Search Pro with Elasticsearch search option
About the Extension
Configuration of the plugin
To configure the plugin: Settings -> Plugins -> Search ProWith the installation of the plugin a new "Sorting" will be created in the product listing -> "Best Results".
Only with this sorting the rules in the frontend will be applied.
The plugin works both with and without Elasticsearch or OpenSearch connection and improves the search in both cases in addition to the added functions (see below).
Features of the plugin
Search preview in the admin interface
Application example: The shop admin wants to check his configurations without having to switch to the frontend.Below the possible configuration of the plugin, we have integrated a search preview.
- First please select the right sales channel, then you can enter the search terms.
- The search preview considers all set rules and additionally outputs a "ranking" value.
- This means that if you change the FACTOR for any of the rules, you can immediately see the effects on the search result.
Prioritize products
Application example: A user is supposed to be shown certain products in the listing when entering a search or in categories- Please create "Dynamic product group" first
This is done in the Shopware Standard under CATALOGS -> DYNAMIC PRODUCT GROUPS
Then configure prioritize product
Settings -> Plugins -> Search Pro -> prioritize products -> "add".
- Internal designation is displayed in the overview, serves to clearly describe the
product prioritization rule
- Active each rule can be set active / inactive
- apply to
Search and search preview: The rule prioritizes the products defined in the "dynamic product group" in the search preview and in the search result
Categories: The rule prioritizes the product listing in a category, the products defined with "dynamic product group". This is independent of a search.
Search, search preview and category: The rule is applied in all 3 cases.
- (Optional) Search terms:
- factor:
Please adjust the values in smaller steps (50-100), otherwise the rankings may be shifted strongly.
- Dynamic product groups:
An OR link has been implemented: All products in the dynamic product group 1 or 2 are prioritized.
Restrict product search result
Application example: A user should only find products with stock level > 0.- First please create "Dynamic product group
This is done in the Shopware Standard under CATALOGS -> DYNAMIC PRODUCT GROUPS
All products from the dynamic product group are then used / displayed with the corresponding search restriction rule.
- Then configure Prioritize product
Internal designation is displayed in the overview, serves to clearly describe the product prioritization rule
Active each rule can be set active / inactive
- (Optional) Search term
- Dynamic product groups:
An OR link has been implemented: The search result is restricted to the products that are in the dynamic product group 1 or 2.
All products from the dynamic product group are then used / displayed in the corresponding search restriction rule.
- Restriction type
- Replace: Search results of dynamic product group are output independently of the search word
- Limit: Search results are output based on search term and additionally limited by dynamic product group
Due to several errors in the Shopware Standard for the dynamic product groups, errors may occur in the frontend.Please change the dynamic product group rule to numeric queries if possible.
Example: If you create a dynamic product group on NAME contains XYZ, an error will be visible in the frontend.
If you create a rule with LAGERSTAND > 0, it will work correctly.
Search words
SEARCHWORDS in the current version only serve as an overview if they are used in other functions of our plugin.In future versions it will be possible to display statistics here.
Synonym Rules
Application example: A user entering "Laptop" should also find search results with "Notebook" (and vice versa)The synonym rules are only applied to the search.
- Internal name is displayed in the overview, serves to clearly describe the product
prioritization rule
- Active each rule can be set active / inactive
- Search terms Specify which search terms should behave like synonyms. A 1:1 connection is made
here, which means that all entered search terms are always found "vice versa".
Exact search (from Plugin version 4.4.0)
Allows you to specify fields in the plug-in settings
where only the products found are output for exact matches. In the standard version this concerns the fields:
- Product number
- Manufacturer number
Since plugin version 8.7.0 it is also possible to include any additional fields in the exact search. This can be configured in the plugin settings.
Search for landing pages in addition to categories and manufacturers (from Plugin version 6.7.0)
In addition to categories, landing pages can now also be searched. This can be activated in the
plugin settings.
Shopping experiences in search preview and search results (from Plugin version 6.9.0)
Shopping Experience worlds can now be created for search results and assigned to
corresponding search terms.
