[Enhanced] Payment status updated during credit process when chargeback is received
[Enhanced] Partial refund status handled when processing partial refund
[Enhanced] Dynamically displays the payment name in place of Novalnet Payment on the Admin customer details page and on the shop overview page
[Enhanced] Dynamically displays the payment name in the language of your order for the Credit note, Delivery note, and Cancellation note
[Enhanced] Dynamically displays the payment name and description in the Shop Order Confirmation Email
[Enhanced] Adjusted Novalnet Payment plugin to update status for subscription chargeback orders
[Enhanced] Novalnet payment plugin has been optimized for new testcase
[Enhanced] Optimised Novalnet Payment plugin to support Novalnet subscription plugin features
[Enhanced] Novalnet payment plugin has been optimized for new testcase
[Enahnced] Optimised Novalnet Payment plugin to support Novalnet subscription plugin features
[Enhanced] Optimized the Callback/Webhook process for fetching Dynamic IP
[Fix] Compatibility
for Shopware 6.6 series
[Fix] Adjusted the payment plugin to support the DooFinder plugin
email templates
now support
attachments and
headers and
[Fix] Adjusted
webhook to handle
transactions on
the same order
[Fix] Removed
session handling
during API and
[Fix] Dynamically
displays the
payment name in
the language of
your order for
both the Invoice
PDF and the Shop
Order Confirmation
[Fix] Handled
credit/debit card
seamlessly in case
of communication
failures during
the subscription
free trial product
[Fix] Multiple
submit buttons are
now supported in
the checkout
[New] Implemented configuration options for On-hold and Completion payment statuses
[New] Implemented Zero amount authorization for Apple Pay, Google Pay and Direct Debit ACH payments
[Fix] Order update emails will dynamically display payment method name associated with an order
[Fix] Console error when an undefined payment variable is processed during iFrame initialization
[New] Implemented MB Way payment
[Fix] Callback/webhook optimized to execute without the order number
[Fix] Appropriate theme name fetched from the shop theme object for checkout page loading
[Fix] Payment Plugin build executed for proper installation
[Enhanced] Optimised Novalnet Payment plugin to support Novalnet subscription plugin features
version release: We've
improved the seamless
customer experience and
brand configurations in the
Novalnet Merchant Admin
Portal to make it easier to
preview and customise the
checkout page
[Enhanced] Additional payment statuses 'Authorized' and 'Paid partially' are handled for payment specific transactions
[Enhanced] Optimised Novalnet Payment plugin to support Novalnet subscription plugin features
[Fix] Compatibility for Shopware
[Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field required for Gibraltar country for the payments like Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee and Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA
[Fix] Supported payment methods are now listed in the My Account section
[Enhanced] Optimised Novalnet Payment plugin to support Novalnet subscription plugin features
[Fix] Invoice PDF gets updated with the recent transaction details during PDF generation
[New] Added ACL feature for Novalnet payment plugin
[Fix] Adjusted E-mail template as per the Shopware standard
[Fix] Callback/webhook comments are handled based on the initial transaction language
[Removed] Google Pay button theme configuration
[Fix] No custom payment logo replacement during the plugin update
[Enhanced] Adjusted novalnet payment plugin to support Multibanco payment for the Novalnet subscription plugin
[Removed] Status-based Capture, Void and Refund actions
[New] Implemented Google pay, Trustly, WeChat and Alipay payments
[New] Implemented Zero amount authorization for the payments Credit/Debit card and Direct Debit SEPA
[New] Updated cart details to PayPal
[Enhanced] Invoice payment name is updated for German translation
[Enhanced] Callback/Webhook events has been optimized as per the new test case
[Removed] One-click shopping for PayPal payment
[New] Implemented Online bank transfer payment
[New] Implemented Apple pay payment
[Fix] Novalnet payment plugin adjusted to support Amazon pay during activation
[Enhanced] For IBAN-specific countries, the BIC field displayed for payments like Direct Debit SEPA, Direct Debit SEPA with payment guarantee & Instalment by Direct Debit SEPA
[New] Order creation process handled from the shop admin panel for the Invoice, Prepayment, Barzahlen/viacash & Multibanco
[New] Added "state" parameter in the payment request
[Fix] Compatibility for Shopware
[Fix] Credit/Debit Cards error message and Checkout button
[Enhanced] Updated payment logo for sofort payment
[Fix] Adjusted payment plugin to translate Novalnet transaction details with the same language updated in the domain URL
[Fix] Refund API request is restricted for multiple transactions with the same order number
[Fix] Compatibility for Shopware 6.3 using Promotion code
[Fix] Compatibility for PHP version 8.0
[New] Configuration to send order confirmation email to end-customer
[Enhanced] Payment plugin installation via composer
[Fix] Order confirmation email sent to end customers for the newly created domain URLs
[Fix] Compatibility for Shopware 6.4 series
[Enhanced] Callback has been optimized as per the new testcase
[New] Implemented instalment payments for Direct Debit SEPA and Invoice
[Fix] Saved card/account information can be deleted in Safari and Firefox browsers
[Fix] Placed the saved card/account details view above change payment method button
[Fix] Webhook: Follow up transaction call restricted for on-hold payments
[Enhanced] Vendor script has been optimized
[Fix] Orders get confined while adding multiple order comments into the same order
[Fix] Adjusted payment plugin to display error message for guarantee payments when Force Non-Guarantee payment option was disabled
[Fix] Date of birth validation regulated on checkout page
[Fix] Adjusted the redirect payment methods to support Sales channels
[Enhanced] Barzahlen payment name and logo
[Fix] Adjusted JavaScript for displaying the "Submit" button on the checkout
[Fix] Adjusted JavaScript for throwing error message on the checkout page for Invalid Credit Card details
[Fix] Mailer configuration is not mandatory now for order success page
[Fix] Added Datepicker by adjusting Javascript for macOS Safari browser
[Fix] Sitemap XML tag issue
New Release for Shopware 6