- Fix: salesChannelService is waited until the end
- Fix for cover images
- Exclusion via canonical settings
- Compatibility/adoption of SEO-Professional plugin configurations
- deactive sales-channels wont be used for generating the sitemap
fix: product customFields individual sitemap config
- Landing pages were also listed in the extension sitemap
- hreflangs was added to extension sitemap
- Add: HrefLang Url is now also included for current language
- FIX: imageUrlTags in SitemapGenerator supports multiple images
- Fix: SasBlogSitemap now checks if blog translation is incorrect before the entry article appears in the sitemap
- Fix: isDeleted SEO-Urls are no longer displayed in the sitemap
- Removed: bin/console media:update-path is no longer executed during installation
- Change: Context::createDefaultContext() is no longer used
- Add: If plugin for saleschannel is deactivated, the default Shopware 6 sitemap is output for this saleschannel (sitemap controller)
- Fix: Reacts to inactive/hide Settings
- Fix: If the plugin is not active for any sales channel, an error is thrown
- Fix: The sitemap files are now accessed via the controller instead of directly via the file
W6.6.x compatible
- Fix: Incorrect sitemap file path corrected
- Complete code revised
better performance; also for shops with many products
Sitemap splitting: Split the sitemap according to Google specifications
News sitemap: Support for blog plugins (currently from Netzperfekt and Shape & Shift)
Multilingualism: Set Href-Langs in sitemap with correct ISO code
an be activated/deactivated for different saleschannels
- SW6.6.x compatible
- completely revised
- Sitemap splitting: Splitting the sitemap according to Google specifications
- News sitemap: Support of blog plugins (currently for Netzperfekt Blog Plugin)
- Multilingualism: Set href-langs in sitemap
FIX: changeFreq and small fixes
FIX: Saleschannels with different domains are now correctly indexed
FIX: Languages on Multi Language Sitemap
- FIX: Languages on Multi Language Sitemap
ADDED: check if sitemap files exists
FIX: the generation process of the sitemap has been fixed
FIX: added check for if media path row exists
FIX: Images output overall
- FIX: Media Path Fix to ensure that all media urls are correct
- Please run `bin/console media:update-path`, if errors occur
FIX: Checks if category image is in correct structure
FIX: Category images appearing again
IMPORTANT CHANGE: Compatible only with Shopware 6.5.7.x and above
FIX: Category pictures optimization
FIX: bug fixes and others
FIX: Category Sitemap missing xhtml:link
ADDED: Category Sitemap now includes category Image with Title and Caption (alt text)
FIX: Shopware compatibility
FIX: Master product detection
FIX: Master product detection
ADDED: Home page indexing
FIX: Removed master product link when one variant is set as default in storefront config of variants
ADDED: Home page indexing
FIX: Removed master product link when one variant is set as default in storefront config of variants
ADDED: CLI Command for Sitemap Generation
ADDED: CLI Command for Sitemap Generation
FIX: XML structure corrected
FIX: XML structure corrected
FIX: XML structure corrected
FIX: For CustomFields that are not defined
FIX: For CustomFields that are not defined
- FIX: Alternate Url for multilingual sitemap corrected
- FIX: Alternate Url for multilingual sitemap corrected
- CHANGE: In Performance mode the product image with position 0 will be used in sitemap (currently ordered by id)
- FIX: If Performance Mode was active, only visible categories were displayed regardless of the configuration.
- FIX: If Performance Mode was active, only visible categories were displayed regardless of the configuration.
- Compatibility established with Shopware 6.5.0.
- ADD: Third-party sitemaps (e.g. blog plugins) are now included in the sitemap.
- ADD: adding customFields: changeFrequency, priority, exclude from Sitemap
- ADD: adding config option for default change frequency
ADD: adding basePath to sitemap via Config Option
FIX: fixing Bug on Category-based output
FIX: fixing a bug where the Cache is not used if the landing-page sitemap is turned off
ADD: adding LandingPages to Sitemap
FIX: fixing SalesChannel based URL Generation
ADD: Removing Beta Phase of output Variant-Products
FIX: fixing generation of Sitemap if path of Category is imported as null
- CHANGE: ändern des Encoding's der URLS
- FIX: Escaping HTML Special Chars inside Media Image Location URLs
- ADD: Add Config For Limit of entries per File
FIX: Dont generate Sitemap if one Sitemap ist deactivated
ADD: Adding possibility to exclude categories from Sitemap which are not part of the EntryCategories of a Slaeschannel
CHANGE: Outputting Image URLS based on the (in the database) saved Domain not the SalesChannel URL
CHANGE: Dont output Locations from Products without Images
FIX: fixing SalesChannel Association on multiple visibility
FIX: fixing undefined index Error in wrong associated Language-IDs
CHANGE: Changing Algorithm for preventing duplicated Content Links
FIX: fix fileCount detection on disabled Content Duplication prevention.
ADD: add possibility to prevent duplicated Links
HOTFIX: Config not loading
ADD: add configuration for excluding Products which are not visibile inside the Productlisting or Searchresoults
FIX: fix salesChannel based configs
- FIX: fixing crashing sitemap if someone includes media without setting file extension (rarely the case)
- FIX: Memory Allocation Error fixed.
- FIX: Parent Association Loading Bug
- FIX: Trailing Slash on Categories where the SEO-URL have no trailing Slash included
- ADD: Outputting Variants of products inside the Sitemap (if activated).
NOTE: this is stille a Beta feature
- ADD: Add option to ignore categories which are hidden inside the navigation.
- FIX: Fix a bug where the count of the Sitemaps was miscalculated.
FIX: fix a problem where specific server send the content of the Sitemap two times
- ADD: Add possibility to generate a sitemap for each language inside one saleschannel
- ADD: Multi Language Sitemaps will now display the seo url based on the language
- ADD: possibility added to disable the encryption of the Sitemap.
FIX: Escaping HTML Entities
CHANGE: Prioesiere https domains
- Change: Changing Config Handling
- Change: do not output entries with wrong date format ( or empty )
Hotfix: multilanguage Sitemap indexing error.
Add multilanguage Sitemaps
Fix of small error in combination with performance-mode
- Fixing exclude deactivate products from Sitemap
- Fixing small bugs inside the Cronjob
- Add Mode which will generate the Sitemap without the Shopware DAL
Adding slash to the end of a custom category URL if not exsisting inside the database
Categories which are not visible are no longer displayed.
Furthermore there is a new setting in the plugin settings which allows to generate only URLs with the tag is_canonical
adding support for Shopware 6.2+
first release for Shopware 6