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Affiliate - partner program

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  • Let your customers promote your shop
  • Partner can earn provision
  • Provision as money, vouchers or bonus points
  • Absolut or percental provision
  • Application for new partner

About the Extension

Let your customers become partner and promote your shop!

With this extension your customer can become a partner by generating an affiliate link. If a new customer registers with this link and orders a product then the partner will get provision.

With provision (depending on configuration) it is possible:

  • To transform provision into a voucher
  • To payout the provision
  • To transform provision into bonus points of our bonus system extension (if installed)

It's up to you to configure the extension to your needs.

The extension includes the following functions among others:

Assign customer to partner
Everytime a customer registers with affiliate link he is assigned to the partner.

Partner can earn provision
Partner will get provision for orders of assigend customers. You can decide for how many orders they can get provision and how much provision they get.

Partner groups
Partners are grouped. For every group you do many settings like: "Provision type: absolute or relative", "provision factor" and payout type "voucher", "money", "bonus points".

Rules for releasing provision
You can define when provision should be release for an order. You can configure, that this should only happen manually by you or if it is depending on order status, expired days or both. So you have full controll to ensure that provision is only released after an order is not revoked.

Absolut or percental provision
You can define wheither your partner should get absolute provision nor relative provision for an order. This can be configured individually for each partner group.

Use provision for a voucher
If configured a partner can create a voucher from his provision to receive an order with reduced price.

Define vouchers
Define as many vouchers and their costs as you want. Partner can buy the voucher with his provision.

Get paid for provision
It is possible that you enable company partner to pay out their provision.

Define payout barrier
You can define which provision needs to be reached before partner can apply for payout.

Use provision for Bonus System extension
If you use our Bonus System extension partner can transform provision to bonus points.

Promote new customers by affiliate link
Your partner can use a affiliate link to connect a customer to his account.

Registering to affiliate system
You can define if a partner is free to register directly or if he needs to write an application.

Enable for certain customer groups
It is possible to enable the affiliate system only for specific customer groups.

Define turnover to join as parter
You can define a minimum turnover a customer should have before become the possibility to join partner program.

E-Mail Notifications with Flow Builder
For all important actions like: New customer registration, new customer order, releasing points an e-mail could be send. There are several flow triggers and actions available.

Extensive administration
You get full controll over system in Shopware administration. You can enable/ disable and manage your partners and their bookings.

Show partner information in checkout
Optionally it's possible to show a new customer an information of his partner in checkout. This could be usefull if the partner is the first contact person (Representative) for you customer.


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 20 June 2024
  • Publication date: 1 July 2024
  • Version: 2.0.0
  • Category: Recommendations


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About the Extension Partner



See all extensions:

Partner Status

Shopware Bronze Partner
Bronze Partner
Shopware Premium Extension Partner
Premium Extension Partner


  • Rating: 5

    Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 4 January 2015
  • Extensions: 26
  • Country: Germany


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly