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RHIEM Intermedia GmbH

Extend Registration | Additional Fields

Rating: 4.0

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

(1 reviews)
Downloads: 347



  • Any number of sortable groups in the registration
  • Any number of individual and sortable fields within these groups


  • Groups and fields can be restricted to specific saleschannels
  • Six different field types (text, textarea, number, selection field, checkbox, file upload)
  • Server-side validation of the fields (mandatory field, minimum length, maximum length)
  • Individual (translatable) error messages if the customer did not fill in a field correctly
  • Access to the data via the customer module in the administration

About the Extension

This app allows you to request further information from your customers during the registration process. After registration, these can be edited by the customer in his account as well as by you via the backend. 


  • Create new groups for registration 
  • Create any number of fields within the groups  
  • Restricting groups to certain salary channels 
  • Six different field types (text, text field, number, selection, checkbox, file upload)   
  • Server-side validation of fields (mandatory field, minimum length, maximum length) 
  • Individual (translatable) error messages if the customer has not filled in a field correctly  
  • Access to the data via the customer module in the administration   

Feature Requests 

Do you have a feature suggestion for this plugin? Email us to shopware@rhiem.com and we will be happy to include your feature. 


Shopware 6 Product registration (rhiem-intermedia.de)

Need support? 

We are happy to assist you with any issues related to using our app. Please use the Shopware App Support function in your Shopware account for this purpose. 

Individual plugin development? 

As a long-standing Shopware Solution Partner with many years of experience, we are happy to support you with advice and assistance. Email us at shopware@rhiem.com or give us a call at: +49 (0) 28 55 – 97 00 55

License Agreement 

Please note our license agreement

By using our plugin you confirm that you have read the license agreement and agree with it. 

Image Credit 

The logo has bee designed using resources from flaticon.com

Shopware Partner Page 

You can find more information about us on our Shopware Partner Page: RHIEM Intermedia GmbH | Agency Overview | Shopware


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 March 2025
  • Publication date: 28 May 2020
  • Version: 4.2.0
  • Category: Checkout / Cart process


Reviews (1)

Average rating

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

Based on 1 reviews
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support

0 %
100 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Write a review

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

by Joachim Eicher
30 August 2022 23:35
Bin zufrieden mit der Umsetzung, sieht ansprechend aus in der Umsetzung. Allerdings zu einem stattlichen Preis. Schade ist, dass nicht die regulären Zusatzfelder verwendet werden, was wahrscheinlich technisch bedingt ist, sondern neue Felder in der Tabelle Custome mit Feld ID und so weiter. Wüsste ich warum, müsste ich das Plugin nicht kaufen müssen ;-) Die Einbindung der Felder in die E-Mail Tempates hat bei mir nicht auf Anhieb geklappt, vermutlich weil ich den laaangen Pfad aus dem Anleitungs PDF herauskopiert habe. Besser ist, den Pfad im Editor des E-Mail Tempates unter selbst rauszusuchen und zu kopieren. Leider wird durch den von Rhiem verwendeten eigenen Namen im Tabellenspaltennamen und einer ebenso ellenlangen ID für das Feld die Variable ewig lang und unhandlich, so dass man das Feld z.B. nicht in einen E-Mail Betreff reinbekommt, weil dieser sonst bei uns zumindest zu lang wird (mehr als 256 Zeichen). Naja, sei's drum. Das Plugin ist jedenfalls optimal um Felder im Kundenaccount zu ergänzen. Nur 150 EUR ist echt gut hingelangt, es gibt ähnliche Plugins für den Warenkorb sogar gratis... Manchmal zahlt man eben zähneknirschend weils keine Alternative gibt (!), aber wenigstens aus Überzeugung.
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support

About the Extension Partner

RHIEM Intermedia GmbH

RHIEM Intermedia GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Gold Partner Shopware
    Gold Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.4

    Average rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2015
  • Extensions: 41
  • Certifications: Certifications


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Quickly
Shopware 6 certified This Extension Partner has been certified by our Academy for Shopware 6.