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Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Form for requests for the shopping experiences

Rating: 4.9

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

(17 reviews)
Downloads: 1,403



  • a own request form for the shopping experiences, in which the following fields are possible, also as required fields: salutation, first name, last name, street address, postal code, city, country, email, phone number, comment, date field and up to 4 fields for free inputs
  • the form can either be sent by email to an email address and / or the data can be saved in the database, where the requests can be managed via the own administration module
  • a start and end date can also be specified for the date field and dates that should not be selectable can be entered
  • if necessary, a requested date can not be longer selected in the date field on the respective page, i.e. in the category, on the landing page or at the product where the form was placed via an shopping experience
  • by hiding selected fields, the form can also only be used for general requests, so that it can be used as a normal contact form

About the Extension


If you have any questions and if they have not already been answered in the area "Frequently Asked Questions", simply contact us via the email shopware-apps-support@t-systems-mms.com and we will be happy to help you.

Description of the app

The app "Form for requests for the shopping experiences" adds a request form to the CMS, which can be placed in a Shopping Experience using the own CMS block of the same name or the own CMS element of the same name. The desired settings for the form are made at the CMS element and not on a category, a landing page or a product, because the form can also be displayed in places such as in a modal box without reference to a page.

The following fields can be displayed in the form and, if necessary, marked as required fields:

  • salutation
  • first name
  • last name
  • street address
  • postal code
  • city
  • country
  • email
  • phone number
  • comment
  • date field
  • data protection information
  • up to 10 fields for free inputs (of the type select, input or textarea field).

At the date field, you can also specify a start and end date and enter dates that should not be selectable. Furthermore, the calendar can also be displayed permanently open or you can display 2 months side by side. The comment, the date field and the free inputs can also be displayed above the salutation if necessary.

Using the option "determine available, selectable data also from the requests" of the date field, it is possible that a period that has already been requested and confirmed by the shop owner can no longer be selected at the date field or calendar at the selected product, category or landing page, where the form was placed via a shopping experience, and is therefore blocked. So you have a kind of "booking calendar" that you could use for rentals, for example. It can also be specified within the extension configuration that a request does not have to be confirmed separately so that a period is blocked immediately.

If required, the required fields information can also be hidden and the text of the submit button can also be customized.

With the option "manually set the origin of the request based on the form" it is also possible that the same request form can be placed on different pages in the shop and the selected and confirmed periods are automatically deactivated on all pages. In this case, you specify values for "origin", "origin value" and "individual origin id" in the form. In addition, this function also makes it possible to place several different request forms on the same page, for example on an overview page.

Among other things, the title, an introductory text and a confirmation text can be specified for the form. Furthermore the form can either be sent by email to one or more email addresses or the requester and / or the data entered can be saved in the database

Via the new menu item "requests" under "customer" you can manage the incoming requests and confirm a period request from a customer so that the requested date can not be longer selected in the date field on the respective page, i.e. in the category, on the landing page or at the product where the form was placed via a shopping experience. You can also specify within the extension configuration that the confirmed status of the requests should be ignored so that the requested data is already automatically deactivated.

Requests can also be added manually via the administration module.

By hiding selected fields, the form can also only be used for general requests, for example without a date selection, so that it can be used as a normal contact form.

The available snippets for customizing are:

