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natif development

Customer Manufacturer Subscription



  • - Customers can follow manufacturers and stay informed about new product releases.
  • - A dedicated "Your Manufacturers" page allows customers to manage followed manufacturers.
  • - Add Manufacturer feature lets customers search and follow manufacturers via a popup.
  • - Email notifications are sent to customers when a followed manufacturer releases a new product.
  • - Admins can customize the email notification template for product release alerts.


  • - Manufacturer Subscription: Customers can follow manufacturers and receive updates on new product releases.
  • - Dedicated "Your Manufacturers" Page: Each customer has a personalized page to view and manage the manufacturers they follow.
  • - Search for Manufacturers: A popup window allows customers to search for manufacturers to follow.
  • - Follow Manufacturers: Customers can follow a manufacturer by clicking the "Follow" button.
  • - Email Notifications for New Releases: Customers receive an email when a new product is released by a manufacturer they follow.
  • - Product Details in Notifications: The email notification includes details of the new product released.
  • - Unfollow Manufacturers: Customers can easily unfollow a manufacturer from their dedicated page.
  • - Customizable Email Notification Template: wAdmins can modify the email template sent to customers for new product releases.
  • - Manufacturer Management: Customers can manage the list of manufacturers they follow from their dedicated page.
  • - Popup Interaction: The manufacturer search and follow process is streamlined through an interactive popup window.
  • - Search Filters for Manufacturers: The search popup can include filters for easier navigation through manufacturers.
  • - Admin Control Over Email Content: Admins have control over the format and content of the email notifications.
  • - Automatic Email Trigger: Emails are automatically sent to customers when a manufacturer they follow releases a new product.
  • - Customer Engagement: This feature encourages customers to engage with manufacturers and stay updated on new releases.

About the Extension

The Customer Manufacturer Subscription and Notification System integrates seamlessly with Shopware's standard custom fields keeping customers informed about the latest product releases from their favorite manufacturers.

With a dedicated "Your Manufacturers" page in the Storefront, customers can easily manage the brands they follow, search for new manufacturers through an interactive popup, and click "Follow" to stay up to date. 

Each time a followed manufacturer launches a new product, customers receive an automatic email notification complete with product details.

Admins can customize the email notification templates to enhance communication and engagement. The system also allows customers to manage notification preferences, ensuring they stay informed in a personalized, streamlined way. 

This feature fosters customer loyalty by creating a direct line of communication between manufacturers and customers.


  • Available: English, German
  • Category: Customer account

About the Extension Partner

natif development

natif development

Partner Status

  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Partner since: 2023
  • Extensions: 1


  • Based in: Romania
  • Speaks: English
  • Response time: Very quickly