-Fix: Set canonical for recipe's url
-Improvements: Add CustomFields To Be Translatable
-Fix: fix schema.org
- Improvement: Improved recipe slider logic
- Fix: Removed inactive ingredients products
- Fix: Removed inactive ingredients products
- Fix: Fixed wrong author schema.org definition
- Fix: Fixed compatibility issues with Pickware
-Fix: Resolved an issue where inactive ingredients were still appearing in the Store API
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-New: New feature released
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
-New: New feature released
-Improvement: Existing feature improved
-Fix: Bug fixed
- Fix: Fixed admin for SW 6.4 and higher
- Fix: Fixed some rare bugs in product detail pages
- Fix: Fixed recipe language inheritance in admin
- New: Recipe slider for product detail page
- New: Canonical tag on recipe detail pages
- Improvement: Automatic reloading of ingredients
- Fix: Fixed admin search in some cases
- New: Added option for sorting in the blog slider
- Fix: Download recipes with umlauts
- Fix: Missing navigation id for blog articles without main category
- Fix: Fixed scheduled tasks
- Fix: Die Zuordnung von Verkaufskanälen zu Rezepten geht wieder
- Fix: Die Zuordnung von Kategorien zu Rezepten geht wieder
- Fix: Inverse Relation für "productRecommendations" ist nun da.
- Fix: Error on recipes detail page from SW version
- Improvement: Mark active category in navigation on recipe page
- Fix: Installation error from version 6.6 fixed
- New: Added Shopware 6.6 compatibility
- New: Added ElasticSearch to admin
- Improvement: Removed deprecated code from SW 6.4 & SW 6.5
- Fix: Fixed some translations
- Fix: Fixed ingredients quantity calculation on missing SEO-URLs
- Fix: Fixed broken recipe detail pages in some cases
- Fix: Removed inactive products from recipe ingredients
- Fix: Fixed broken recipe listing
- New: Added blog post listing sorting
- New: Added comments GDPR checkbox
- Fix: Cache gets invalidated on blog post deletion
- Fix: Fixed card title tooltip
- Fix: Fixed ES indexing for SW 6.5
- Fix: Fixed ES results for SW 6.5
- Fix: Added possibility to allow empty number inputs
- New: Added new sorting possibilities for recipes
- New: Added possibility to change default sorting for recipe listing
- Improvement: Added recipe main category to recipe listing
- Fix: Fixed broken recipe tab navigation in admin
- New: Added possibility to set decimal places for intgredient quantity
- Improvement: Delete SEO URL templates during plugin deinstallation
- Improvement: Product selection with variants
- Fix: Fixed recipe slider CMS element resolver in some cases (missing product IDs)
- Fix: Fixed missing icons in SW 6.5
- Fix: Changed frontend route naming
- Fix: Fixed missing CMS block sidebar filter in SW 6.5
- New: Added recipe reviews
- Improvement: Added possibility to define title tag for recipe slider
- Fix: Fixed Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- Fix: Fixed Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- New: Added Shopware 6.5 compatibility
- Improvement: Improved recipe category denormalizer performance
- New: Added recipe listing filters
- Fix: Fixed CMS slider criteria
- Fix: Fixed recipe listing, suggest and search criteria events
- Improved: Improved admin recipe detail heading.
- Improved: Added new CMS element criteria events
- Fix: Fixed disabled filters bug
- Fix: Fixed PDF generation
Fix: Fixed some ingredient units
- New: Added new ingredient units
- Fix: Improved category selection in admin
- Fix: Fixed minutes formatter
- Fix: Fixed sitemap generation
- New: Added basic EnterpriseSearch compatibility
- Fix: Fixed og, twitter and meta images
- Fix: Fixed initialization error
Fix: Fixed "add all ingredients to card" in some cases
- Fix: Fixed ingredients quantity calculation in some cases
- Fix: Fixed ingredients quantity calculator
- Fix: Fixed default media folder migration
- Fix: Fixed wrong filters in product listing
- New: Added ElasticSearch support
- New: Added possibility to skip recipe specific indexers during indexing
- Improvement: Improved search keyword indexing - especially for huge number of recipes
- Fix: Fixed broken sidebar for SW and greater
- Fix: Fixed some twig blocks
- New: Added CMS recipe slider
- Improvement: Added possibility to hide sorting and set page limit in CMS recipe listing
- Improvement: Added author to meta information in recipe pages
- Improvement: Added PHP and JS linting for better code quality
- New: Recipes can now be published planned in advance
- New: Added support for custom fields
- New: Added possibility to add products in ingredient to cart
- Improvement: Added properties data to recipes
- New: Added recipe media folder with support for thumbnails
- New: Added support for sitemaps
- New: Added possibility for minimal recipe box
- New: Added more listing filters which can be disabled via the configs
- Fix: Added missing SEO url translations
- Fix: Fixed SVG logo handling in PDFs. Note: You need to use PdfCrowd to show SVG logos.
- Fix: Fixed dynamic recipe quantity calculation
- Fix: Fixed disabled property filter in recipe listing pages
- Fix: Some missing translations were added.
- Fix: Caching of the search fixed
- Fix: Fixed recipe details in some cases
- Fix: Fixed compatibility with our "Advanced Search" plugin
- Fix: Migration funktionieren nun wieder
- Verbessert: Plugin-Symbol ist jetzt schärfer
Fix: Cache validity for recipe list filter and sorting fixed.
- New: Faster loading times due to improved recipe caching.
- New: Recipe search & suggestions possible using API.
- New: New REST API routes for recipes
- New: OpenAPI support
- Fix: Recipes did not always update after saving due to lack of cache invalidation.
- New: Compatibility with Shopware 6.4
- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 7.4
- New: Added possibility to change default portions.
- New: Added portions to recipe PDF download.
- Improvement: Recipe descriptions & preparation step descriptions can now be formatted.
- New: PDF downloads can now be cached
- New: PDF downloads can now be generated with Pdfcrowd
- New: New plugin configuration page available
- Fix: Missing images for product recommendations are back.
- Fix: Products linked in ingredients work again.
- Fix: Fixed recipe preparation time & cooking time.
- New: Added new recipe info like preparation time, cooking time, total time & kilocalories.
- New: The PDF download button now has an icon.
- Fix: The recipe content is displayed in the mobile view again.
- Neu: Anzahl der Rezepte in der Admin-Liste hinzugefügt
- Verbessert: Einige Übersetzungstasten wurden verbessert
- Verbessert: Verbesserter Rezeptbox-Code
- Behoben: SEO-Url-Aktualisierung behoben
- Behoben: Admin-Suche behoben
- Fix: Fixed broken recipe pages in older Shopware versions
- Improvement: Cleaned up some admin code
- Improvement: The JSON-LD markup now uses the first image of the recipe as fallback.
- Fix: Fixed wrong markup for the icon list
- Improvement: Verbesserte dynamische Rezeptberechnung im Storefront
- Fix: Einige fehlerhafte Vorschauen von Admin-CMS-Elementen behoben
- Fix: Einige fehlende Übersetzungen hinzugefügt
- Fix: Fixed recipe main category assignment
- Fix: Fixed recipe PDF download if GD extension is not installed.
-Fix: Deinstallation now deletes the complete plugin data
- Improvement: Cleaned up some Code
- Fix: Fixed max logo width in recipes PDF downloads
- New: Now it's possible to add recipes.