  • tmms.periodRequestForm.salutation.label: the default value of the label of the salutation
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.salutation.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the salutation
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.firstname.label: the default value of the label of the first name
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.firstname.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the first name
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.lastname.label: the default value of the label of the last name
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.lastname.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the last name
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.street.label: the default value of the label of the street address
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.street.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the street address
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.zipcode.label: the default value of the label of the postal code
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.zipcode.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the postal code
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.city.label: the default value of the label of the city
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.city.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the city
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.country.label: the default value of the label of the country
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.country.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the country
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.email.label: the default value of the label of the email address
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.email.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the email address
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.phone.label: the default value of the label of the phone number
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.phone.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the phone number
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.comment.label: the default value of the label of the comment
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.comment.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the comment
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.date.dateLabel: the default value of the label of the period
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.date.datePlaceholder: the default value of the placeholder of the period
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.date.dateRequiredErrorMessageLabel: the default value of the error message if the date field is required
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.date.dateFormat: the default value of the date format of the calendar
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.date.showWeeksNumbers: the default value for displaying the calendar weeks in the calendar
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.freeinput.label: the default value of the label of the free input
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.freeinput.placeholder: the default value of the placeholder of the free input
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.freeinput.placeholderActionInput: the default value of the enter-placeholder of the free input
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.freeinput.placeholderActionSelect: the default value of the select-placeholder of the free input
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.origin.productLabel: the default value of the origin of the product
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.origin.navigationLabel: the default value of the origin of the category
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.origin.landingpageLabel: the default value of the origin of the landing page
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.submitLabel: the default value of the send button
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.inputMaxLength: the default value of the maxlength attribute for single-line input fields
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.textareaMaxLength: the default value of the maxlength attribute for multi-line input fields
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.textareaNumberRows: the default value of the number of rows for multi-line input fields
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.confirmationText: the default value of the confirmation text after successfully submitting the form
  • tmms.periodRequestForm.errorText: the default value of the confirmation text after unsuccessful submission of the form

The available variables to customize the email template "request form" are:

  • periodRequestFormData.origin: the content of the field origin
  • periodRequestFormData.originId: the internal id of the origin
  • periodRequestFormData.originName: the content of the field origin name
  • periodRequestFormData.salutation: the content of the field salutation
  • periodRequestFormData.firstname: the content of the field first name
  • periodRequestFormData.lastname: the content of the field last name
  • periodRequestFormData.street: the content of the field street and house number
  • periodRequestFormData.zipcode: the content of the field postal code
  • periodRequestFormData.city: the content of the field city
  • periodRequestFormData.country: the content of the field country
  • periodRequestFormData.email: the content of the field email
  • periodRequestFormData.phone: the content of the field phone
  • periodRequestFormData.comment: the content of the field comment
  • periodRequestFormData.date: the content of the field period
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInputLabel: the content of the field for the label of the first free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput: the content of the field first free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput2Label: the content of the field for the label of the second free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput2: the content of the field second free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput3Label: the content of the field for the label of the third free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput3: the content of the field third free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput4Label: the content of the field for the label of the fourth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput4: the content of the field fourth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput5Label: the content of the field for the label of the fifth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput5: the content of the field fifth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput6Label: the content of the field for the label of the sixth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput6: the content of the field sixth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput7Label: the content of the field for the label of the seventh free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput7: the content of the field seventh free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput8Label: the content of the field for the label of the eighth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput8: the content of the field eighth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput9Label: the content of the field for the label of the ninth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput9: the content of the field ninth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput10Label: the content of the field for the label of the tenth free input
  • periodRequestFormData.freeInput10: the content of the field tenth free input


  • Available: English, German
  • Latest update: 5 March 2025
  • Publication date: 11 January 2022
  • Version: 1.2.4
  • Category: Shopping Experiences


Reviews (17)

Average rating

Average rating of 4.8 out of 5 stars

Based on 17 reviews
4.9 Functionality
4.9 Usability
4.8 Documentation
1.7 Support

94 %
6 %
0 %
0 %
0 %

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Top Support für ein kostenloses Plugin!

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Mikuteit
23 September 2024 15:23
Hatten, auf Grund eines anderen Plugins, etwas Probleme. Trotzdem wurde uns so weit es geht extrem schnell geholfen! Ansosnten macht es genau das, was es soll!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Sehr flexibel, aber leicht zu konfigurieren

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Hans
16 September 2024 17:45
Unglaublich umfangreich für eine kostenlose Erweiterung. Wir sind begeistert! Herzlichen Dank.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Vielen Dank ...

