- Bugfix: Slider arrows are displayed in the preview column from SW if multiple images are present
- Changes regarding the setting "Sort properties via indexer": To improve performance, sorting is now generated via a scheduled task and no longer with each property_group.written event
- Performance optimization regarding cache invalidation
- Optimization of the database query when sorting by price
- Setting added: Basic Settings > Sort properties via indexer
- Optimization of the database query when sorting by price
- Setting added: Basic Settings > Sort properties via indexer
- Compatibility with the extension "Filter Search" from Friends of Shopware
- Added setting: Enable display in Quickview
- Bugfix: Configuration set in the product is not selectable
- Bugfix: When editing a column configuration, it is duplicated under certain circumstances
- Bugfix: Custom translation of column names for individual product properties is not displayed correctly
- Bugfix: Custom translation of column names for individual product properties is not displayed correctly
- Double import of the plugin base class in JS plugins is now avoided
- Fixed possible error during asynchronous initialization of the quantity selection plugin
- Bugfix regarding caching of the table when prices are hidden
- Bugfix regarding error messages in the logs for products without variants
- Compatibility adjustment for the MaxiaAdvBlockPrices6 plugin
- Bugfix bzgl. Caching der Tabelle bei ausgeblendeten Preisen
- Bugfix bzgl. Fehlermeldungen in den Logs bei Produkten ohne Varianten
- Kompatibilitätsanpassung für das MaxiaAdvBlockPrices6 Plugin
- Compatibility adjustment for the MaxiaAdvBlockPrices6 plugin
- Bugfix regarding error messages in the logs for products without variants
- Improved performance for products with many pricing rules
- Fixed a bug that could cause the table header to be displayed for products with different quantity scales, even though the quantities are not different
- Changed CSS selector .product-detail-buy to [class^="product-detail-buy"] to avoid problems when the class was extended by the elementId
- Improved performance for products with many pricing rules
- Fixed a bug that could cause the table header to be displayed for products with different quantity scales, even though the quantities are not different
- Added a missing text snippet
- For the product title column you can now set whether the property names should be displayed or not (Column Settings > Product Name > Show Properties)
- Fixed a bug that could occur if the main product is not visible for the current sales channel
- For the product title column you can now set whether the property names should be displayed or not (Column Settings > Product Name > Show Properties)
- Fixed a bug that could occur if the main product is not visible for the current sales channel
- Fixed an issue that caused the Bootstrap toggle menus to stop working
- Shopware 6.6 compatibility
- The variant table is now also loaded for parent products (compatibility with "No variant " / e-nitio mediasign GmbH & Co. KG)
- Bugfix: Filters for normal properties were no longer displayed under certain circumstances
- Added new setting: Filter settings > Disable filter options without results
- Compatibility with Shopware and backwards compatibility with older versions
- Compatibility with Shopware
- Bugfix: When translating the column names, a JS error occurs in the administration if the language is not active as an administration language
- The wishlist button can now optionally be displayed in the buy column (Columns > Buy action > Show wishlist button)
- Improved compatibility with other plugins that extend the AddToCart form within the table
- Bugfix regarding JS error when opening the offcanvas window under certain conditions
- Bugfix regarding the table not being displayed in the tab with its own CMS layout (typo corrected in the block name)
- Fixed an issue that caused the backdrop effect of the off-canvas window to remain when adding variants to the cart from the off-canvas
- Added missing padding in offcanvas window
- More compact representation of the configuration fields in the plugin settings under "Appearance"
- A line break is now automatically added in mobile view if the property name is too long
- A loading animation is now displayed before the bootstrap table initialization and the unstyled table is hidden
- Bugfix: Use natural sorting only when there are numbers in the value
- Only load the bootstrap-table language packages that are relevant to the sales channel and not all of them
- Bugfix: Use natural sorting only when there are numbers in the value
- Optimized cache key generation
- Optimized exception handling
- Column settings have been split into tabs
- Custom CSS classes can be set for columns
- Added template editor for columns
