when loading the pre-mapping
MIG-162 - Solves an issue on migrating products with empty custom fields
MIG-167 - Solves an issue on migrating custom field values
MIG-168 - Optimized request options
MIG-105 - Add warning if default languages differ
MIG-107 - Improves the migration of shipping methods
MIG-109 - Improve migration of orders
MIG-75 - Improves the takeover of a migration
MIG-106 - Improves the migration of order line items
MIG-124 - Added ACL privileges
MIG-85 - Migrate customer comments in orders
MIG-90 - Fix variant migration
MIG-92 - Fix broken history download
MIG-98 - Fix premappings without description
MIG-103 - Improves the migration of variant translations
MIG-39 - Optimized basic converter
MIG-72 - Recognize correct category type when external link is set
MIG-73 - Recognize variant attribute translations on SW5 migration
MIG-74 - Optimize migration of custom fields
MIG-13 - Migrate product reviews without customer
MIG-28 - Optimized rebuilding of container for deactivation and activation of the plugin
MIG-3 - Fixes a problem with migrating order documents
MIG-5 - Improve snippet loading of DataSets
MIG-14 - Implement deletion of logs from a selected run
MIG-22 - Fixes a problem with migrating orders, caused by aborted orders
MIG-23 - Fixes a problem with log file download
PT-11910 - Add migration of cross selling
PT-11922 - Shopware 6.3 compatibility
PT-11955 - Fixes a problem with saving media
PT-11692 - Add functionality to finish migration and remove unneeded data
PT-11864 - Improve media file processing
PT-11942 - Improve migration of product-translations
PT-11845 - Improve migration of customers
PT-11855 - Improve migration of media
PT-11788 - Introduce migration of pseudo prices from SW5
PT-11819 - Optimize product variant migration for Shopware 5 profile
PT-11692 - Move migration dashboard card to own component
PT-11747 - Ignore seo urls without type id
PT-11764 - Add sorting of pre-mapping values
PT-11689 - Add survey to get feedback about the tool from users
NTR - Solve issue with cache service injection
PT-11497 - Solves an issue with incorrect connection state
PT-11601 - Shopware 6.2 compatibility
PT-11462 - Solves an issue regarding order migration
PT-11586 - Optimized product migration from Shopware 5
PT-11617 - Fix error with too many open database connections
NTR - Fixes an issue with the layout when resetting the checksums
NTR - Fixes an issue migrating media folder thumbnail settings from Shopware 5
PT-11450 - It is now possible to reset the checksums via a button in the connection management drop-down menu.
PT-11525 - Optimize media migration process
PT-10832 - Preventing an undesired state when creating new connections
PT-10983 - Technical concept of the user interfaces changed to Vuex
PT-11331 - Fix request timeout for bigger migrations
PT-11394 - Fix product visibility for nested shop structures
PT-11400 - Migration error at wrong defined thumbnail sizes fixed
PT-11329 - Migrate meta data for products and categories
NTR - Solves an issue with database field length difference between SW5 and SW6
NTR - Improve progress calculation for big amounts of data
NTR - Solves an issue with delta checksums when aborting migration
PT-11113 - Refactor plugin icons
PT-11111 - Refactor profile icon for external profile
NTR - Fix refresh after wizard install of external profile
NTR - Snippet renaming
PT-11252 - Force number range migration
PT-11014- Add magento onboarding to migration wizard
PT-11016 - Refactor first migration wizard page
PT-11017 - Add migration card to dashboard
PT-11033 - Fix migration of categories
PT-11020 - Implement measurement call
NTR - Fix new plugin folder structure
NTR - Stabilize migration data writer
NTR - Refactor datasets
NTR - Refactor api total fetching
NTR - Refactor reader interface and classes
NTR - Fix product image cover when only 1 image exists
Solves an issue fetching products via local Shopware profile
- PT-10629 - Raise test coverage
- PT-10761 - Implement new frontend data handling
- PT-10783 - Migrate empty labels with attribute name
- PT-10797 - Fix product active state during migration
- NTR - Implement partial indexing via message queue and fix tests
- PT-10800 - Fix rising of mapping entries for properties and options
- PT-10818 - Fix custom field migration
- PT-10819 - Fix newsletter recipients migration
- PT-10835 - Fix migration of shippingfree products
- PT-10844 - Migrate deliveryTime of products
- PT-10769 - Fix json_encode error on logging
- PT-10846 - Migrate product reviews
- PT-10847 - Fix sales channel error for multiple migrations
- NTR - Fix order state premapping
- PT-10793 - Use checksum for migration
- PT-10861 - Migrate seo urls
- PT-10718 - Remove unprocessed media entries
- PT-10875 - Cleanup unwritten migration data when run new starts
Update for Shopware EA 1.1
- Improve write performance
- PT-10680 - Optimize request chunk size
Add default theme to sales channel
Fix indexing after migration
Code optimizations;
Newsletter recipient migration;
Migration of documents;
Optimizations in user interface
Initial release of the Migration Assistant