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Animated Experiences

Rating: no rating ( write a review )
Downloads: <100


About the Extension

Some spice for your Shoppingworlds.

Animate your shopping experiences elements with this plugin and spice up your site.

You have following global options:

- offset
- delay
- duration
- easing
- once

  • Fade animations:

    • fade
    • fade-up
    • fade-down
    • fade-left
    • fade-right
    • fade-up-right
    • fade-up-left
    • fade-down-right
    • fade-down-left
  • Flip animations:

    • flip-up
    • flip-down
    • flip-left
    • flip-right
  • Slide animations:

    • slide-up
    • slide-down
    • slide-left
    • slide-right
  • Zoom animations:

    • zoom-in
    • zoom-in-up
    • zoom-in-down
    • zoom-in-left
    • zoom-in-right
    • zoom-out
    • zoom-out-up
    • zoom-out-down
    • zoom-out-left
    • zoom-out-right

Easing functions:
    • linear
    • ease
    • ease-in
    • ease-out
    • ease-in-out
    • ease-in-back
    • ease-out-back
    • ease-in-out-back
    • ease-in-sine
    • ease-out-sine
    • ease-in-out-sine
    • ease-in-quad
    • ease-out-quad
    • ease-in-out-quad
    • ease-in-cubic
    • ease-out-cubic
    • ease-in-out-cubic
    • ease-in-quart
    • ease-out-quart
    • ease-in-out-quart


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 2 July 2024
  • Publication date: 2 September 2020
  • Version: 1.3.0
  • Category: Shopping Experiences


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About the Extension Partner



See all extensions:

Partner Status

Shopware Bronze Partner
Bronze Partner
Shopware Extension Partner
Extension Partner


  • Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2 October 2014
  • Extensions: 34
  • Country: Slovakia


  • Support languages: German, English
  • Support response time: Very quickly