- The shopping cart button in the "Buy action" column can now optionally be hidden
- The default table configuration can now be set differently for each sales channel
- Individual property columns can now also be assigned based on position (first, second, [...] property)
- Bugfix: If a variant with an inactive parent product is called, this no longer leads to an HTTP 500 error and the table is simply hidden
- Bugfix: Grouping function now also works if variant properties are displayed in a single column
- Bugfix: Active page in pagination is now reset to 1 after filtering
- Updated bootstrap-table to v1.22.1
- Bugfix: Fixed incorrect pagination behavior when sales channel visibility of individual variants differs
- Bugfix: Theme compilation does not work on deployment without database
- New: Added grouping function (Table Settings > Group By)
- Bugfix: Fixed filter button style (on mobile) for Bootstrap 5
- Bugfix: Fixed incorrect pagination behavior when sales channel visibility of individual variants differs
- Bugfix: Under certain circumstances, a deployment without a database was incorrectly detected, which resulted in the SCSS variables not being able to be changed via the plugin settings
- Bugfix: Table is not displayed for products with assigned layout
- Bugfix regarding incompatible JS build from SW 6.5.3
- updated bootstrap table to v1.22.1
- Additional input fields from the AddToCart form above are now automatically transferred to the table, to improve compatibility with other plugins (e.g. KilbProductDesigner, neoonlines configurator)
- Bugfix: When using the "All in the shopping cart" button again, quantity fields were not initialized correctly under certain conditions
- Bugfix regarding JS error with active delivery time hover function
- Property images can now optionally be displayed in the table (Edit column "All variant properties" > Show images)
- The column "Property" will now show both variant properties and regular product properties
- The settings "Show colors, Show images" can now also be used for single property columns
- In the column overview in the settings, the property name is now also displayed for single properties
- The field "Available stock" can now also be displayed and not just "Stock".
- Bugfix: If the stock gets changed after an order, it is not displayed in the table
- Bugfix: The last image of the thumbnails in the zoom modal is sometimes cut off
- Property images can now optionally be displayed in the table (Edit column "All variant properties" > Show images)
- The column "Property" will now show both variant properties and regular product properties
- The settings "Show colors, Show images" can now also be used for single property columns
- In the column overview in the settings, the property name is now also displayed for single properties
- The field "Available stock" can now also be displayed and not just "Stock".
- Bugfix: If the stock gets changed after an order, it is not displayed in the table
- Bugfix: The last image of the thumbnails in the zoom modal is sometimes cut off
- Bugfix regarding possible problems after the plugin update due to incompatible changes in the service container (NEXT-25826)
- Bugfix: If the minimum order quantity is smaller than the purchase steps, the purchase steps and not the minimum order quantity is used as the starting value in the quantity selection
- The bootstrap table snippets "noMatches" and "showingRows" can now be adjusted via the text modules in Shopware
- Wording adapted to some bootstrap table text snippets ("products" instead of "rows")
- Bugfix: If the filters are disabled, the "Show sold out products" setting has no effect
- Bugfix: If the filters are disabled, the "Show sold out products" setting has no effect
- Bugfix: If the minimum order quantity is smaller than the purchase steps, the purchase steps and not the minimum order quantity is used as the starting value in the quantity selection
- The bootstrap table snippets "noMatches" and "showingRows" can now be adjusted via the text modules in Shopware
- Wording adapted in some bootstrap table text snippets ("products" instead of "rows")
- Fixed issues with scrolling in mobile view when sticky header is active at the same time
- Renamed Twig block in the quantity selection to avoid issues related to FroshDevelopmentHelper
- Added JS event "onBootstrapTableInit" to allow overriding the bootstrap table options
- Page navigation and "Add all to cart" button are now displayed one below the other on smaller screens
- Zoom viewer now also works if there is only one image in the product
- Fixed issues with scrolling in mobile view when sticky header is active at the same time
- Renamed Twig block in the quantity selection to avoid issues related to FroshDevelopmentHelper
- Added JS event "onBootstrapTableInit" to allow overriding the bootstrap table options