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Michael Schaller
12 August 2024 13:05
... für die kostenlose Bereitstellung der Erweiterung. Sie ist mir sehr hilfreich!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Top Support

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Stefan Christiansen
5 August 2024 15:52
Wo der Support nicht in unmittelbar erfolgter Antwort die gewünschte Funktion aufzeigen konnte wurde sie kurzfristig ergänzt. Solch konstruktiven Dialog wünschte ich mir auch mit Schöppingen ... ;)

Bis dahin Grüße mit der Brille in Magenta ;))
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Einfach Klasse

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Baumarkt
10 May 2024 12:42
Aktuell ist Plugin für unsere speziele Anforderungen noch nicht ganz geeignet, aber nach Rücksprache mit Entwickler werden da mit der nächsten Version noch weitere Anpassungen kommen. Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH macht wirklich tolle Plugins. Und vor allem kostenlos. Auch Support und Hilfestellung sind ausgezeichnet! Vielen Dank!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Tolles Plugin

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Portares
29 April 2024 14:51
Einfach und funktionell. Schnelle Anpassung an aktuelle Shopware-Versionen.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Robert Krämer
18 April 2024 15:09
Super einfach das Kontaktformular um ein Feld für den Firmennamen zu erweitern. Für B2B unbedingt zu empfehlen.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Vielen Dank für die tolle Erweiterung zur komplexeren Kontaktanfrage innerhalb von Shopware.

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by WEB-2B
16 April 2024 14:43
Großen Dank der Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH die hier ein solches Plugin kostenfrei der Community zur Verfügung stellen. Der Support hatte direkt auf meine Anfrage geantwortet und betreut aktiv die Erweiterung (Shopware Updates). Ich hoffe wir können die Erweiterung noch lange nutzen!
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
0.0 Support
Großartiges Formular

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

by Robin U
22 November 2023 09:19
Dieses Formular ist wesentlich besser als das Standard Formular von Shopware 6. Vor allem die individuellen Felder die man hinzufügen kann. Das gibt uns die Möglichkeit auf unterschiedlichen Unterseiten andere Daten abzufragen. Auch großartig finde ich die Möglichkeit, sensible Kundendaten nur im Admin zu speichern und nicht über Email zu verbreiten.

Vielen Dank für dieses großartige Formular.
5.0 Functionality
5.0 Usability
5.0 Documentation
5.0 Support
Gibt es ein Update für SW ?!

Average rating of 4 out of 5 stars

by Amerald Paulsen
31 October 2023 20:43
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

gibt es ein Update für diese App für die Shopware Version oder kann die jetzige App auch in der o.g. neuen SW Version eingesetzt werden ?
Danke vorab für Ihre Nachricht !
4.0 Functionality
4.0 Usability
4.0 Documentation
4.0 Support
by Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH 8 November 2023 10:07
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

im Bereich "Häufig gestellte Fragen" auf der Beschreibungsseite der Erweiterung gibt es folgende Antwort auf die Frage, ab wann die App mit der aktuellsten Shopware 6 - Version kompatibel ist: "Am Tag des Erscheinens einer neuen Shopware 6 - Version prüfen wir, ob für diese gegebenenfalls Anpassungen an der App nötig sind und führen einen abschließenden Funktionstest in einem lokalen Demoshop von uns in dieser Shopware 6 - Version durch, bevor wir die App manuell für die neue Shopware 6 - Version freigeben. Aufgrund möglicher Abwesenheiten (beispielsweise Urlaub oder Krankheit) kann es hierbei aber auch zu Verzögerungen kommen".

Aufgrund des genannten Ablaufs ist bei keiner unserer Erweiterungen die Option "Automatische Versions-Kompatibilität" aktiv, da es sonst passieren könnte, dass die neueste Version der Erweiterung für eine Shopware Version freigegeben ist, in der sie dann gar nicht funktioniert und dies wäre wahrscheinlich in niemandes Sinne.

Shopware Version ist am 31.10.2023 um 16:10 Uhr erschienen ( https://www.shopware.com/de/changelog/ ), also an einem Feiertag sehr spät am Abend, speziell am Reformationstag. Oft sind Wochen mit Feiertagen auch gleichzeitig Urlaubswochen. Deshalb kam es nachvollziehbarer Weise zu Verzögerungen bei der Freigabe.

About the Extension Partner

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Deutsche Telekom MMS GmbH

Partner Status

  • Shopware Gold Partner Shopware
    Gold Partner
  • Shopware Extension Partner Shopware
    Extension Partner


  • Ø-Rating: 4.9

    Average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars

  • Partner since: 2021
  • Extensions: 5
  • Certifications: Certifications


  • Based in: Germany
  • Speaks: German, English
  • Response time: Very quickly
Shopware 6 certified This Extension Partner has been certified by our Academy for Shopware 6.