- The loading attribute is now removed from images in the CSS blacklist if already present
- Images with loading="eager" are now recognized and changed to loading="lazy"
- The loading attribute is now removed from images in the CSS blacklist if already present
- Bugfix regarding Composer dependencies
- Fixed a JS error that could occur when updating the sliders
- Incorrect CSS selectors are now skipped and logged
- Composer Library Updates
- Use static prefix for PHPScoper to avoid problems with the plugin update process
- Updated composer packages
- Shopware 6.6 compatibility
- Compatibilty with Shopware
- Changed version requirement of the symfony/css-selector package to avoid issues with plugin installation via composer
- Fixed HTML validation error: The sizes attribute must only be specified if the srcset attribute is also specified
- Fixed HTML validation error: The sizes attribute must only be specified if the srcset attribute is also specified
- Bugfix regarding Failed Composer Dependency after plugin update with SW 6.4.13
- Bugfix: If certain special characters appear in the URL, background images are not loaded
- Bugfix: If certain special characters appear in the URL, background images are not loaded
- Added the ability to use only native lazy loading without additional JS scripts (Plugin Settings > Include type)
- The lazysizes native loading extension is now enabled by default if supported by the browser
- Added the ability to use only native lazy loading without additional JS scripts (Plugin Settings > Include type)
- The lazysizes native loading extension is now enabled by default if supported by the browser
- Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- Bugfix regarding loading animation in product sliders
- Updated composer dependencies
- Shopware 6.4.14 compatibility
- The loading animation can now optionally be deactivated
- Bugfix regarding plugin GooddayHoverOnListingSW6: Images in the listing are no longer overlaid
- Fixed deprecated request stack function calls
- The lazyloading script can now optionally be included in the head, which can help with slow loading times if the loading of the script in the body is delayed by other scripts
- Bugfix: Lazysizes is now initialized earlier, which can improve the loading time of the images if the load event of the page is delayed
- Bugfix regarding not removed loading animation in some cases
- Added support for native lazyloading with fallback
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where the loading animation spinner was not removed if an image finished loading earlier than expected
- Added Shopware 6.4 compatibility
- Bugfix regarding compatibility with the Custom Products Zoomviewer
- Bugfix: Loading animation no longer gets stuck if a product has no image
- Bugfix: VueJS event attributes with @ syntax are no longer removed by the parser
- Bugfix: Empty lines in the URL blacklist no longer lead to the deactivation of the plugin
- Fixed a JS error which could occur if a product image with the class 'product-box' is not in the normal product box container (corrected)
- Fixed a JS error which could occur if a product image with the class 'product-box' is not in the normal product box container
- Performance improvement of the HTML Minifier
- Bugfix: URLs in the blacklist are now independent of the basic path of the shop
- Bugfix: URL blacklist now also affects the HTML minifer
Updated dependencies: lazysizes, html5-php
- Bugfix regarding ZoomViewer: The element is now excluded by default
- Bugfix: SEO-URLs are now recognized in the URL-Blacklist
- Bugfix: Expand-value was ignored if set to zero
- First release in the community store