- Page navigation and "Add all to cart" button are now displayed one below the other on smaller screens
- Mouseover zoom is now automatically activated when the plugin is installed for the first time
- Bugfix regarding storefront build process
- Bugfix: Filters that cannot be applied to at least one variant are now completely hidden
- Bugfix regarding composer plugin installation not working
- Bugfix: Filters that cannot be applied to at least one variant are now completely hidden
- Shopware 6.5 RC3 compatibility
- Bugfix regarding faulty plugin icon in the administration
- Added mouseover zoom function for the product image column (see settings in the "Product image" column)
- The visibility of the table can now be restricted via rules from the rule builder (see plugin base settings)
- The visibility of individual columns can now also be restricted using rules
- Products can now be added to the shopping cart even if the quantity "0" is selected in the table (see settings in the "Buy action" column)
- Quantities can now be displayed as in the Shopware standard with "to" or optionally with "from" (edit columns > price > show all quantities with "from")
- Added drag icon in column selection
- Bugfix: Fixed PHP warning "Array to string conversion" in ThemeVariablesSubscriber
- Fixed deprecations regarding SnippetFiles
- Adjustments for compatibility with the extension "Store stocks per sales channel / DvsnStoreStock (digitvision)"
- Fixed a JS error that could occur when the wishlist is active
- Bugfix: Added missing German language snippet for "Reset filter" button
- Bugfix regarding possible 500 error when displaying product properties in a single column
- Bugfix regarding class "is-selected-variant" after variant change
- Fixed deprecation regarding Twig
- Performance optimizations with a large number of variants
- Fixed an issue where the loading overlay was not displayed anymore
- Updated bootstrap-table to 1.21.0
- Added settings: Appearance > Mobile View - Minimum screen width for two column view / Width of the title column
- Bugfix regarding sometimes incorrectly set class names in the mobile view / card view
- Bugfix regarding possible error when all variants are sold out
- Displayed filters are now no longer dependent on the "Show in product filter of product lists" setting in the property
- Column width can now be set individually in the table configuration
- If the same variant property is also created as a normal product property, these properties can now be hidden in the filter via a setting (table settings > filter settings)
- If the standard variant selection is hidden, the delivery time of an available variant is now preferentially displayed
- Added missing "Plugin settings" snippet in administration
- Bugfix regarding migration when installing the plugin
- Added more settings for the filter function to hide specific properties
- Added many settings to customize appearance (Plugin Settings > Appearance)
- Added setting "Simple pagination" which shows a button "Show all variants" instead of the pagination
- Added button "Plugin settings" in the table configuration list
- Bugfix: If the graduated prices are displayed as the last column, this no longer leads to errors
- Added filters
- Table configurations can now be duplicated
- jQuery code mostly removed
- Properties can now be displayed via hex color code (Table settings > Columns > Variant properties > Show colors)
- The delivery time can now optionally only be displayed as a colored circle (Table settings > Columns > Delivery time > Compact display)
- The shipping free notice can now optionally be hidden
- The cheapest price of the last 30 days is now displayed in the table (from SW
- Fixed an error that could occur when variants have a different number of prices
- Added CSS classes for the currently selected variant (tr.is-current-variant / .product-link.is-current-variant)
- Fixed pagination issues when hiding sold out variants
- A new setting "Show measuring unit" has been added for the column types Content, Weight, Length, Width and Height
- Bugfix regarding class "VariantsTableRouteCacheKeyEvent" not found
- Added new settings to be able to hide prices within the table (My Extensions > Plugin Settings > Hide Prices)
- Um Fehler zu vermeiden, kann das VariantsTablePagelet nur noch für spezifische Varianten und nicht mehr für das direkte Vaterprodukt geladen werden
- Fixed an error which, under certain circumstances, could lead to the correct preview image not being displayed in the table
- Caching verbessert und automatische Cache-Invalidierung hinzugefügt
- Wenn das Sortierungsfeld für ein Produkt nicht existiert, löst dies nun keinen Fehler mehr im Plugin aus
- Fixed a syntax error that could occur under a certain PHP version in the Twig template "quantity-input.html.twig".
- First release in the community store