Custom landing pages can now be configured as search results pages for specified
search terms.
Replace search results with shopping experiences / completely redesign (from plugin version 8.6.5)
Search results pages can be completely customised and influenced by shopping experiences.To do this, you must first create a new entry under "Settings > Extensions > Search Pro > Shopping experiences in search results" and select the option "Show shopping experience" > "Replace the search results page with the shopping experience".
In the shopping experience there is an "ACRIS search" block in which all the required elements are available.
Redirect - if a term is searched for, then redirection to a specific page (from plugin version 6.9.0)
Under "Settings > Extensions > Search Pro > Custom search results pages", redirects can be configured depending on the search term, which come into effect when certain search terms are searched for.Since plugin version 8.4.0, it is also possible for a redirect to take place if no search results are found. This means that customised shopping experiences can be used if no search results are found.
Popular search terms (from plugin version 6.10.0)
Under "Settings > Extensions > Search Pro > Popular search terms", the most frequently searched search terms can be viewed and read out. This can be used to optimise the search specifically for the shop and customers.If you are missing any other features, please write us a support request and we will check a possible implementation.
- Available: English, German
- Latest update: 13 March 2025
- Publication date: 20 May 2020
- Version: 9.15.2
- Category: Search & Filter
Reviews (15)
Bug umgehend behoben
Wir hatten ein Problem mit einer anderen Erweiterung, die zu einem Bug im Checkout geführt hat.
ACRIS hat sich sofort um die Behebung gekümmert.
Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. ?
Sehr gute Suche und erstklassiger Support
Der Support hat sich schnell meiner Anfrage angenommen und das Problem gefunden. Mit Updates des Plugins wurden die Fehler behoben und die Suche Liefert wieder erfolgreich schnelle Ergebnisse.
Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit der Leistung des Supports. Die Suche funktioniert jetzt wieder wie gewünscht.
Super Plugin für die Suche mit sehr gutem Support
Super Suche
Dieses Plugin hat uns davor bewahrt, mit Kanonen auf Spatzen zu schießen ...
Eine Suche, die macht was Sie soll: sie findet und priorisiert richtig.
Toll auch das Erlebniswelten, Kategorien und Hersteller mit enthalten sind. Die Such-Ergebnisse werden übersichtlich präsentiert (im Suchfenster und in der Gesamtsicht).
Kleiner Tipp: wer soviele Einstellmöglichkeiten bietet, sollte etwas Dokumentation schreiben, das entlastet den Support, der aber sehr schnell reagiert.
Ein feines Stück Software - so elegant programmiert, findet man auch mit SQL und PHP!
Endlich funktioniert unsere Suche wie wir es uns gewünscht haben!
Klasse Plug-in und toller Support
Schön wäre es weitere Felder für genaue Suchtreffer wählen zu können.
Sofern es mal ein Problem gibt ist der Support wirklich auf zack.
Tolles Plugin & exzellenter Support
Das Plugin macht genau was es soll:
Die Suche ist schnell, liefert sehr gute Suchergebnisse und bietet umfangreiche Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten.
Darüber hinaus ist der hervorragende Support von Acris hervorzuheben.
Wir haben in zwei Fällen Kontakt aufgenommen. Beide Male wurde innerhalb eines Tages reagiert, unsere Anliegen vollständig erfüllt und am Folgetag ein entsprechendes Plugin-Update veröffentlicht.
Besser geht's nicht!
Perfekt in Kombination mit Elasticsearch und sehr guter Support
Wir können die Acris E-Commerce GmbH wärmstens empfehlen.
Fantastic! Must have for elastic search
Support was also great. Never had a real issue, just a user error but they offered to fix it.
About the Extension Partner
ACRIS E-Commerce GmbH
Partner Status
Bronze Partner -
Premium Extension Partner
- Ø-Rating: 4.9
- Partner since: 2015
- Extensions: 155
- Based in: Austria
- Speaks: German, English
- Response time: Very quickly